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1、 模块三词汇句型复习练习一、单词拼写1. They got lost in the desert and s_ to death.2. He won the _ (奖项)for the best student of the year3. We _(钦佩)the old scientist for his contribution to the country.4. We have arranged to play tennis on Saturday, weather p_.5. He has g_ rich experience in these years.6.She has lost

2、her _(信仰)in God. 7.On his _(到达), he was greatly welcomed by his fans.8. He is full of energy; in other words, he is e_.9.What will you happen if you dont eat a b_ diet?10. It was dangerous for Zhang Ga to s_ on the enemy but he succeeded at last.11. Several passers-by stopped to look at the strange

3、car out of _ (好奇).12. I b_ a lot from my teachers advice when I was in school.13. It is _(明显的)that a healthy diet does us a lot of good.14. Youd better _(道歉)to your mother for your rudeness.15. You saved my life; I am forever in your d_.16. We should make full use of our resources, which are l_.17.Y

4、esterday I made a b_ on who will get the first prize.18. It was the first time for Lily to go abroad, which was a real _(冒险).19. It is bad m_ to spit in public.20. Yang Liwei had never thought he would get the chance to w_ in space.21. Dont be s_. What you say is impossible.22. David gave us a vivid

5、 _(描述) of his trip to California.23. I easily r_ him in the crowd because he was very tall.24. I met an old neighbor by _ while I was wandering in the park.25. The twins look alike but have very different _(性格).26. What would happen if there were no _ (大气层).27. The government is encouraging the _ (发

6、展) of small businesses.28. Because of the _ (到场) of the famous football star, everyone cheered up.29. Without o_ animals cant live.30. Without practice there would be no t_. 31. Life is a _ (难题) to him.32. _ (不像) my sister, I am a terrible cook.33. People dont want to see a _ (暴力的) scene.34. Matter

7、generally e_ in three states: gas, liquid and solid.35. Diligence is _ (基本的) to success.36. The waste gas from the cars is h_ to our health.37. She was ill yesterday and is_ (稍微)better today. 38. Now most people like c_ with their friends on the Internet. 39. Switzerland is famous for its watch-maki

8、ng and beautiful _(风景). 40. The jail (监狱) was s_ by high walls. 41. There are seven c_ in the world, of which Asia is the largest. 42. He m_ the length of the room, which is seven metres long. 43. I found many eyewitnesses to c_ that I was innocent. 44. Its _(大约) 400km from Toronto to Ottawa. 45. We

9、 planted the trees at a certain d_ from each other. 46. Some people are t_ of heights, so they dare not climb high. 47. Canada is a m_ of many cultures and races. 48. If you want to catch the early train tomorrow morning, youd better get up at d_ . 49. The old womans words were deeply i_ on my memor

10、y. 50. Please go a_ the ship quickly. There is only 10 minutes left. 二、选词填空 in memory of keep ones word remindof play a trick on preventfrom get away with on condition that on the contrary without permission account for take a chance in time watch out at first sight have fun with1. They entered the

11、area _. 2. This story _ me _ my childhood.3. A film will be made _ those brave fire fighters.4.He seems to be giving the impression that he didnt enjoy himself in Paris. _he had a wonderful time.5. The poor weather may have _ the small crowd.6. They agreed to lend us the car _ we returned it before

12、the weekend.7. Please _ for the step here.8.Do you think the murderer should _ it.9. The young man fell in love with her _.10. She always _,so you can rely on her.11.Im not sure of beating him, but let me _.12.People love to get together to eat, drink and _each other at festivals13.In this way we _

13、the disease _ spreading.14. If you keep on, you will succeed _.15. Little Tom was criticized by the teacher for his _ his deskmate.三、用所学的动词短语填空1. cut 的短语1) Its impolite for children to _ when their seniors are talking.2) Finally he reached a lonely island which was completely _ from the outside worl

14、d.3) My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking, but at least he has _.4)Your essay is too long, please _ this part.2. bring的短语1) Science has _ many changes in our lives.2) Most of us can forgive each other when differences are _ in the open.3) The government plans to _ new laws forcing parents to tak

15、e more responsibility for the education of their children.4) Together they compare thoughts on _ children and working.3. go的短语1) Jason was determined not to _ his fathers wishes.2) Ive got to _ my notes for tomorrows exam.3) Ive _ all my pockets but I cant find my keys.4) People cant live without wa

16、ter and neither agriculture and industry can _ it.4. pull的短语1) The old building has been _for safety reasons.2) The doctor said I was going to _ after the operation.3) It was at 9:00 that the train _ and would arrive in the destination in five hours4) A car _ behind me.5. break 的短语1) Her health _ af

17、ter the pressure of work.2) The talk between the two sides has _ without reaching any agreement.3) Does anyone know how to do if a fire _.4) They have decided to _ the partnership.5) He decided to _ his family after graduation.四、完成句子1. 我不允许你用那种粗鲁的方式和你妈妈讲话。I _ _ you _ to your mother in a rude manner.

18、2. 依我看来,没有什么比旅行更令人愉快。In my view, _ is _ _ than travelling.3. 我正要出门购物,一位不速之客来访了。I _ _ _ go shopping _ an unexpected visitor came.4. 他每天早晨6点起床已成了习惯。He _ _ a _ _ get up at six every morning.5. 研究表明在开车时男人发生的严重车祸是女人的两倍。The study shows men have _ _ _ serious accidents _ women while driving.6.他宁愿自己不知道这个消息。

19、He _ _ he _ _ the news.参考答案:一、1. starved 2. award 3. admire 4. permitting 5. gained 6. belief 7. arrival 8. energetic 9. balanced 10. spy 11. curiosity 12. benefited 13. obvious/evident14. apologize 15. debt 16. limited 17. bet 18. adventure 19. manners 20. wander 21. silly 22. account/description 2

20、3. recognize 24. accident 25. characters 26. atmosphere 27. development 28. presence 29. oxygen 30. theory 31. puzzle 32. Unlike 33. violent 34. exists 35. fundamental/basic 36. harmful 37. slightly 38. chatting 39. scenery 40. surrounded 41. continents 42. measures 43. confirm 44. approximately 45.

21、 distance 46. terrified 47. mixture 48. dawn 49. impressed 50. abroad二、1. without permission 2. remindedof 3. in memory of 4. On the contrary 5. accounted for 6. on condition that 7. watch out 8. get away with 9. at first sight10. keeps her word 11. take a chance 12. have fun with 13. preventedfrom1

22、4.in time 15. play a trick on三、1.cut in, cut off, cut down, cut out 2. brought about, brought out, bring in, bringing up 3. go against, go over, go through, go without 4. pulled down, pull through, pulled out, pulled up 5. broke down, broke down, breaks out, break up, break away from四、1.cant have, speaking 2. Nothing, more pleasant 3.was about to, when 4.makes it, rule to 5. twice as many, as 6. would rather, hadnt heard


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