新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第三册Unit 9 Section BIs the Traditional Family Structure at Risk1.ppt

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《新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第三册Unit 9 Section BIs the Traditional Family Structure at Risk1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第三册Unit 9 Section BIs the Traditional Family Structure at Risk1.ppt(107页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Contents,Reading Skills,Test Yourself,Reading Comprehension,外语教学与研究出版社,空军工程大学,Predicting the Writers Ideas,Like the other skills for your use, the skill introduced in this unit does render you better able in reading.,This practice is designed to help you get a deeper insight into the skill for this

2、unit.,Introduction,阅读实践,随 笔,Predicting the Writers Ideas,As we learned in Unit 9, Book 2, making predictions is an important part of active reading. We cant always predict every detailand writers sometimes surprise us with unexpected ideasbut we can often anticipate the general direction the writer

3、is going. Making predictions while you read keeps your mind alert; its a way to double check your comprehension of what youve read so far; and it can be a great aid to understanding what comes next.,Practice,阅读技巧,随 笔,As you read the following passage, see if you can predict the general direction of

4、the writers thinking. To help you predict, there are questions. Be sure to answer these questions before you go on reading.,Reading Comprehension,New Words,问题预览,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,课文阅读,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,课文阅读,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,课文阅读,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,课文阅读,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,课文阅读,Questions Previewing,词汇学习,随 笔,

5、阅读理解,Introduction,For you to be better conditioned for reading as fast as 100 words per minute, as required in the new type of examination “Fast Reading”, Text B can serve to be your fast-reading material. But, for this purpose, the best course of action is to know what to scan for in your skimming.

6、 Thus, the trick is to keep in your mind the key words of each question before you start off. That is where the “Question Previewing” comes in.,课文阅读,词汇学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Q. 1 The family structure is undergoing extreme changes in _. Q. 2 In modern families, _. Q. 3 Divorce rates in less-developed countries

7、are _. Q. 4 In the north of Europe, unmarried mothers account for _.,课文阅读,词汇学习,随 笔,阅读理解,Q. 5 It can be known that _. Q. 6 To give their children a good life, women everywhere are finding that _. Q. 7 Many developing countries will _. Q. 8 It can be inferred that _.,课文阅读,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔

8、,阅读理解,Prediction 1 Consider the title which is a question. Whats the answer to the question? And in what sense?,Yes. In the sense that “the structure of family life is undergoing extreme changes”.,Is the Traditional Family Structure at Risk?,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Is the Traditio

9、nal Family Structure at Risk?,Para. 1 Around the world, in rich and poor countries alike, the structure of family life is undergoing extreme changes, a new analysis of research from numerous countries has concluded.,句型,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 2 “The idea that the family is a stable and orderly unit

10、 in which father serves as economic provider and mother serves as emotional care giver is a myth,” said Judith Bruce, a leading author of the study. “The reality is that trends like unmarried mothers, rising divorce rates and smaller households are not unique to America, but are occurring worldwide.

11、”,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 3 The report was released Tuesday by the Population Council, an international organization based in New York that studies issues related to child bearing. Its graphs combine information obtained from a variety of population and household studies from dozens of coun

12、tries. Para. 4 A summary of the major findings:,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Prediction 2 What are the major findings about?,They are about marriages, parents, unmarried mothers, and children in single-parent households.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 5 Whether because of abandonment, separation, divorce or

13、 death of a spouse, marriages are dissolving with increasing frequency. In many developed countries, divorce rates doubled between 1970 and 1990, and in less-developed countries, about a quarter of first marriages end by the time women are in their 40s.,Chinese,Para. 6 Parents in their prime working

14、 years face growing burdens caring for children, who need to be supported through more years of education, and for their own parents, who are living longer.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 7 Unmarried mothers are increasingly common virtually everywhere, reaching as many as a thi

15、rd of all births in the north of Europe, for example. Para. 8 Children in single-parent households usually families with only a mother present are much more likely to be overtaken by poverty than those who live with two parents, largely because of the loss of support from the fathers.,Chinese,词汇学习,问

