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1、五班级英语课堂教学教案5篇 教案不能一模一样,要发挥每一个老师的聪慧才智和制造力,所以老师的教案要结合本地区的特点,因材施教。下面我给大家带来关于五班级英语课堂教学教案,便利大家学习 五班级英语课堂教学教案1 Module 1 短语: 1、come back 回来 come back from+某地 从某地回来 2、look at sb/stn 看某人/某物 3、wait for sb 等候某人 4、hurry up 赶快 5、by bus 乘公交车 6、phone sb=call sb 给某人打电话 7、动词过去式:go-went meet-met see- saw come-came bu

2、y-bought run-ran drop-dropped 句子: 1、-Did you come back yesterday? -No,we came back last Sunday. 2、Lets buy some. (Lets+动词原形 我们做去吧。) 3、Wait for me. 4、I dropped my ice cream. 5、We bought ice cream. 6、We went home by bus. 语法:一般过去时 一般过去时(动词+ed) 动词过去式(动词+ed)规章: 1)、挺直加-ed 2)、去e 加-ed 3)、变y为i 加-ed 4)、双写加-ed

3、 5)、不规章改变 确定句:Sb +动词ed. 否定句:Sb +didnt+动词原形. 一般疑问句:Did+sb +动词原形? Yes,sb did./No,sb didnt. Module 2 1、buy some fruit 买一些水果 2、make a shopping list 制定一个购物清单 3、also也,放句中 too也,放句末 4、some“一些”,接可数名词复数或不行数名词,用在确定句中 any“一些”,接可数名词复数或不行数名词,用在否定句中 I have apples. I dont have apples. Do you have apples? 5、half a k

4、ilo 半公斤 6、a lot of=lots of 很多 接可数名词复数或不行数名词 7、over there 那边 8、动词过去式:buy-bought eat-ate drink-drank 1、-What did you buy? -I bought some apples. 2、-How many bananas did you buy? -We didnt buy any bananas. 注:How many +可数名词复数+一般疑问句? 3、-How much cheese did you buy? -Half a kilo. 注:How much +不行数名词+一般疑问句?

5、回答用half a kilo / 数词+kilo(s) / 数词+bottle(s) 语法:特别疑问句 特别疑问句 构成:特别疑问词+一般疑问句?回答时,依据具体状况回答。 特别疑问词: what 什么 who 谁 whose 谁的 why 为什么 how 怎样 where 哪里 when 什么时候 Module 3 1、at the weekend 在周末 2、visit lots of places 参观很多地方 3、take a boat trip 坐船旅行 4、have a good day 度过快乐的一天 5、one hour and twenty minutes一小时二非常钟 6、

6、the Great Wall 长城 7、at ten oclock 在十点钟 at+ 时间点 在.点钟 8、take a photo of sb/sth 给某人/某物拍照 9、动词过去式:tell-told go-went take-took have-had 1、-Where did you go? -We went to the British Museum. 2、-How did you go to these places? -We went by bus. 3、What did you do at the weekend? 4、They arrived there at ten oc

7、lock. 5、Da Ming took a photo of his father. 五班级英语课堂教学教案2 1、buy sth for sb=buy sb sth 给某人买某物 2、a pair of+复数 一双 a pair of shoes/socks 一双鞋/一双袜子 a pair of shorts 一条短裤 3、want to do 想要做某事 4、动词过去式:buy-bought take-took lose-lost find-found fly-flew eat-ate ride-rode- meet-met 1、-Whats the matter? -I lost my

8、 cap. Whats the matter(with sb)? 2、Lets go and fly it. Lets+动词原形。 3、Did you wash Linglings T-shirt? 4、Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. 5、Im sorry. 语法:物主代词 物主代词:表示“某人的”,后面跟名词。 my我的 our我们的 your你的 your你们的 his他的 her她的 its它的 their他们的 Module 5 1、give out 分发 2、all right 好的 3、child-(复数)children 4、in your cl

