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1、中考英语总复习-完形阅读词汇运用组合训练十九一、完型填空 There once was a master who went to India. In those times, we didnt have airplanes or railways or many other kinds of transportation that we do now. So the master went to India on foot. He had never been to India before. And when he got there, he saw a lot of fruit. In I

2、ndia, they have plenty of fruit to sell, but much of it is 1 because they cant grow much 2 the water situation. So he saw one basket, a big basket of some very red, long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop, not expensive 3 .So he went up and asked, How much per kilo? And the shopkeeper said,

3、Two rupees.” Two rupees in India is 4 ; its like dirt(灰尘, 泥土). So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it. After he ate some of it, his mouth watered and burned. His 5 watered and were burning, and his head was burning and his face became 6 . As he coughed and choked and gasped

4、 for breath, he 7 up and down, saying, “Ah! Ah! Ah!But he still 8 to eat the fruit! Some people looking at him shook their heads and said. “Youre crazy, man. Those are chilies! You cant eat so many; theyre not good for you! People use them as a condiment (调味品),but only a little bit to put into food

5、for 9 . You cant just eat them by the handful like that; theyre not 10 .But the stupid master said, No, I cant stop! I paid money for them and now Ill eat them. Its my money!And you think that master was stupid, right? 11 we sometimes do a lot of things like that. We invest (投资)money, time or effort

6、 in a relationship, business or job. And 12 its been a long time, bitter experience tells us it wont work, and we know there is 13 hope that things will change , we still continue just because weve spent money, time, effort and love 14 it. If so, we are wrong. Just like the man who ate the chilies a

7、nd suffered so much but couldnt stop because he didnt want to waste the money hed paid.So even if you have lost something, let it go and move on. That will be much better than continuing to 15 1AbeautifulBfreshCsweetDexpensive2Abecause ofBinstead ofCwith the help ofDas a matter of3Ain allBat allCall

8、 alongDall around4AeverythingBsomethingCnothingDanything5AhairBearsCfaceDeyes6AseriousBredCpaleDugly7AwalkedBjumpedCclimbedDjogged8AsearchedBstartedCinsistedDcontinued9AtasteBgoodCfunDsmell 10AmedicineBvegetablesCfruitDfood11AImmediatelyBFinallyCSimilarlyDGradually12Aever sinceBas ifCeven thoughDnow

9、 that13Ano moreBnothing muchCnot manyDso much14AintoBwithCatDon15AfailBgoCloseDget二、阅读理解Passage 1In the 2lst century. people often join a“group chat”on Wechat, share videos on Douyin and give opinions on Facebook. We live in a world that has accepted the social media(媒体)wholeheartedly. Being the int

10、ernational common language, English has lent itself willingly to be used on social media, experiencing many small but important changes during the process.What are the effects of the social media on the English language? Old words but new meaningsWhen someone wants to post something on his“wall”, wh

11、y do we think of the homepage of his Facebook, and not the walls in his house? This is the magic of social media. We know“friend”is a noun, but now its also used as a verb. “friended”and“unfriended”mean the process of adding or deleting someone from your list of friends.奥_Social media has invented n

12、ew words like“selfie”or“emoji”to describe the new things. The most famous of these words perhaps is “google”which is used more than the old-fashioned simple word“search”.Generally speaking, a new word should be in use for at least 10 years before being entered in the Oxford English Dictionary. Howev

13、er, the dictionary officially included the word“tweet”.Introducing acronyms(缩略词)LOL (Laugh Out Loud). OMG (Oh My God) and BRB(Be Right Back)are examples of acronyms, the same as IDK(I Dont Know)and TTYL(Talk To You Later). We need them to be short in length on social media, so we use acronyms to tak

14、e the place of these phrases.Social media is without doubt here to stay. In the future, its likely to develop to a greater degree and take the English language along with it on the road of development.26. What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?A. Social media can be easily found in our daily l

