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1、PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit 2My Family第六课时教案一教学内容:人教版PEP小学英语三年级下册第二单元My Family 第六课时: Start to read二.教学目标:1.能力目标:(1)能听说认读家庭成员的名称。father(dad),mother(mom),grandfather(grandpa),grand mother(grandma)。 (2)能灵活运用This is my familymomfriend句型。(3)能听懂会说句子Whos that manwomanboygirl及回答HeShe is,并在一定的语境中进行交际。2.情感目标:通过谈论自己的家引起学

2、生对家、对父母的热爱之情。3.学习策略目标:(1)培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。(2)通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。(3)在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。三.教学重点、难点:1. 重点:能听说认读家庭成员的名称:father(dad),mother(mom),grandfather(grandpa),grand mother(grandma)。2. 难点:如何在实际生活中介绍自己和家庭成员的这一句型。四教学准备: 1教师准备单词卡片和教学PPT。2学生准备家人的照片。五教学过程:(一)热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1Sin

3、g a song:2Lets chantP153.Review the words in Unit2(拍手brother-brother,this is my brother;)4. Free talk T: Good morning, boys and girlsHow are you How old are youWhere are you from Nice to meet you.(二) 呈现新课(Presentation)1.Finish a. Introduce your classmates:Ss: This is xxx. He/she is a student .(师问生齐答

4、)S1:This is xxx. He is a student.等生介绍完毕,师问全班: “Whos this /that girl?引导学生回答She is.(设计说明:这样形象生动的对比可以使学生快速理解“this”和“that”的区别,并体会“he”和“she”的发音及汉语意思。)b. Introduce Xiao Wanzis familyc. Read and match:教师出示以上PPT,向学生介绍:Look! This is Wu Yifan , he is introduce his family to us. lets have a look, who are they!

5、学生看图回答。 Books open: Line up the person in the sentences and then match,请一位学生上台展示。(三)Practice1 .Game: Find my good friends, 谁想跟老师成为好朋友就请上台介绍自己的家庭. T: I want to find some friends in our class , who want to be my friend?请学生上台介绍自己的家庭,最少介绍四个家庭。2. Group work:Introduce your family to your friends.请几位同学上台展示。3.Act like a family: 请学生组成临时家庭,由学生扮演不同的家庭成员,进行角色定位。小组之间互相介绍自己的家庭。(由师提供图片)(四)Homework:1.听音认读P18五次。2.用英语跟爸爸妈妈介绍全家福。板书: Unit 2 My Family Start to readThis is my family.This is my father(dad),mother(mom),grandfather(grandpa),grand mother(grandma)。(设计说明:通过小韵文培养学生对家庭、对父母的热爱之情,并使感情得到升华。)


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