9、ass 在你班上 5、so many+可数名词复数 如此多. 6、but 但是 7、thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 8、twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 1、How many faces can you see? 2、There are only nineteen crayons. 3、-How many pupils are there in your class? -There are fourteen. 语法:There b

10、e句型 There be句型: 表示“某地有某. .”。常用结构:There is/are+某人/某物+地点。 There is+a/an+可数名词单数+地点。 There is+a/an+不行数名词+地点。 There are+可数名词复数(s)+地点。 Module 6 1、run fast 跑得快 run really/very fast 跑得真快,跑得很快 2、pass the ball well 传球传得好 3、catch the ball well 接球接得好 4、play football well 踢球踢得好 5、jump high 跳高 jump really/very hi

11、gh 跳得真高,跳得很高 6、be good at 擅长 7、in the past 过去 8、动词过去式:run-ran swim-swam 1、-Can you pass the ball well? -Not very well. 2、You are very good at basketball. 3、You can play football well. 4、In the past,he ran very fast. very特别,很 5、The black horse ran really fast. really 真的,的确 语法:can can “能,能够,可以,会”,后面跟动

12、词原形 确定句:Sb+can+动词原形。 否定句:Sb+cant+动词原形。(can后加not,其余不变) 一般疑问句:Can+sb+动词原形?(can提前,其余不变) Yes,sb can. / No,sb cant. 五班级英语课堂教学教案3 We lived in a small house 教学目标: 1、学问目标: (1)New words: life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady (2)New sentences:There were/werent . There are

13、. We livedmany years ago. We livenow. 2、力量目标: (1)能依据情境正确用法There be ,We livedmany years ago. We livenow.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物 (2)培育同学听、说、读、写的力量。 教学重点:如何让同学在课堂上学会 There be , We livedmany years ago. We livenow.句型并能在生活中敏捷运用该句型。 教学过程: 一.预习检测 写出下列动词的过去式。 do_ is_ are_ live_ have_ watch_ 二.合作探究,学习课文。 1)播放课文录音,让同学在听

14、录音的同时找出课文中消失的新单词与新句型。 2)进行嬉戏“火眼金睛找生词新句”。让同学以竞赛抢答的形式快速找出课文中消失的新单词与新句型。 3)在让同学初步了解了课文内容后,老师再次播放录音,让同学大声跟读课文。 巩固练习; 重点句式操练Listen and say。先让同学听录音,跟读句子,明确本课的重点句式,然后让他们敏捷运用句式:There is/are/There was/were造句。 练习检测: 拓展延长 让同学预备,谈论图中内容,然后选择几个代表来讲给全班同学听。回忆课文内容,试着用重点句复述课文。 引导同学对本节所学内容进行归纳总结:运用句式There be.We livedm

15、any years ago . We live now.谈论及比较过去和现在的生活。 课后反思: 五班级英语课堂教学教案4 Im in New York now Teaching objectives: 1. Words: arrive taxi flat building made again 2. Sentences: Grandma made Chinese food for me. I want to try American food. I will write again soon. 3. Practise to pronounce wh wr. 4. Learn the song

16、: Its a big exciting world. Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder pictures Teaching procedures Warmer: 1. Stick the pictures of unit 1 on the board. Have the students come to the front and mime the text of unit 1. 2. Say a sentence in the present tense and get the students say it in the past tens

17、e. Examples: T: Daming goes to New York. Ss: Daming went to New York. T: Grandma meets Daming. Ss: Gradma met Daming. Teach the text: 1. Raise the picture of the Statue of Liberty and ask: What is it ? Where is it?” Guide the students say: Its the statue of Liberty. Its in New York”. T: Daming is in

18、 New York now. Lets see who met him at the airport. What he saw in New York and What food he wanted to eat. 2. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the new words in books. 3. Teach the new words. 4. Play the tape again. Have the students listen and say. After this, get the students

