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1、2015秋季学期七年级(上)英语学科导学案 编制人:梁子群 审核人:七年级英语组 班级: 小组: 姓名:Unit 7 Shopping Welcome to the unit (第1课时)学习目标1.知识目标:掌握下列词汇:free, wallet, clip, album, sticker, yo-yo, idea, already, want sb to do sth, want to do sth, need sb to do sth, need to do sth.掌握适合青少年的普通礼物的有关词汇2.技能目标:能就购买礼物的话题展开对话重点难点 重点词汇的掌握【课前导学】一翻译下列短

2、语:1、和我一起去购物_ 2、没空_3、想要买许多东西_ 4、跟我来_5、需要你拎所有包_ 6、一个新的购物中心_7、想要买些礼物给他们_ 8、一本相册_9、向米莉求助_ 10、非常喜欢踢足球_【课时导航】二根据汉语完成单词。1. Does he have any music _( 唱片) at the moment?21cnjycom2. Millie loves beautiful _(玩具).3. Kitty has many _(礼物) for her birthday. 21cnjy4. My cousin likes collecting _(邮票) after school.5.

3、 Boys in our school often buy footballs in that_(体育用品) shop.【实战演练】三用所给单词的正确形式填空:1. Boys usually like _ (play) football very much.2. Id like _(buy) Jim a walkman. I think he _(like) it.3. Ann, Mr. Wu_(want) you _(go) to his office. He _(wait) for you.4. There _(be) a lot of birds _(sing) in the tree.

4、5. The dog _ (lie) on the ground. Maybe it is ill.6. Its interesting _(play) games. I often play it after _(finish) my homework.7. My mother wants me _(go) _ (shop) with her.二单项选择。( )1. -Do you like this shirt? -No, I its colour. A. like B. need C. find D. hate( )2. -Lets buy some apples. -Sorry, I

5、dont have any with me. A. time B. money C. meat D. food( )3. -What do you want to do? -I want to go to a to buy some books. A. bookshop B. school C. library D. mall( )4. -The box is too heavy. I cant it. -Let me help you. A. see B. carry C. eat D. find( )5. -Lucys birthday is coming. I want to give

6、her a book as a . -Thats a good idea. A. lesson B. party C. job D. gift教学反思:Unit 7 Shopping Reading(第2课时)学习目标 1.知识目标:学习有关购物的词汇shopkeeper, minute, just a minute, cost , expensive, discount, quite pretty, match, also, enough, mind, Never mind. Can I help you? How much do cost? 2.技能目标:能用适当的语言描述自己的需要重点难

7、点 有关购物的交际用语【课前导学】一、 .译出下列词组或短语:1、在购物中心购物_ 2、稍等_3、看一看_ 4、相当贵_5、与她最喜欢的T恤很配_ 6、许多种发夹_【课时导航】二、根据首字母提示,填写与句意相符的单词:1. I cant buy that pen. Its too e_.2. Your new hair clips look nice. They m _ your new blouse.3. How p_ these flowers are! I like them very much.4. The traffic light is red. You must w_ for t

8、he green light.【实战演练】一、填空。1. -Is that_ (店主) kind? -Yes, he is.2. -How much are your shoes? -They _(花费) me 20 dollars.3. -Here is the _(零钱). -Thank you.4. -I think your shoes _(匹配) your white pants_(裤子) very well. - Thank you.5. -What colour is your hair clip? -Its _(粉红色的).二、根据汉语完成下列各句, 每空一词。1. 让我看一看

9、你的心发夹。Let me_ a your new hair clip.2. 你的足球卡片很便宜。Your football cards_ very_ .3. 在服装店里有不同种类的衣服。There are _ _ _clothes in the clothes shop.4. 吉姆没有足够的钱买那辆自行车。Jim doesnt have_ _ _ _ the bike.5. 这是你的零钱。Here_ your_ .6. 我的学校与你的学校不同。My school _ _ _your school.教学反思:Unit 7 Shopping Reading(第3课时)学习目标1.知识目标:掌握更多

10、有关购物的词汇high, wait2.技能目标:继续学习有关购物的交际用语重点难点 有关购物的交际用语【课前导学】A. 预习下列单词:high, waitB. 细读76页的对话,完成77页的B1习题。C. 根据76页的对话,完成77页的B2习题,判断句子是否正确。D. 知识点拨:She does not want to buy the same things as Amy did. 她不想和Amy买同样的东西。(1)as意为“按照,像一样”,此处是连词,后面接句子。All the students do as the teachers says. 学生们都按老师说的去做。(2)like 可用做

