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1、Teaching PlanSchool: Wuning Road Primary School(武宁路小学)Teacher: Doreen(邓莉)Book: OXFORD ENGLISH 5A M2U3Topic: My home教学目标:A. 基本目标:l 理解并朗读再构文本,使学生了解Jill和Amy的家以及他们喜欢自己家的理由。l 使学生能用句型 “ , because”来表达理由。l 使学生能用句型:“face(s)”来表达房间的朝向。l 使学生初步感知 “ Why?” 的用法。l 使学生能认读、理解并初步运用表示方向的单词:north, south,east, westB. 发展目标

2、:l 使学生能综合运用所学句型: “There is/are I like, because. face(s) ”来介绍自己的家以及自己喜欢的房间。C. 情感目标:l 使学生体验不同的住宅文化,并感知“家”给他们生活带来的欢乐,激发学生热爱自己的“家”,享受“家”的生活乐趣。教学重点与难点:l 使学生能用句型:“face(s)”来表达房间的朝向。l 学习再构文本,使学生了解Jill和Amy对自己家的看法。技术与学习资源运用:l 多媒体教学课件l 牛津教材l 学生学习材料l 单词卡片教学过程:STEPSCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEPre-task1. Warming-up1. E

3、njoy the pictures ofdifferent rooms.2. Talk about the roomsstudents like.通过欣赏各种类型“家”的图片,引出本课主题。通过说说自己喜欢的房间的图片来复习和调动学生已有认知,为后续学习做好铺垫。While-task procedure(Passage 1)1. Jills home(Passage 2)2. Amys home3Jills home or Amys home1. Read and choose.Which is Jills home? Tell the reason.2. Listen and read.Wh

4、y is Jill happy with her home?Read and tick.3 face(s) south. loud mouth south Read the phrase. Which room faces south too?4. Read the message. Ask and answer.1. Watch a video about Sydney.2. Read and answer the question: What does Amy think of her home?Ask and answer.3. New word: north, east, westWa

5、tch a video about cardinal directions.Read the new words.4 Look and say.5 Read the message together.1. Think and say.通过读一读Jill在微信上发布的有关自己家的信息,使学生对Jill的家有初步的认识。并通过Jill提供的信息判断哪个是她的家,培养学生用英语思维的能力。通过听听读读,选择和问答的方式,让学生了解Jill喜欢家的理由。通过观看视频让学生对悉尼有初步的认识。 通过师问生答的方式,让学生提取文本相关的信息,培养学生的阅读能力。通过观看有关方向的视频,使学生对抽象的方向有

6、直观的认识。让学生站在Amy的角度从书房看海,听海浪声,让学生体验Amy喜欢书房的理由,从而让学生感受到这样的家给Amy带来的快乐。通过让学生说说他们喜欢Jill的家还是Amy的家,对今天所学的内容做一整体回顾。为学生的全面输出,提供基础。Post-task activities1. Students home1. Talk about the home with the partner.学生运用所学的知识进行语言的输出。2. Assignments:1. Read the messages from Jill and Amy.2. Write about your home.(1) How

7、many rooms arethere in your home?(2) Which room do you like?(3) Why?3. Share it with me on WeChat.学生通过微信和老师或同学分享有关自己家的信息,老师可以在学生发布的信息下发表评论,第二节课进行交流。再构文本材料(Text) Jills homeMy home is nice. There are two bedrooms and a living room. In front of the living room, theres a bathroom and a kitchen. Theres n

8、o dining room, so we eat in the kitchen. I like my bedroom, because its lovely. There are many pink things. Pink is my favourite colour. I also like the living room, because its so big! And it faces south. Theres a lot of sunshine. I am happy with my home! Amys homeMy home is large. There are four bedrooms , two living rooms and a study. I like the study, because it faces north. The sun shines through the window. Beside the study is my bedroom. I like it too, because it faces the sea. Every day I hear the waves and enjoy the beautiful sea view. Im happy with my home.


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