高考英语《流行话题 语境识词4500》Unit 71 Escape Valve素材.doc

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1、高考英语流行话题 语境识词4500Unit 71Escape Valve素材Unit 71Escape ValveA man and woman I know moved in together recently. It was, as such occasions are, a moment of sentiment and celebration. It was also a limited engagement. Before moving in, they had already set a fixed date when they would break up. They expla

2、ined their reasons to one and all. In a year, the woman planned to change jobs and cities; the man didnt plan to follow. An eventual split is unfortunate, they said, but also inevitable, so why not plan on it? Yet far from being a sad twist of fate, my woman friends scheduled departure was a liberat

3、ing force, making possible whatever short-term romance the couple will enjoy. Without the escape clause of a pre-set termination of their affair, they might never have lived together.This situation is not unique. More and more people are ordering their lives along a principle I call the automatic-ou

4、t. In love, friendship, work, and the community, people increasingly prefer arrangements that automatically end at some pre-set date. It is a force in society as a whole, as more of us hunger for lives that appear stable and deep-rooted but lack the complications of commitment.Automatic-out may have

5、 its foundations in the preset cycles of academic life. In recent decades, an ever-higher percentage of the population has been able to attend college and post-graduate schools. Thats a good thing for the cause of education but perhaps not so good for societys spirit. Longtime students learn to view

6、 institutions as places where people briefly come to rest, and from which they will be automatically removed on a date known years in advance. They also tend to see institutions as a means by which to take things for themselves, instead of adding things for others.So it may be no surprise that profe

7、ssionals - usually the beneficiaries of advanced schooling - seem increasingly uninterested in staying put. A Brookings Institution study shows that Government-agency managers turn over, on average, every 21 months. Now it is becoming true of private enterprises as well. According to the Conference

8、Board, a business research organization, top corporate executives now switch jobs every 4.5 years on average.The job-switching mania, it is sometimes suggested, stems from a combination of boredom and expectations of promotion. But I think it is motivated b the desire for automatic-out. When you kno

9、w in advance that you will soon be changing jobs, you are relieved of concern for the overall integrity of your institution whether the quality of its products, the fairness of its service, the odds of its survival. You have a built-in excuse for selfishness (Ill be leaving in a year anyway) and can

10、 concentrate on advancing yourself, secure in the knowledge that if you fail to improve your organization, you personally wont suffer. Youll be one step ahead of the crumbling wall. It seems to be the same in love. If a romance operates under some per-set restriction, neither partner feels obliged t

11、o sacrifice his interests for joint interests. Why sacrifice for something not expected to last long anyway? Thus, the shot-term benefits of marriage and living together (companionship, warmth, convenience) remain popular. But long-term obligation to the institution of marriage has fallen into disre

12、pute among many young people. Children and family life are especially in disrepute today, for whenever children are present there is no easy way out, emotionally and legally. The weekend romance is especially desirable today, not because people move around more now but because distance guarantees an automatic-out.2


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