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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级初一教学形式听力课教 师江玉娇单 位从化市第七中学英语科级课题名称The Cardinal Numbers and the Ordinal Numbers学情分析分析要点:1) 学情分析:本班总计学生54人,非重点班。学生英语水平参差不齐,大部分学生处于中下水平,1/5的学生英语成绩处于合格以上,2/5的学生处于40至55分左右,剩下的学生都是处于低分状态。对于本课中涉及到的基数词与序数词,大部分同学都对基数词较为了解而对序数词较为陌生,部分学生对hundred, thousand, million and billion大数字的用法不会用。小学时候

2、他们已接触过百以内的基数词并基本上能够拼读,但小学老师并没有给他们总结书写规律,只是靠单个记忆。而对于序数词,在小学阶段虽然也出现过,但都是几个简单的一至三的序数词。总的来说,本班学生还没有整体上认识基数词与序数词的书写规律以及基数词变为序数词的规律。2) 教材分析:本单元都是围绕“数字”这一题材来展开话题的, 而本课时的语法课内容就包括基数词、序数词的构成及其用法。这一课时在这个单元中起着“承上启下”的作用,因为之前的阅读课和听力课都出现了不同的基数词和序数词,通过这一课时的学习,可以对它们进行归类总结;而这一课时之后的口语课都是围绕如何读出基数词的大数以及序数词来展开的,让学生在初步了解基

3、数词和序数词的基础上,进一步掌握他们的用法,并对hundred, thousand, million and billion大数字的用法加以扩展。教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;2.能力目标;3.情感态度与价值观。1) 教学目标:a) 要求学生掌握100以内基数词的正确拼写以及大数的正确读法; b) 掌握基数词变为序数词的规律; c)能够正确判断什么情况下用基数词,什么情况下 用序数词。2) 教学重点及难点:a) 基数词中个别基数的特殊拼写(如:four与fourteen, forty; five 与fifteen, fifty的区别)以及大数的正确读法 b) 掌握基数词变为序数词的规律。 c

4、) 基数词变序数词中某些词的特殊拼法,基数与序数词的细微变化。(如four变fourth, nine变ninth, five变fifth等)。教学过程步骤Procedures目的Aims教师活动Teachers activities学生活动Students activitiesStep One: Lead-InTo lead in the Cardinal numbers and check if the Ss can read the Cardinal numbers correctly and fluently.1.Ask Ss some questions such to lead in

5、 some cardinal numbers.Eg: 1) How many students are there in our class/ in our grade/in our school? 2) How many people are there in Conghua City/in Guangdong Province/in China/ in the world?NumberSs in Class 453Ss in Grade one664Ss in No. 7 Middle school1,953People in Conghua City538,188People in Gu

6、angdong Province9,000,000People in China307,560,000People in the world1,64647000002) Tell students what cardinal number is.(基数词是表数量的数词.)Look at the table and answerthe teachers questions.Step Two: Learn the cardinal numbersLet Ss learn how to read and write the cardinal numbers accurately.1. Ask eac

7、h group to do the following different exercise and then ask one S from each group to write down their answers on the blackboard.a) write down the cardinal numbers from 1 to 12.b) write down the cardinal numbers from 13 to 19.c) write down the cardinal numbers of 20,30,40,50,60,70,80 and 90.d) write

8、down the cardinal numbers of 百,千,万,十万and百万.2. Check the answers and then ask the Ss to find out the rules of the cardinal number. (T shows Ss the rules as following on the powerpoint)112的基数词要牢牢记,1319的基数词以teen结尾,2090的整十位数以ty结尾。几十几的数由十位数和个位数合成,中间还要加连字符-。如:forty-three, ninety-nine3. Teach Ss the way of

9、 reading the cardinal numbers. 十位数以内的直接按单词读,三位数的百位与十位或百位与个位之间要加and,如: 425 four hundred and twenty five502 five hundred and two注:提醒学生hundred, thousand, million后无论几百,几千,几百万都不加s, 除了和of 连用外.如:hundreds of, thousands of, millions of.大数的读法:每隔三位用一个逗号隔开,从右往左算起,第一个逗号是thousand,第二个逗号是million,第三个逗号是billion。试读下列的

10、数字:23,658,109NumberSs in Class 453Ss in Grade one664Ss in No. 7 Middle school1,953People in Conghua City538,188People in Guangdong Province9,000,000People in China307,560,000People in the world1,6464700000Ask Ss to practise the numbers in pairs like this:S1: How many people are there in Conghua City

11、?S2: There are five hundred and thirty-three thousand one hundred and eighty-eight people in Conghua City.4. Ask the Ss read the cardinal numbers together on page 56 in Ss book.Then such to lead in the ordinal numbers.1. write down the following cardinal numbers :a) write down the cardinal numbers f

12、rom 1 to 12.b) write down the cardinal numbers from 13 to 19.c) write down the cardinal numbers of 20,30,40,50,60,70,80 and 90.d) write down the cardinal numbers of 百,千,万,十万and百万.2find out the rules of the cardinal number.3Take down the notes about the rules of the cardinal numbers and read it loudl

