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1、This is my sister.教案第二课时Teaching aims (教学目标)1. 学会区分英文名的性别。2. 进一步巩固并熟练掌握人物称谓。2. 能根据图片和描述,理解短文。Language points (语言点)1. 词汇:1)名词n. photo, picture, girl, dog 2)副词adj. here 3)介词prep. of 4)形容词兼名词adj. & n. next 2. 词组:two nice photos of my familyin the first photoin the next picture the name of the dog 3.句型:

2、 学会使用Here are/is 巩固并熟练掌握These are Difficulties (教学难点)1)运用阅读策略引导学生进行短文阅读。2)帮助学生理解倒装句In the next picture are my brothers. Teaching steps (教学步骤)1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)1. Daily greetingsT: Good morning/afternoon. Whos on duty today?S: I am. T: Is everyone here today?S: Yes. Everyone is here.

3、 / No, is not here.T: Thank you. 2. Revision1)Teacher shows a photo of his/her family and friends to the students and introduces the people in it. 2)Ask some students to show the pictures they drew and introduce the people in it. 3)Play a guessing game Ask some individuals to show their pictures and

4、 get the others to ask using the sentence pattern: Is that your? Are those your ? Whos he? Who are they? The student who is showing the picture answers their questions. Each student only guess no more than three times. 3. Have a dictation Teacher reads some words and sentences the students learned i

5、n the last period. And ask the students to write them down. 【教学设计说明】日 常问候是为了帮助学生尽快进入学习的良好状态;教师展示相片并进行介绍一方面是帮助学生回忆上一堂课的内容,同时也是给学生做示范,让学生能模仿介绍自己 的全家福等照片;学生展示他们所画的图片,让其余的学生用疑问句来进行猜测,是帮助学生在真实的语言环境中进行交际,增强他们的学习兴趣;听写是为了检查 学生课后是否完成复习上一堂课的任务。2. Playing a game Who can be the quickest?(做游戏看谁反应快?) 老师说出人物之间的关系,

6、学生说出其称谓。看谁最先说出。 e.g. T: Fathers father. S: Grandfather or grandpa. T: mothers sister. S: Aunt. 【教学设计说明】此环节一方面是是帮助学生理清家庭成员之间的关系,另一方面是检查学生对家庭成员的称谓是否掌握。3. Work on 2a (完成2a)1)T: Whats your name? S: My name is T: In this unit we have known some English first names. Can you tell me? S: Yes. They are Jenny

7、, Bob, Jack, Linda, Tom, Mary, Kate, Jane, Sally, Helen, Eric, Cindy, John and Paul. (While the students are talking, the teacher writes them on the blackboard. )T: You did well. But do you know which names are for male and which names are for female? (Explain) Boys and men are males. For example, L

8、i Long is a male. Mr Zhang is a male. (列举几个班上的男生或男老师) Girls and women are females. For example, Li Xia is a female. Miss Liu is a female. Understand? 2)Now, please look at 2a on Page 11. Write down the male first names in the first box and the female first name in the second box. 3) Check the answer

9、s. 【教学设计说明】此环节主要是帮助学生分清常见英文名适用的性别,了解male,female这两个词。4. Work on 2b & 2c (完成2b & 2c)Before reading: Talk about the pictures.T: Here are two photos. (板书:Here are )Are they photos of a family?S: Yes.T: Who are they? Do you know?S: No. T: Who is talking about the photos? Do you want to know?S: Yes.While

10、reading:1)Fast readingT: Now please read the passage next to the two photos quickly and find out who is talking about the photo. S: Jenny. T: Is Jenny a male or a female? S: A female. T: You are great. 2) Careful reading a. T: Jenny tells us the names of the people in the photos. Can you read the pa

11、ssage and circle the names? S: Yes. (While the students are reading, the teacher moves around to offer help.)b. Ask a student to say the names he/she has circled.c. T: Now you can read the passage again and complete the sentences in 2c.d. Check the answers. After reading 1)Get six students to say th

12、e completed sentences one by one. 2)Play the recording for the students to listen and repeat. 3)Ask students to answer the questions:a. Who is Alan? (Jennys father.)b. Whats the name of Jennys mother? (Mary)c. Who are Bob and Eric? (They are Jennys brothers.)d. Is Cindy Jennys sister? (Yes, she is.)

13、e. What is the name of Jennys cousin? (Helen)f. Is Coco a boy?(No. A dog.)4)Teacher writes down some phrases on the blackboard and makes sure the students can understand them. And then ask students to underline the phrases in the passage. two nice photos of my familyin the first photoin the next pic

14、turein my familythe name of my dog Here are 【教学设计说明】此 部分开始涉及篇章的阅读。在学生一开始接触到篇章的阅读时,老师就要有意识地培养他们良好的阅读习惯。本环节的设计是先从图片入手,通过图片引出问题,让 学生产生阅读的欲望,再带着问题去进行第一次快速阅读,回答老师提出的问题;学生第二次阅读后圈出人名;第三次阅读后完成2c的 任务。然后让学生听录音跟读,纠正他们不正确的发音,同时让他们在听、读的过程中再一次理解句子、熟悉课文。在学生熟悉课文的基础上再让他们回答问题,即 可检查他们是否能完全理解课文。最后,老师小结文中出现的词组和新句型,让学生勾出,课后要求他们熟记。通过这种循序渐进的教学,可以把看似困难的阅读简 单化,让不同层次的学生都能有所收获。5. Homework (课后作业)Oral: 1) 正确朗读并熟记本单元的词汇。2) 熟读并背诵课文。Written: 抄写2b上的短文一遍并翻译成中文。提醒注意:句子开头的一个字母必须要大写,人名的开头一个字母必须大写,句末要用上正确的标点符号。英语的句号是小圆点而不是小圆圈。 单词与单次之间要间隔一个字母的距离。3)回家找一张全家福,下节课带上。


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