11、介词,意为:“像,像一样”一般后面接名词或代词。They taste a little like our pies. 它们尝起来有点像我们的馅饼。【课时导航】一、根据句意,首字母或汉语提示完成下列单词:1. My mother likes to go s_ at weekends.2. Amy bought some comic books at a 20% d_.3. This T-shirt is too e_. I cant buy it.4. Whats your f_ sport? Football.5. He wants to buy two _ (收音机).【实战演练】二、用所给

12、词的适当形式填空:1. Amy _(shop) in the supermarket now.2. We are all looking forward to _ (go) _ (fish) next Sunday.3. He should _(listen) to his mother.4. Id like _(buy) some bananas.5. There_(be) lots of boys_(play) basketball on the playground.6. _(be) there any money on the table?7. He _(not like) _(pla

13、y) computer games.8. Is Jim clever at _(draw)?9. _(not shout) over there. Your brother _(do) his homework. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子:1.这些发夹真漂亮。有其他颜色吗?_. _?2.我的钱不够了,衣服打折吗?_. _?3.这双鞋太贵了。有便宜一点的吗?_. _?4.这个尺码不对,你能给我拿大一点的吗?_. _?教学反思:Unit 7 Shopping Grammar(第4课时)学习目标, 1.知识目标 用some 和 any 谈论数量. 用there be 句型谈论事物的存在.2. 培

14、养发现规律和认识规律的能力.重点难点 区别some和any的用法【课前导学】一翻译下列词组或句子。1.美丽的校园_2.在我的学校周围_21*cnj3.在一家书店附近_4.许多好书_21教育网5.一些练习本_6.买音乐盒_21世纪*教7.一些其他好东西_8.为一位朋友买礼物_21*cnjy*com9.离不远_10.充足的零食_【课时导航】一、填空1. I need some p to write on.2. I need to buy (一些) Christmas presents.3. Do you have money? No, I dont have money.4. Would you

15、like tea? (一些)5. Can I have (一些) oranges?6. There (be) a pear on the table.7. There (be) some milk in the glass.8. There (be) some eggs in the shopping basket.9. There (be) a desk and some chairs in the room.10. There (be) two rulers and a pencil in the box.二、完成下列的句子1. There many sheep at the foot o

16、f the hill. (be)2. Is There a bank near here? No, .A. there isnt B. it isnt C. they aren3. Would you like (一些) bananas?4. There isnt a bike behind the tree. = There bike under the tree.【实战演练】三、用some或any填空。1. -Is there( ) bread in the bag? -Yes, there is.2. -Do you have ( )children, Mr. Gao? -Yes, I

17、have two.3. I dont have ( ) friends at my new school.4. -Can I ask questions? -Sure.5. -Would you like ( ) drinks? -Yes, please give me a cup of cola.教学反思:Unit 7 Shopping Integrated skills (第5课时)学习目标1、知识目标:掌握本课所出现的词汇poor, area, stationery, collect, notebook, writing paper, donate, principal, country

18、, raise, pair, size, try on, fit, cheap, jeans, yours sincerely, skirt, grey, large2、技能目标:能从所听内容中获取相关信息并从对话中找到不同购物习惯的具体信息掌握快速记忆词汇的方法3、情感目标:在一般购物情境下提高口头表达的流利性重点难点 能从所听内容中获取相关信息;从对话中找到不同购物习惯的具体信息【课前导学】一、根据汉语写出英语词组。1. 零用钱_ 5. 一双鞋_2. 长长的一段路_ 6. 试穿_3. 从书中学到很多_ 7. 太贵_4. 在贫困地区_ 8. 大部分的孩子_【课时导航】二、根据所给首字母或汉语

19、写出句中所缺单词。1. -Where is your money? Is it in your wallet? -No, its in my _(口袋).2. _(大部分) of the students in my class get to school by bus.3. That old man has no money and he is very _(贫穷的).4. -What _(尺寸) of shoes do you need? -36.5. -I think your shoes _(适合) you very well. -Thank you.and they cost me