15、ifeB.Its exciting for everyone to live in the 21st centuryC. Social media has a big influence on the English languageD. Its necessary for teenagers to make full use of social media27. Which of the following can be put in_?A. Creating short phrases B.Introducing new wordsC.Showing simple expressions

16、D.Keeping old but necessary words28. What can we infer from the passage?A. TBH can be the acronym of To Be Honest. B. English is becoming more and more important.C. Its a long way for social media to become perfectD. Wechat, Douyin and Facebook are popular in ChinaPassage 2The 2020 Summer Olympics i

17、n Tokyo has been put off because of the COVID-19. To welcome the great event, Japan has made 5, 000 medals for the winners. But these Olympic medals are very special. They are all made out of recycled electronic deices(电子设备).One goal of the Tokyo Olympics s to ad using too many natural resources, so

18、 that the games are environmentally friendly. As part of this goal, the organizers decided to make all of the Olympic medals out of metals recycled from old electronic devices. You might not know it, but almost all the electronic devices are made with small quantities of precious metals (贵金属), like

19、gold and silver. But collecting enough of these metals to make 5, 000 medals was a huge challenge. Thats because the quantity of metals in each device is tiny. It would take about 20,000 cell phones to get just I kilogram of gold.Beginning in April 2017, organizers placed collection boxes around the

20、 country, and asked people to turn in their old electronic devices for the Olympic medals. Soon people began to fill up the boxes, turning in smartphones, digital cameras, and laptops. At first. the collection work went slowly, but soon more and more areas began to turn in electronic devices, And 1,

21、621 local governments also helped with the collection work. The Japanese mobile phone company NTT Docomo collected 6.21 million used cell phones. In all, around 71,667, 600 kilograms of electronic devices were collected.Then came the job of breaking those phones down into smaller pieces. This is a t

22、ricky(棘手) job. It is also likely to cause danger, because some of the metals and other things that go into electronic devices arent safe for people to touch or breathe. Thats why its not a good idea to try something like this at home. Once the devices were broken down, the metals had to be carefully

23、 separated out.On July 24, 2019. the design for the awards was announced. And by the end of March this year, the organizers had reached their goal.29. Why does the author say the Tokyo Olympic medals are special?A. They can be recycled into other products B. They are small in size and large in numbe

24、r.C. They are made out of old electronic devices D. They are green and seem environmentally friendly30. What is the main purpose of Paragraph 4?A. To show the difficulty of the collection workB. To thank those who helped with the collection work.C. To stress the importance of many people working tog

25、etherD. To give information on how the collection work was done31. What does the author think of the break-down work?A.Dirty and tiring B. Hard and dangerous. C Boring but rewarding D.Interesting but challengingPassage 3“If you dont behave, Ill call the police”is a lie that parents might use to get

26、their young children to behave. A new psychological(心理学的) study led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore suggests that it is connected with harmful effects when the children become adults.The research team asked 379 Singaporean young adults whether their parents lied to them when they were

27、 children, how much they lie to their parents as adults, and how well they respond(响应) adulthood challenges.The first questionnaire asked these young adults to recall if their parents told them lies about eating, leaving or staying, spending money and so on. Some examples of such lies are “If you do

28、nt come with me now, I will leave you here by yourself”and“I dont bring money with me today, we can come back another day”.The second questionnaire included questions that could show how often they lie to their parents as adults. Lastly, these young adults filled in two other questionnaires that ask

29、ed them about their psychosocial problems and tendency (趋势)to behave selfishly and impulsively(冲动地).Adults who reported being lied to more as children were more likely to report lying to their parents in their adulthood. They also said they faced greater difficulty in meeting psychological and socia

30、l challenges.Lead author Setoh Peipei from NTU Singapores School of Social Sciences said, “Parenting by lying can seem to save time, especially when the real reasons behind why parents want children to do something are difficult to explain. When parents tell children thathonesty is the best policy,b

