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1、英语综合时态练习 1 .My sister _ the Youth League last year. A. joined B. have joined C. has joined D. did join2. Neither of us _ a doctor. A. were B. am C. is D. are3. Mr Zhao doesnt like swimming, _? A. didnt he B. did he C. does he D. wont he 4. Ill talk to him when he _. A. come B. will come C. comes D.

2、came5. Well go climbing if it _ tomorrow. A. wont rain B. did rain C. isnt rain D. doesnt rain6. I dont know if it _ tomorrow. A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is rain7. Nathan Hale _ he _ his life for his country. A. saidgive B. sayswill give C. saidgives D. saidwould give8. Most people _ TV. A.

3、enjoy to watch B. enjoy watch C. enjoy watching D. enjoys watching9.Father _ his cap and went out. A. put on B. puts on C. had put D. will put on10.How long _ your uncle _ in the army ? A. hasjoined B. hasbeen C. doesjoin D. hadjoined11.Peter _ the work in a week. A. have finished B. finishes C. is

4、finishing D. will finish12.The students _ the History Museum if it _ fine tomorrow. A. will visit.is B. will visitwill be C. would visit was D. would visitwould be13._ she _ her lessons at seven yesterday evening ? A. Wasgoing over B. Isgo over C. Hasgone over D. Willgo over14.Both of the two dictio

5、naries _ very useful. A. are B. is C. was D. am15. He _ to me since last month. A. didnt write B. hadnt written C. hasnt written D. wont write16. Xu Ping _ to Japan only once. A. has gone B. had gone C. had been D. has been17._ you ever _ to Nanjing ? A. Havegone B. Havebeen C. Dogo D. Will go18. He _ he _ something wrong before. A. sayswas B. say.have done C. saidhad done D. saidwould do


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