16、题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 9 Even in households where fathers are present, mothers are carrying increasing economic responsibility for children. Para. 10 The theme that families are changing in similar ways, even in very different cultures, should bring about new thinking on social policy, experts say, and

17、in particular an increase in the importance of families in the agenda of governments.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Prediction 3 What does the Population Council report say about womens working hours both at home and on the job in comparison to men?,It says women tend to work longer hours than men both

18、 at home and on the job.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 11 The Population Council report says women around the world tend to work longer hours than men, both at home and on the job. In studies of seventeen less-developed countries, womens work hours exceeded mens by 30 percent. Data from twelve industrial

19、ized countries found that women employed in regular jobs worked about 20 percent longer hours than regularly employed men. Para. 12 Womens economic contributions also are becoming increasingly important.,Chinese,句型,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 13 In Ghana, the report said, a third of households with chi

20、ldren are maintained primarily by women. Para. 14 In the Philippines, women were found to contribute about a third of households cash income, but 55 percent of household support if the economic value of their activities at home, such as growing food or gathering hay to feed the family donkey, is inc

21、luded.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 15 In the United States, a survey released earlier this month found that nearly half of employed married women contribute half or more of their familys income. Para. 16 While the reasons for entering the work force may vary from country to country, women every

22、where are finding that to give their children an adequate life, getting a job is no longer optional. High rates of inflation may raise prices to the point where women are forced to earn money themselves.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Prediction 4 What do you think the next paragraph will be about?,It w

23、ill be one to illustrate why getting a job is no longer optional for women.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 17 “In traditional Bangladesh, a woman may need to get a job weaving textiles because her husband was much older, and died while the children were still young,” Ms. Bruce said. “In Africa, an eightee

24、n-year-old woman might need a job because she had a baby before marriage and has only a casual relationship with the father, or she might have a husband who goes on to another marriage and supports the children of that union.”,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 18 “In Asia,” she added, “the husband ma

25、y have migrated for better economic opportunities and stopped sending money after a year or two. And everywhere, parents are finding that there are fewer jobs that pay enough to allow a family to scrape by financially.” Even among rural people in less-developed countries, she said, the need for curr

26、ency is becoming more urgent.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 19a “Parents all over the world have an increasing awareness of the importance of learning, and that their children will need to be able to read and write and use numbers,” Ms. Bruce said. “That means that instead of working with them in

27、 the fields, their 6-year-old is in school learning the alphabet and how to add and subtract.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 19b As there are usually no scholarships, the money to pay for school fees, uniforms, transportation and supplies must come from the parents purse.” The fact that many devel

28、oping countries must trim money from public education as part of their debt-reduction plans creates further pressure on families, she said.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 20 One apparent exception to the general trends is Japan, where single-parent households and unmarried mothers have remained re

29、latively rare.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Prediction 5 Who earn more income? And who contribute a larger proportion of their income to their family?,Fathers income usually exceeds mothers income, but it is women who usually contribute a larger proportion of their income to their family.,词汇学习,问题预览,随

30、笔,阅读理解,Para. 21 The Population Council report found that while most countries have done extensive research on women as mothers, men as fathers have been virtually invisible to researchers. But studies have found that although fathers income usually exceeds mothers income, women usually contribute a

31、larger proportion of their income to their household, while men keep more for their personal use, such as for entertainment.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para. 22 Collecting child support (money paid by divorced fathers to support their children) is also difficult. Among divorced fathers, three quarte

32、rs in Japan, almost two thirds in Argentina, half in Malaysia and two fifths in the United States do not pay child support, the report said.,Chinese,Choice Making,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,1. The family structure is undergoing extreme changes _. A. in rich countries B. in poor countries C. in rich and poor coun

33、tries,Refer to Para.1,课文阅读,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,2. In modern families, _. A. fathers assume the role of economic providers B. mothers stay at home to take care of children C. parents dont stick to their traditional role,Refer to Para.2,课文阅读,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,Refer to Para. 5,3. Divorce rates in less-developed

