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1、Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 1 Im going to play basketball教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Playing Sports 为主题。第一话题Michael和Kangkang的对话,引出本话题的重点语法项目“be going to do”结构所表达的一般将来时,呈现重点短语cheer on, win (the game), prefer doing,play for, grow up,spend time (in) doing sth., be good at doing sth., take part in等及句型“There is goi

2、ng to be ”,“Its good for ”等。让学生会运用所学到的结构来谈论意向、计划及自己所偏爱的事物。Section A以Michael和Kangkang谈论篮球运动为开端,引导学生结合自己的实际生活,正确地使用be going to do谈论自己的运动计划和偏好,Section B通过Michael和Maria谈论自己最喜欢的运动及运动员,由此激发学生谈论自己的理想, Section C要求学生能模仿Ann的运动习惯,写出自己的一周运动安排并付诸行动,而Section D是一节复习课,在综合复习Sections A-C的词汇、语法和功能句的基础上,巩固学生本周的学习内容。通过综

3、合的阅读和写作的练习,拓展延伸学生的学习内容,检测学生综合运用语言的能力。本话题建议用5个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2第二课时:Section A-3a,3b, Section B-1a,1b,1c,1d第三课时:Section B-2,3a,3b, Section C- 2a,2b第四课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c,1d, Section D -2第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1a, 1b, Project第二课时(Section A-3a,3b Section B-1a,1b,1c,1

4、d)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section B -1a,1b,1c。通过1a中 Michael和Maria谈论最喜爱的运动和最喜爱的运动员以及自己梦想的场景,进一步学习be going to表将来的用法。首先让学生展示Section A 中3b的对话,谈论自己的运动计划,复习be going to结构并谈论各自喜欢的运动。接着学生借助教师出示的几张运动员图片尝试使用 “be going to be +职业名称”谈论自己的运动爱好及梦想。由教师提出问题“What is Michael going to be”导入Section B -1a,学生听1a对话,完成1b中表格信息的填写。然后根据

5、1b中的信息将1a改写成文段,完成1c。1d是一个扩展,用1b的表格形式做调查并记录关键信息,最后向全班汇报。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)重点词汇短语学习:player dream grow future scientist play for play against (2)能正确运用“be going to be +职业名称”谈论运动爱好及梦想2. Skill aims: (1)能听懂有关运动爱好和梦想的简单对话和陈述。(2)能正确地口头表达有关运动爱好和梦想的话题。3. Emotional aims:通过对Section B的学习,要求学生写出自

6、己最喜爱的运动及运动员的相关信息,教师运用名人效应引导学生正确的人生观,帮助他们树立远大理想,明白只有今天好好学习,强身健体,才能保证明天实现自己的梦想。4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:正确、熟练地运用be going to be句型。2. Difficult points: (1)be going to be句型中的第一个be动词和主语的一致性。(2)为他人作报告时主语是he和she时, 谓语动词形式的正确变化以及物主代词his 和her的正确运用。. Learning strat

7、egies学会运用关键词改写对话,有助于提高学生的复述能力。. Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector.V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Greet and warm up.Ask the students to give the everyday report.T: Good morning, ev

8、erybody! The first two mins is for you to give the everyday report T:How many people are there in his report?The teacher asks more questions about S1s report.Greet and warm up.The student reports in front of the whole class. The topic is related to sports.Ss:Good morning, Miss S1:Its my turn to do d

9、uty report. Today, I want to talk aboutS2:Three.S3:值日报告可以提供开口机会,增强自信心。对渲染课堂气氛、调动和激发学生英语学习的积极性和创造性、及时复习巩固课堂学习内容起着不可低估的作用。Remark:针对报告人的内容,也可以让听报告的学生提出问题,这样更利于培养听者捕捉关键信息的能力。Stage 2(12mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Class activity)teacher shows pictures in 2 of Sect

10、ion A on the screen, and asks the students to retell the dialogue they wrote last class in pairs. T:I know you have made up your own conversations like 3b in Section A. Its your turn to act them out in front of the class. The group that does the best will win the prize. The whole class retell the co

11、nversation in pairs.G1:.G2:.用竞赛得分的方式复习调动学生的积极主动性。2(Group work)Play the tape recording of 3a in Section A.T:You did quite well. Just now you talked about your sports plan Its colorful. Now Sally and Bob are going to play sports . Just listen to the conversation and try to get the information in the t

12、able of 3a.T:Have you got the answers?Who can tell us the answers Listen to 3a and fill in the table.Students listen to 1a carefully, focusing on the information of the table including sports, time and what to take.Ss:S1: Sally is S2:Bob is利用Section A-3a的听力练习复习所学结构。Remark:通过作业展示对上节课的重点内容进行复习巩固。Stage