13、y.3. Learn the way of reading the cardinal numbers and pracise in pairs like this:S1: How many people are there in Conghua City?S2: There are five hundred and thirty-three thousand one hundred and eighty-eight people in Conghua City.4. Read the cardinal numbers together on page 56 in Ss book.Step Th

14、ree:Learn the ordinal numbers.1.Let Ss learn how to read and write the ordinal numbers accuratly.2.Let Ss know the rules of putting the cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers.1.Ask Ss to put the following numbers in order, such to lead in the ordinal numbers.广州四郊区人口The population in Conghua is Distri

15、ctPopulationpositionConghua538,188 fourth Zengcheng794,295 second Huadu630,289 thirdPanyu930,798 first2.Practice:1) Ask Ss to put the following numbers into ordinal numbers.one- two-three- four-five- twelve- eight- nine- twenty- thirty-forty-one fifty-nine 2) Check the answers and then ask Ss to fin

16、d out the rules of putting the cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers.( T show Ss the rules on the powerpoint as following.)基数词变序数词要妙记:1、2、3特殊记,加th从4起;8加h, 9少e, 千成别忘记;逢5逢12,ve变f;20到90,y要变ie;若是几十几,前基后序别倒位。注意:序数词前通常加定冠词5. Ask Ss to read the ordinal numbers on page 56 in Ss book.1.Put the population in

17、orders.2. put the following numbers into ordinal numbers.one- two-three- four-five- twelve- eight- nine- twenty- thirty-forty-one fifty-nine3.Check the answers and then find out the rules of putting the cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers. Then take down the notes.4.Read the ordinal numbers on pag

18、e 56 in Ss book.Step Four:Practice1.Enable Ss to do more exercise about the Cardinal and ordinal numbers correctly.2.To raised their interests and check if the Ss have master the knowledgewe learned in this period by talking about their Birthday.1. Deal with the exercise on page 56. Check the answer

19、s.2. Ask Ss to correct the following ordinal numbers, and then check the answers orally.1)five- fiveth 2)four- forth 3)nine-nineth4)twenty- twentyth 5)twenty- one- twentieth- first6)twelve-twelveth 7)thirty- eight -thirty-eightth8)two thousands 9)42th 10)11st3. Oral practise:Ask their classmates whe

20、n their birthday is. Practise in pairs and ask some of them to perform in front of the classmates.Practise like this:A: Whens Ling Zhengfengs birthday?B: Its on November the first. or Its on the first of November. NameBirthdayLing zhengfeng1/11Zhang Guocheng12/1Gao Jianhua8/10Zeng Xiaoli20/3Huang Bi

21、n29/10Tang Tongyu16/6Ye yingyi22/12Liang Zhijian6/9Step Five:Consolidation.Consolidate the usage of the Cardinal and Ordinal numbers.Assign homework:1.Finish all the exercises on page 52 in Book B.2.Finish the second part of the language on page54 in Best English.1.Finish all the exercises on page 5

22、2 in Book B.2.Finish the secondpart of the language on page54 in Best English.板书设计一、基数词规律112的基数词要牢牢记,1319的基数词以teen结尾,2090的整十位数以ty结尾。几十几的数由十位数和个位数合成,中间还要加连字符-。二、基数词变序数词要妙记:1、2、3特殊记,加th从4起;8加h, 9少e, 千成别忘记;逢5逢12,ve变f;20到90,y要变ie;若是几十几,前基后序别倒位。注意:序数词前通常加定冠词作业或预习Assign homework:1.Finish all the exercises

23、 on page 52 in Book B.2.Finish the second part of the language on page54 in Best English.自我评价经过一个多星期的备课,我觉得自己还算满意地完成了这节课时的任务。课后通过和听课教师的交流和请教,从中终结出了一些自己的优点和不足。总体上来说能够按时地完成教学任务;教学目标切合实际,师生互动,学生活动面广,很好的锻炼了学生的听说能力。在整一节课中我都鼓励学生多参与,学生也能积极配合。而且把握住了学生感兴趣的话题“生日”来展开训练,课堂气氛较为活跃。但有时会出现一些小错误,例如在练习环节中由于疏忽,把ninety写成了ninty, 而ninth写成了nineth, 在检查中没有发现,是万万不应该的,在今后一定要吸取这个教训。精益求精,无论是在平时授课还是在出课,都应该以更加精细,更加谨慎的态度去面对,使自己的课更加完美。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人):该教师备课充分,语言点详细,例子多,教师上课和蔼可亲,互动性强。能够把握住学生感兴趣的事并很好的设计活动。整个课堂设计还算满意,从易到难,训练的内容较充实。但是有时出现小错误的现象,备课时要先仔细检查,以免误教了学生! 评议一单位:从化市第七中学英语科组长 姓名:黄燕琴 日期:2012年5月


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