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1、the Supreme Lord 上帝Heaven 天 the Mandate of Heaven 天命“hundred philosophers”诸子百家Sima Tan 司马谈 father of Sima Qian 司马迁Confucianism儒家 Taoism 道家 Moism 墨家 the Logicians 名家The Yin-Yang School阴阳家 the Legalist School 法家 Liu Xin 刘歆 the Agriculturists 农家the Strategists 纵横家 the Eclectic School 杂家 the Story-Telle

2、rs 小说家Kong Zi (Confucius, 551-479B.C) 孔子Former Kings 先王Confucian School have always been called ru.儒Supreme Sage and Foremost Teacher 至圣先师Humanity 仁:love men 爱人 【论语.颜渊】 Conscientiousness 忠 altruism 恕 rite 礼The Book of Changes 易经 The Analects 论语The Book of Master Meng 孟子Orphan of the Zhao Family 赵氏孤儿

3、The Explanation of Script and Elucidation of Characters 说文解字 Xu Shen 许慎The word ru means yielding, Its a term applied to scholars versed in the arts.” 儒者,柔也、术士之称。The man of humanity wishing to be established himself, seeks also to establish others; wishing to be developed himself, he seeks also to d

4、evelop others.仁者,已欲立而立人,已欲达而达人。论语.颜渊To restrain oneself and abide by rites is humanity 克已复礼为仁。论语.颜渊Not yet understanding life, how can you understand death?未知生,焉知死?论语.先进All things are complete within us.万物皆备于我孟子.尽心上Riches and honors cannot make him dissipate, poverty and mean condition cannot make h

5、im swerve, and power and force cannot make him bend himself.富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。孟子.滕文公下Unbearing mind 不忍人之心 unbearing government 不忍人之政The people ranks highest in a state; the spirits of the land and grain come next; and ruler counts for the least.民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻。孟子.尽心下TaoismThe Classic of the Way and Its Virtue 道德经The Book of Master Zhuang 庄子 the Way 道The Records of the Historian 史记 virtue 德Reversion is the movement of the Way. 反者,道之动。老子


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