13、 3(5mins):Pre-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1( Individual work )Teacher asks a good student to make the conversation with the teacher, to learn “Im going to be a ” and the new word “player”.T: Im going to join the school table tennis club. Im going to be a table tenn

14、is player.Teacher shows 3 pictures in 2 of Section A on the sereen, with new phrases under each picture: a rowing player, a tennis player, a table tennis player. T: What are you going to be?Start on 1b.Before listening, the teacher help students understand the meaning of “favorite” then asks student

15、s two questions: What is Michaels favorite sport? What is Marias favorite sport?T:I like table tennis best. My favorite sport is table tennis.T: Good! In fact, everyone has his own dream. I have a dream. I am going to be a table tennis player. Michael also has a dream, and lets listen to 1a and find

16、 out: What is Michael going to be? Who is Michaels favorite player?Students listen carefully and try to imitate what the teacher says. Guess the meanings of the new words.The students answer according to the pictures.S1:Im going to be a rowing player.S2:Im going to be a tennis player.S3:Im going to

17、be a table tennis player. Students listen carefully and try to understand the meaning of “favorite” with the help of their own memory.Students get ready to listen carefully, and find the sentences which are related to the teachers questions.这样的设计是为了对听前生词障碍的排除。Remark:在师生交流对话中将新单词呈现出来,让学生在情境中感知新词含义,更为

18、印象深刻。Stage 4(7mins):While-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Class work)Play the tape recording of 1a.T: lets listen to 1a and find out: What is Michael going to be? Who is Michaels favorite player?Play the tape recording of 1a twice.T:What is Michaels favorite sport? W

19、hat is Marias favorite sport?T: Who would like to tell me your answers? Play the tape recording of 1a for the third time and finish1b.Listen to 1a and anwer the teachers questionsS1: Michael is going to be a basketball playerS2:. He likes Yao Ming bestAfter listening, they should find out the answer

20、s to the two questions “Basketball, of course. Me , too”. “Thats OK”.S1:Michaels favorite sport is basketball.S2: Marias favorite sport is also basketball.Listen and complete the table in 1b.Ss:.将1b表格的听力内容分解开,降低听力难度,胜过一股脑地抛给学生诸多听力任务。Remark:Stage 5(13mins):Post-listeningStepTeacher activityStudent ac

21、tivityDesigning purpose1(Group work)Listen and followTeacher plays the recording of 1a sentence by sentence.Teacher plays the recording without stopping.Teacher offers students 1 or 2 minutes to read 1a in pairs.Design a competition:To see who can read the fastest in class.Students repeat 1a sentenc

22、e by sentence, imitating the pronunciation.Students try to follow the speed.Students read 1a in pairs, trying to read correctly and fluently.Students read 1a individually as quickly as they can.2(Class work)Deal with the key pints in 1a.(1) favorite player;(2) “something” and “anything”; (3) “play f

23、or” and “play against”;(4) prep “like” and verb “like”; (5)“men compound words”;(6) “when” clause. Students underline the language points in the text book, and finish the exercises in summary on the computer screen.3(Class work)Finish1c.Teacher limits the time for the students to finish1c, and two w

24、rite their essays “Basketball” on the blackboard.Teacher asks some volunteers to correct the essays. Teacher helps to correct if necessary.T:Do you think hisher anwers are Right?The first six excellent students write the answers of 1c on the blackboard. Volunteers correct the essays. Students should

25、 develop the habit of checking by themselves.Ss:.S1: Let me have a try.S2:.4(Class work)Finish 1d.T: Survey your partner, using the table in 1b .Then write down the Key information and report it To the class. S1:LiHong is my good friend,Her favorite sport is running.Her favorite player is LiuXiang,b

26、utS2:P1:在真实描述中运用所学语言,实现学以致用。Remark:Stage 6(5mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Summarize Section B together with the students T: OK. Class will be over soon, Now lets summarize what we have learnt in this lesson. What do we learne

27、d and what can you do after this lesson? T:Can you make a sentence with it?T:A good example. Anything else?Students summarize Section B together with the teacher.S1: We learned how to express our dreams using the structure “be going to be ”. S1: Yes. For example, he is going to be a famous scientist

28、 when he grows up.S2:We can talk about our or others favorite sports and favorite players with one another freely.1.总结本课所学,帮助学生使知识条理化。2.了解学生的掌握情况。3.帮助学生再一次巩固本课的知识点。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.T: Good. For todays homework, Id like you to remember the new words and phrases. Please practice 1a wit

29、h your partner. And then you should preview Section B-2,3a, 3b And SectionC-2a,2b.Finish the HMK after class.适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:VI. Blackboard design第二课时(Section A-3a, 3b, Section B-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d)What are you going to be when you grow up? something, anythingIm going to be a basketball player. play for , play againstDo you know anything about him? like (prep), (verb)He played for the team in NBA.


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