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1、PEP English (Book 3)Unit5 Dinners ready. PartA Lets learn& Lets play 汕头市桂花小学 黄静如教材版本:PEP English (Book 3)教学年级:四年级课题名称:Unit5 Dinners ready. PartA Lets learn & Lets play课型: 单词课授课时间:40分钟一学生分析1.本课教学对象是四年级的学生,此阶段的学生活泼、积极,对英语有着浓厚的学习兴趣,喜欢回答问题,乐于参加学习任务。2.此阶段的学生经过一年多的英语学习,已经熟练掌握一部分食物单词,本节课的重要句型 “Id like some

2、.”在三年级的时候已有学习,学生已经掌握了一些表达对食物的喜爱、请求吃东西、请别人享用食物的句子,并能在日常生活中进行一些简单的问答。二教材分析1.(PEP) Book Three Unit5 的主题是食物,学生可以通过看图了解单元话题及相关文化知识,了解核心词汇与句型的语用环境,学会在日常的生活情境灵活运用。2.本节课是Unit 5的第二课时,教学内容包括 Lets learn 和 Lets play两个部分,核心词汇是:noodles,beef, vegetables, soup, chicken. 核心句型是:What would you like? Id like some.让学生在情

3、境中灵活运用单词和句型。三教学目标学生能够听、说、认读单词 “beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable”;能够熟练运用句型 “What would you like? Id like some.”征求和表达用餐意愿。四教学重难点1.能在情境中用所学的句型熟练、灵活地进行对话。2.引导学生发现 “noodles” 和 “vegetables” 的复数形式。3.利用语音,帮助学生认读单词。五教学策略1.本节课所学的五种食物,学生在日常中接触比较多,对部分词的读音有一定的了解,通过图片呈现食物,让学生把单词的形和音结合起来,通过游戏的设置,各种情境的活动,让学生

4、把单词的形和义结合起来,并能放到句子中使用。2.本课主要运用情境教学法,整体教学法来突出重点、突破难点。3.课前准备多媒体PPT,图片,食物印纸,自制菜单,购物券等。六教学过程(一)创设情境,引入新课(Warming-up)1. Play a song: What would you like?2. Free talk:T: Hello! Boys and girls. Nice to see you again?Ss: .T: Who is she?Ss: T: Angelababy has a restaurant. There is much yummy food. Do you wan

5、t to eat?Ss: Yes.T: But we have no money. We should earn money first. You are divided into four groups.(呈现四个储钱罐,示意学生分为4组)设计意图活泼的歌谣,为学生提供轻松的课堂气氛,调动学生的积极性。创设情境,用学生感兴趣的明星激发学生的学习积极性,鼓励学生参加接下来的任务活动。(二)新课教学(Presentation)Task 1: Whats in the menu?(1) Play a game: Sharp eyes.Show the pictures of food which

6、have learned before and ask students to speak out quickly.(2) Lead in the new word “noodles”.T: There are todays specials. The running men want to have them. Now lets see what Li Chen like. (出现对话,遮住图片一部分,让学生猜测是什么)(3) Lead in the new word “beef”.T: Look at the picture. What kind of noodles Li Chen li

7、ke?Ss: .(4) Lead in the word “vegetables”.T: Do you like beef noodles?Ss: .T: Im thin. Do you know what I like? (引入三个单词之后,玩猜拳游戏)(5)Lead in the word “soup” .T: Wang Zulan also goes to the restaurant. Lets listen what he like. T: What would Wang Zulan like?Ss: Hed like some soup.(1)Lead in the word “c

8、hicken”.(呈现各种汤的图片)T: What kind of soup can you see?Ss: .T: Wow, its yummy. What kind of soup?Ss: Chicken soup.T: Whats in the soup?Ss: Chicken.( 教授完这两个单词,玩游戏:Guessing game.)在教授单词的过程中,把单词放到句子 “What would you like? Id like some” 中呈现,做到词不离句。给学生提出任务,用不同方式引出单词,给学生代金券,鼓励学生,让学生参与到其中,自己发现,在单词操练中加入游戏,调动学生的学习

9、兴趣和积极性(三)教学操练(Practice)Task 2: Play a game: What is missing?Task 3: Play a game: Memory challengeShow the pictures of the running men and present what they like. Then ask students to remember them quickly. Task 4:Finish sentences (呈现图片,让学生根据图片来完成句子)给学生设置任务,从词到句,再到做调查,层层递进,通过游戏,分组等多种形式,调动学生参加的积极性,提高学

10、生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。(四) 教学巩固与提高(Consolidation and extension)T: Lets see what kind of food in babys restaurant. Ss:.T: Do you want to eat?Ss: .T: Now we have enough money. We can go to the restaurant.(1) Discuss what you like. Four students a group. (Emotional education: Dont waste the food.)(2) Order the

11、food.T: Now Im the waitress. What would you like?S1: Id like some.S2: Id like some.S3: Id like some.S4: Id like some.T: Who wants to be the waiter?(让学生戴上Angelababy 的头饰,扮演服务员,请其他同学扮演顾客)通过设置情境,并戴上学生喜欢的明星的头饰,让学生把前面完成活动任务获得的代金券,用来点餐,激发学生进行对话的兴趣,调动学生运用语言的积极性,从单词到句子再到对话,层层递进。(四)教学总结( Conclusion)1. Read Angelababys happy day.(用今天所学的单词和以前学习过的句式串成小短文,先请两位学生扮演角色,读出短文,最后再全班一起读。)2. Lets chant together.3. Homework.采用小短文和chant 的形式进行总结,让学生再次了解单词在不同句子中的用法。七板书Unit5 Dinners readyWhat would you like? PartA Lets learn& Lets play Id like some .noodles beef vegetables soup chicken


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