19、to answer the following questions: Who met Daming at the airport? (Grandma and Simon) What did Daming see in New York? (Buildings, cards and people) What food did he want to try? (American food) 5. Complete activity 2 in SB. (Get the students to ask and answer in pairs) 6. Practise to pronounce wh w

20、r. 7. Learn the song: Its a big exciting world. 8. Complete exercise 1 in AB. Homework: Practise the following sentences in pairs: Where are you from? Where are you going to go? Where are you going to go there? Where are you going to do there? Designs: Module 10 Unit 2 Im in New York now Arrive Gran

21、dma mad Chinese food for me. Taxi Flat I want to try American food. building made I will write again soon 五班级英语课堂教学教案5 where are you going to go 教学目标: 1、能够识别单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush. 2、学习目标语句:Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When are you going to go? Whos going to

22、 go with you? 3、功能:能够谈论旅行前的预备和具体事宜。 教学重点: 1、把握新单词,并能够理解旅行所预备的物品。 2、能够口头运用 Where are you going to go? What are you going to take?When are you going to go to the airport?Whos going to go to the airport?这类 问句就具体信息提问。 教学难点: 能够和同学用 “where、 what、when、who”这四个单词开头的疑问句谈论旅行前的准 备。 教学用具: 录音机、PPT 教学过程: Step1、War

23、m-up 师生之间相互问候 Step2、Presentation Free talk T:the summer holiday is coming ,so Where are you going to go in your summerholidays? When are you going to go there? What are you going to take? What are you going to do there? Who is going to go with you ? (生逐一回答后,师总结):I think you had a lovely time, Yes? 由

24、此活动引出 Where, When, What, Who?等特别疑问词,并带领同学们复习一般将来 时的用法。 教学目标: 1、能够识别单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush. 2、学习目标语句:Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When are you going to go? Whos going to go with you? 3、功能:能够谈论旅行前的预备和具体事宜。 教学重点: 1、把握新单词,并能够理解旅行所预备的物品。 2、能够口头运用 Where are you go

25、ing to go? What are you going to take?When are you going to go to the airport?Whos going to go to the airport?这类 问句就具体信息提问。 教学难点: 能够和同学用 “where、 what、when、who”这四个单词开头的疑问句谈论旅行前的准 备。 教学用具: 录音机、PPT 教学过程: Step1、Warm-up 师生之间相互问候 Step2、Presentation Free talk T:the summer holiday is coming ,so Where are yo

26、u going to go in your summerholidays? When are you going to go there? What are you going to take? What are you going to do there? Who is going to go with you ? (生逐一回答后,师总结):I think you had a lovely time, Yes? 由此活动引出 Where, When, What, Who?等特别疑问词,并带领同学们复习一般将来 时的用法。 8、 Listen again and answer some que

27、stions: Where is Daming going to go ? What is Daming going to take ? When is Daming going to go to the airport? Whos going to go to the airport? 9、Listen and repeat.(老师随机说明 passport) Step4、Practice 1、Now,I want to be Daming,You want to be grandma. I answer you ask me together(师说答语,同学找到相对应的问句) S:Wher

28、e are you going to go? What are you going to take? When are you going to go to the airport? Whos going to go to the airport? T:To the airport. Clothes,shoes,present,ticket,passport,toothbrush? At seven oclock tomorrow morning. Daming 2、分角色表演课文对话 Step5、Extension Step6、Summary and homework. 1、 Summary

29、 观赏 Chant: Where are you going to go? Where are you going to go ? To the airport, to the airport. What are you going to take? What are you going to take? Shoes,ticket and toothbrush, When are you going to go ?When are you going to go ? At 7 oclock, At 7 oclock, Who is going to go ? Who is going to go ? Its me! Its me ! 2、 Homework (1)Read the words and text (2)请同学询问伴侣或家人外出旅游的预备状况 五班级英语课堂教学教案


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