初中英语 7Aunit6 Reading(1)简案及导学案(无答案) 牛津译林版.doc

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1、牛津初中英语7Aunit6教案Reading 1一. 教学目标: 1.知识目标:重点单词: colourful, smart, leather, comfortable, boot, cool, purple, jeans, skirt, cotton, modern重点短语:fashion show, be from, silk blouse, leather boots, a pair of , talk about重点句子: He looks very colourful. We hope you enjoy the show.2.技能目标:掌握与服装、穿着有关的词汇能够谈论服装的简单用

2、语3.情感目标:通过学习锻炼自己的动手能力,用自己的智慧和劳动使自己的生活更加丰富多彩二、课堂学习活动1检查课前预习作业,并大声朗读短语和句子。2听课文录音,回答问题:Why are they having the fashion show ?3通读课文,整体感知课文。4听课文录音,完成94页Part B5师生共同讨论学习文中的语言点6朗读课文,完成9495页Part B、C6写作:简短描述一个人的穿着7讨论:什么是“时尚”,如何“时尚”三、家庭作业1、探究第六单元第五(A B C D )练习。2、学案巩固练习牛津初中英语7Aunit6学案Reading(1) (一)、温故知新.一、根据句意及

3、汉语提示填空1.Jim is _ (穿着) a new shirt today.2.Last Friday, we gave a _ (时装) show to raise money .3.He is too _ (懒惰) to wash the breakfast dishes.4.My blouse is made of _ (丝绸)5.His _ (裤子) are new.6.His_ (领带) is made of leather.7.This pair of _ (靴子)are Jennys.(二)课前导学:一、背记下列单词:popular , hope , colourful ,

4、cool , cotton , young , wool , leather , silk , style , smart , modern , trainer , comfortable,raise money , have a fashion show , show you clothes , hair style , give us your ideas , ask you to help us二、从课文中找出下列句子的译文:1、欢迎来参加我们的时装秀。_2、我们正在开时装秀因为我们想为希望工程捐款。_句中的raise money for .意思是“为筹款、募捐”例:许多人为中国贫困地区

5、的孩子募捐.Many people _ much _ _ the children in poor parts of China.3、今天我们打算给你们展示从20世纪70年代到90年代的衣服。_show sb . sth . =show sth. to sb . 展示某物给某人看the 1970s ,20世纪70年代 the 1990s , 20世纪90年代4、我现在穿着20世纪90年代的流行服饰。_5、我们希望你们喜欢这场秀。_6、看!Simon过来了。_Here comes 用一般现在时表示正在进行的动作。Here comes the bus . 汽车开来了。7、她穿着一件黄色棉衬衫和一件

6、蓝色牛仔裤。_8、他看起来非常艳丽。_Look adj 表示“看起来”如: Look cool 看起来很酷. Cool 本意为“凉快的”,现代意为“酷的”Sandy是多么漂亮啊!_How + 形容词/副词 + 主语 + 谓语 ! - 感叹句这发夹多漂亮啊!_ !Daniel是多么神气啊!_!9、她穿着一件黑色羊毛短裙,红色长皮靴和一件丝绸衬衫。_10、Daniel看起来既神气又时髦。_11、这就是今天的时装秀。_12、你觉得我们的秀怎样?_13、能给我们你的建议吗?_14、我可以请你们帮我们募集资金吗?_15、Millie要谈一下为贫困捐款的事。_三、阅读课文,回答下列问题.What is t

7、he fashion show for ? _Are the clothes all from the 1980s ?_.What time are Simons clothes from?_What does Simon wear?_.What does Amy wear?_.Do young people all like to wear jeans?_(三)课堂检测.一、翻译下列短语.(1)a fashion show _ (2) clothes from 1970(3)a purple shirt _(4)a white trousers(5)募捐许多钱_(6)希望工程(7)看上去色彩

8、艳丽_(8)一件黄色的棉村衣_(9)一条蓝色的牛仔裤_二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子.1、我不喜欢穿黑色村衫.I dont like _ _ _ _.他们上周六举行了一场时装表演.They _ _ _ _ last Saturday.2、我们想为希望工程捐款.We want to _ _ for Project Hope.3、你认为时装秀怎么样?What _ _ _ of fashion show?4、年轻人喜欢穿牛仔裤.Yong people like _ _.三、单项选择() 1. - Your clothes _ new . - Thank you . A. isB. looksC. lo

9、okD. arent() 2. There _ a pair of jeans on it .A. are B. isC. have D. has() 3. We raise _ money for the poor students .A. lot ofB. a lots ofC. manyD. much() 4. My sister was born in _ .A. the 1970B. the 1970sC. the 1970sD. 1970s() 5. The colour of the tie _ my clothes at all .A.matchesB. dont matchC

10、.doesnt matchD.is matching() 6. Id like to have a look at your new bike . Can you _ ?A. show me to it B. show it meC. show it to meD. show it for me()7. This pair of colourful trainers _ beautiful .A. isB. areC. looksD. A and C(四)反馈练习一. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Our teacher looks _ (colour).2. Trainers are usua

11、lly very _ (comfort).3. They want _ (give) a fashion show .4. Kitty _ (wear)a yellow blouse now .5. Would you like _ (try ) this coat on ?6. Millie is going to talk about _ (raise) money for poor students .7. May I ask you _ (help) us raise the money ?8. His tie _(be) yellow and red .9. Look at Sand

12、ys _(boot)! It _ (match) her skirt well .10. _(congratulation) , Sandy . The show is great ._ _ _ his trousers ?三、完型填空. Many children like _1_TV. On TV _2_can learn a lot, and they can see and know many things _3_ their country (国家) and the world. They can also_4_ the radio, but they can learn it be

13、tter and easily(容易) on _5_. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they cant _6_ anything over the radio. Many children watch TV _7_ Saturday or Sunday evening . They are very busy with their _8_ on weekdays (工作日).But a few children watch TV every _9_.They go to bed very late.So

14、they cant have a good _10_.How about you ,my friends?( )1.A.seeing B,watching C.looking D.reading ( )2.A.we B.you C.they D.I( )3.A.on B.about C.at D.with( )4.A.sing B.learn C.dance D.listen to ( )5.A.radio B.film C.game D.TV( )6.A.take B.like C.see D.learn( )7.A.in B.on C.to D.dinner( )8.A.drawing B.homework C.exercises D.singing( )9.A.place B.time C.man D.night ( )10A.book B.rest C.game D.meal6用心 爱心 专心


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