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1、Module 2 Unit 1 What did she have for lunch? 一、Teaching aim and demandUsing Ability task: Students learn how to use past tense to ask questions about three meals.ABasic Demands:Vocabulary: breakfast、lunch、dinner、email、deliciousReview:egg sausage sandwich chips fish and more.Sentences: What did she h

2、ave for lunch? She had sandwiches.B Revision2. The using way of “resent indefinite tense” “usually”二、Teaching difficulties: Use adjective words to describe objects.三、Teaching aidsTape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.四、teaching processStep 1 warming-up a. Greeting. b. Free talkT: Lets have a topic

3、about food. My favorite food is dumpling, I like dumpling, what about you?Ss: I like noodles.S1: I like rice.T: We know so many Chinese food, now, lets talk about English food. What English food do you know?S1:hamburger.S2: hot dog.Teacher writes them on black board.(1) Match game about compare Chin

4、ese food or English food.(2)Show PPT about some foods and to review the words: (breakfast lunch dinner egg sausage sandwich fish chip) Step 2 Presentation (1) Before the lesson T will ask the Ss: “Whats your favorite food?” In this part Ss should try to remember the foods word. Lets compete in each

5、group. (2) T: Do you know any traditional food in England? Yesterday our friend Lingling had a lot of English food, lets see what are they?Step 3 Practice (asks and answers in small group)(1) What did she have for breakfast? She had eggs and sausages.(2) What did she have for dinner? She had fish an

6、d chips.Step 4 Listen and Read.(1) Listen to the cassette and point.(2) Listen and repeat then T will explain some words and important sentences for Ss.Step 5 Homework(1)Listen and read the text 3 times.(2)Write the new words. (5words)(3)Draw a picture about your meals: (some Ss had better to write

7、the sentences by themselves) Module 2 Unit1What did she have for lunch? 第二课时一、Teaching aim:Using simple past tense to ask about eating habit.二、Teaching content:1.新词汇中清浊辅音的发音需强化,便于单词的记忆。如:【dr 、f、 p】2.涉及过去时句型的陈述句及特殊疑问句的应用:(1) What did she have for breakfast?(2)She had eggs and sausages.(3)What did she

8、 have for dinner? (4)She had fish and chips.三、Teaching procedure:Step1 Warming up:(1) Lets review the Verb. Past tense for Ss.(2) Ask and answer. (3) Listen and repeat game:Step 2 Review (1) Lets listen and repeat the M2U1 text. (2) T will explain some sentences again for Ss Step 3 Lets see the scre

9、en then ask and answer questions: (1) Where is the email from? (2) What is the email about?(3) What does it say? (4) What did Lingling have for breakfast? Step 4 Reading Game:(1) Read and find the other Ss to continue read.Step 5 Home work(1) Act the text in your small group.(2) Try to remember the

10、new words, prepare to have a dictation.(3)Translate the English sentence into the Chinese. (4) Fill in this chart.MenuBreakfastLunchDinner1、每个人身上都有惰性和消极情绪,成功的人都是懂得管理自己的情绪和克服自己的惰性,并像太阳一样照亮身边的人,激励身边的人。2、你心里最崇拜谁,不必变成那个人,而是用那个人的精神和方法,去变成你自己。3、你今天必须做别人不愿做的事,好让你明天可以拥有别人不能拥有的东西。4、不要觉得全心全意去做看起来微不足道的事,是一种浪费,





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