31、ut display dishonesty by lying, such behavior can send negative (消极的)messages to their children. Parents dishonesty may finally erode trust and encourage dishonesty in children”“Our research suggests that parenting by lying is a practice that has negative influence on children when they grow up. Par

32、ents should be aware of these possible risks and consider other ways to replace lying, such as knowing childrens feelings, giving information so children know what to expect, offering choices and solving problems together, to encourage children to have good behavior, ”said lead author Setoh Peipe.Bu

33、t the study has its limitations. Some limitations of the study include depending on what young adults report about their parentslying“Future research can explore using many informants(提供信息的人), such as parents,to report on the same thing”suggested Setoh.32. What did the research team do during the st

34、udy?A. They turned to 379 Singaporean childrenB. They looked for questionnaires on the Internet.C. They collected answers to some sets of questionsD. They asked the young adults parents for information33. What does the underlined word“erode”in Paragraph 5 mean?A.建立 B.增进 C.毁坏 D.恢复34. Which of the fol

35、lowing might Setoh Peipei agree withA. Parents can sometimes tell harmless lies to their kidsB. Parents had better explain to their kids why theyve liedC. Parents who like lying are more likely to behave selfishlyD. Parents should use positive ways instead of lying during parenting35. What is the ma

36、in idea of the text?A. Parents lying to children can influence them negativelyB. Parents lie to children to save themselves some trouble.C. Childrens behavior can be affected by their parentsD. Children may lie more if their parents often lie.三、语法填空Greetings from Madrid !I cant believe Im finally he

37、re! The trip from Hong Kong 66 (be) long and tiring, but I made it. My hotel is nice and I am staying in a guesthouse in the central area of Madrid. I got a cheap and simple room, much 67 (small) than my own room back home. It only has a small bed and shower, 68 _ it is quite comfortable to stay in.

38、The weather here is wonderful. Its warm and sunny, 69 clear blue skies every day. Its great for sightseeing, because there are a lot of things to see and do. Ive found a friendly guide here and yesterday I 70 (show) around the city. Tomorrow he will take 71 (I) to Andalusia to visit the city of Gran

39、ada. I cant wait 72 (see) the Alhambra Palace and other places of interest. Also, I 73 (real) want to try the food there - especially gazpacho, 74_ kind of cold soup which I hear is special, very different from anything else in Spain.Ill bring you back some 75 (present). See you next month!Love, Jam

40、ieKeys: 1._ 2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _ 7. _8. _ 9. _ 10. _4、 短文填空 For thousands of years, poems have been the favorite types of literature in China. There were many famous poets from different periods of time in Chinese h 1 , and most of their poems are s 2 read and enjoyed today.To remind people o 3 thos

41、e classic Chinese poems, CCTV has produced a TV p 4 called Chinese Poem Competition. The final of the shows second season was shown in February. A girl named Wu Yishu w 5 studies at the High School Affiliated to Fudan University, came out to be the w 6 of the competition. She recited lines from the

42、Classic of Poetry (诗经): “In July, the crickets in the field; In A 7 , they are in the yard; In September, they are at the door; In October, the crickets enter and crawl under our beds.” “I really admire her k 8 of poems. The first time I saw her w 9 traditional Han clothing on TV, I was very impress

43、ed by her classical looks. She always keeps so calm through the show, which is very u 10 for her age,” said Huang Zijin after watching the final show. Mr. Huang also said we would find Chinese cultures and taste the beauty of life by enjoying poems.Keys: 1._ 2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _ 7. _8. _ 9. _ 10. _参考答案1 完形填空DABCD BBDAC CCADC2 阅读理解CBA CDB CADA 3 语法填空66. was 67. smaller 68. but 69. with 70. was shown/was showed 71. me 72. to see 73. really 74.a 75. presents四短文填空1. history 2. still 3. of 4. program(me) 5. who 6. winner 7. August 8. knowledge 9. wearing 10. unusual


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