34、countries are _. A. decreasing B. increasing C. unchanged,课文阅读,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,4. In the north of Europe, unmarried mothers account for _. A. one third of all births B. two thirds of all births C. one fourth of all births,Refer to Para.7,课文阅读,5. It can be known that _. A. men tend to work longer hours

35、 than women B. women tend to work longer hours than men C. both men and women tend to work longer hours than before,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,Refer to Para.11,课文阅读,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,6. To give their children a good life, women everywhere are finding that _. A. it is preferable for them to stay at home B. working is

36、 no longer compulsory C. getting a job is a must,Refer to Para.16,课文阅读,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,7. Many developing countries will _. A. increase their public education budget B. reduce their public education budget C. keep their public education budget unchanged,Refer to Para.19b,课文阅读,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,8. It can b

37、e inferred that _. A. men have rarely been surveyed in most countries B. Japan is also among the general trend with more single-parent households C. divorce fathers are main contributors to their childrens support,Refer to Paras.20 10 _ _.,the percentage of people living in cities is much higher tha

38、n the percentage working in industry,阅读填空,随 笔,reverse,theres not enough money to build adequate houses for the people that live there, let alone the new arrivals,There has been little opportunity to build water supplies or other facilities. 11 _ _ _ _, a growth in the number of hopeless and despairi

39、ng parents and starving children.,So, the figures for the growth of towns and cities represent the proportional growth of unemployment and underemployment,阅读填空,随 笔,In-Depth Reading,In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of

40、choices given in a word bank above the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.,Directions:,复合听写,随 笔,While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in many states at least in getting people off welfare. Its estimated that more t

41、han 2 million people have left the rolls since 1994. In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens County have been 1 _ in half. But 70 percent of the people who left in the past two years took,cut,复合听写,随 笔,jobs that paid less than $6 an hour. The result: The Athens County poverty rate still remai

42、ns at more than 30 percent twice the 2 _ average. For advocates (代言人) for the poor, thats an 3 _ much more needs to be done. “More people are getting jobs, but its not making their lives any 4 _,” says Kathy,national,indication,复合听写,随 笔,better,Lairn, a policy analyst at the center on Budget and Poli

43、cy Priorities in Washington. A center analyst of US Census data 5 _ found that between 1995 and 1996, a greater percentage of single, female-headed households were earning money on their own, but average income for these households 6 _ went down.,nationwide,actually,复合听写,随 笔,But for many, the fact t

44、hat poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in 7 _ a huge victory. “Welfare was a poison. It was a toxin (毒素) that was poisoning the family,” says Robert Rector, a welfare-reform policy analyst. “The reform is changing the 8 _ climate,i

45、tself,复合听写,随 笔,moral,in low-income communities. Its beginning to 9 _ the work ethic, which is much more important.” Mr. Rector and others argued that once “the habit of 10 _ is cracked,” then the country can make other policy changes aimed at improving living standards.,rebuild,dependency,复合听写,随 笔,E

46、nd,句型 An analysis of sth. (from ) finds/ concludes/shows/suggests/reveals that,对迄今为止的粮食危机详细分析得出的结论是, 生物燃料是引起全球粮食价格上涨的主要因素之一。,A detailed analysis of the food crisis so far concludes that biofuel is one of the major contributors to the global food-price rise.,For more,对分析后得出结论/发现,对你的婚姻状况做了新的分析后得出的结论是,

47、你的婚姻已经渡过危机期。,A new analysis of your marital status has concluded that your marriage has ridden over the period of crisis.,句型 An analysis of sth. (from ) finds/ concludes/shows/suggests/reveals that,短语 serve as,他的话让我们想起了我们的辛酸往事。,For more,perform certain duties; fulfill the purpose of 担任;起作用,What he s

48、aid serves as a reminder of our bitter past.,在最近的人事变动中,他有机会担任公司的总经理。,In the recent redeployment of the staff, he had the opportunity to serve as the general manager of the firm.,短语 serve as,人们有时在处置和自己利益相关的事宜时,很难做到客观公正。,短语 related to,For more,concerning 相关的;有关,Sometimes, it is hard for people to be objective and impartial in coping with things related to their own interests.,Whenever asked to answe


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