20、a lot of money.【实战演练】三、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. There_ (be) a pair of shoes in the box.2. -Can I_( try) -Yes, you can.3. The little boy has so much pocket _(money).4. There are different kinds of _(T-shirt) in the clothes shop.5. -Can I help you? -Yes, Id like two_ (pair) of shoes.四、根据汉语完成下列各句, 每空一词。1. 我可以试穿它

21、们吗? May I _ _ _?2. 我们能有零用钱去买书籍。 We can use_ _ _ _ the books.3. 你想帮助一些贫困地区的儿童吗?Would you to the children in 4. 很感谢你的帮助。_a lot_ your help.5. 从书籍中我们能学到很多东西。 We can _ a lot _the books.6. 他们通常步行去上学,这是一段很长的路。They usually_ to school and it is a_ way.7. 这双鞋太贵,我能看另一双吗?This of shoes_ _ . Can I _ _ _?教学反思:Unit

22、 7 Shopping Study skills(第6课时)【课前导学】一翻译下列词组。1.从书中学到很多_2.大多数孩子 _3.一些贫困地区的孩子_4.最需要书_5.走很长一段路_6.有许多衣服_7.零用钱_8.一双鞋_9.试穿他们_10.另一双_11.太贵了_12. 非常合适_【课时导航】二根据汉语及首字母提示完成单词。1. This book _(花费) me 10 yuan .2.Can I t_ this coat on ? 3.-How do you use your p_ money? -I often buy books with it.4. I dont like this

23、bike. Can you show me _(又一个) one?5.The car is very e_, I dont have enough money to buy it.6. -Where is your money? Is it in your wallet? -No, its in my _ (口袋).7. _ (大部分) of the students in my class get to school by bus.8. That old man has no money and he is very _ (贫穷的).9. -What_ (尺寸) of shoes do yo

24、u need? -36.10. -What can I do for you? -I want a p_ of jeans.11. -Whats the p_ of your hair clip? -Ten yuan.12. -I think your shoes _ (适合) you very well. -Thank you.【实战演练】三用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.I have two _(pair) of new shoes .2.There are different _(clip) in the shop.3.Simon often _(try) the clothes on b

25、efore he buys .4.Are you _ (interest) in all your lessons?5.It takes me twenty minutes _(get) there.6.Would your brother like _(carry ) the box for you?四看单词,写出单词所缺的音标和汉语意思。1. class / a:s/ _ 2. bread / ed/ _ 3. spring / ri/ _ 4. twenty / enti / _5. uncle / / _ 6. pencil /pens / _7. cousin / kz / _ 8.

26、 noodle /nu: / _ _9. floor / :/ _ 10.pretty / iti/ _11. breakfast / ekfst/ _ 12.slow / u / _13.sky / ai/ _ 14.little /li / _教学反思:Unit 7 Shopping Task(第7课时)学习目标1. 培养学生的语篇意识。2. 了解如何写文章。【课前导学】一翻译下列词组。1. 五层楼的商店 2. 顶楼 3. 在公共汽车站附近 4. 看电影 5. 许多有趣的书 _ 6. 一间大的影院 7. 不同种类的衣服 _ 8. 所有的饭店_【课时导航】二用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. T

27、he mall is a good place _(meet) friends.2-1-c-n-j-y2.I like _(watch) films.3.There are five _(floor) of shops, and each floor _(be) big.4.We can _(get) different _(kind) of clothes in the shop.5.It has lots of _(interest) books. We are _(interest) in them.216.-How many _ (bus) _ (be) there in the st

28、reet? -There _ (be) one.7.Whats between the _ (glass)?8._(be)there any bread in the kitchen?9.Whose _ (toy) are those?10.-Do you like _ (swim),Ben? -No, I like _ (sing)11. The tree is between the _ (house).12. Look! The bus is _ (come).13. Lets go and join _ (they).【实战演练】一单项选择。( )1. -Are there any m

29、aps on the wall? -_. A. There are some. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there is one. D. No, there are. 21cnjycom( )2. How many _ are there in the picture? A. woman teachers B. women teachers C. woman teacher D. women teacher ( )3. There arent _ trees near the house. There is only one. A. any B. some C. many D. much( )4. There _ two bowls of rice on the table. A. is B. have C. has D. are( )5.I have enough_. A. exercise book B. exercises books C. exercise books D. exercises book 21教育网教学反思:


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