2012年初一英语语音测试题1 (2).doc

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1、2015年初一英语语音测试题班级: _ 姓名: _ 得分: _一、填空题:(每空格1分;满分15分)1. 在26个英语字母中,有5个元音字母,它们是:_ _ _ _ _。2. 英语语音有48个音素,其中_个元音音素,_个辅音音素。3. 在元音音素中有_个单元音,_个双元音。4. 在辅音音素中,有清辅音和浊辅音之分,/k/ 是 _辅音,/d/是_辅音。5. 英语中的音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。音节是根据_来划分的,一个元音构成一个音节。一个音节叫_音节,两个音节叫双音节,三个音节以上叫_音节。6. 音节按读音可以分为开音节和闭音节,开音节又可以分为绝对开音节

2、(如:go, we)和相对开音节 (如:make)。在开音节中,这个元音字母发“_”本身音。二、下列每组单词中,有一个划线部分的发音与其它三个不同,选出这个单词。(共10分,每小题1分)( ) 1. A. gradeB. gladC. dateD. gate( ) 2. A. justB. luckC. cuteD. cup( ) 3. A. noteB. topC. costD. bottle( ) 4. A. dreamB. eachC. reasonD. ready( ) 5. A. largeB. quarterC. startD. pardon ( ) 6. A. wouldB. m

3、outhC. groundD. cloudy( ) 7. A. orderB. importantC. worldD. sport( ) 8. A. thanB. motherC. thoseD. month( ) 9. A. showB. downC. yellowD. slow( ) 10. A. whoseB. whenC. whereD. what三、判断下列各组单词划线部分的读音,相同的在括号内写“”,不同的写“”。(共10分,每小题1分)( ) 1. over only ( ) 2. life hill ( ) 3. health cheap ( ) 4. bowl cow( )

4、5. wake past ( ) 6. true blue ( ) 7. pool tooth ( ) 8. else close ( ) 9. wallet carry ( ) 10. lazy style四、下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分的读音与所给单词划线部分的读音相同,请选出这个单词。(共10分,每小题1分)( ) 1. needA. wishB. pieceC. guessD. weather( ) 2. warmA. hardB. pardonC. drawD. carton( ) 3. chatA. radioB. changeC. dancingD. snack( ) 4

5、. moneyA. volleyballB. areaC. mealD. grey( ) 5. woolA. moonB. looksC. bootD. food( ) 6. blouseA. youB. cousinC. shoutD. soup( ) 7. trainerA. ideaB. jeansC. cleanD. great( ) 8. enjoyA. pointB. awayC. SundayD. body( ) 9. becauseA. chatB. ChristmasC. cityD. special( )10. heroesA. busesB. boxesC. knives

6、D. bushes五、在下列每组单词中,找出含有所给音标的选项。(共10分,每小题1分)( ) 1. /:/A. neverB. energyC. shirtD. order( ) 2. /A. moreB. mostC. porkD. hobby( ) 3. /d/A. giftB. jacketC. gloveD. ghost( ) 4. /e/A. pearB. nearC. hereD. hear( ) 5. /A. chatB. museumC. shirtD. style( ) 6. /A. picnicB. designC. thin D. pink( ) 7. /A. smoo

7、thB. womanC. coolD. cotton( ) 8. /A. pocketB. collectC. kiloD. item( ) 9. /A. total B. radio C. lanternD. celebrate( )10. /A. biologyB. knockC. popularD. borrow六、选出单词划线部分的读音。(共10分,每小题1分)( ) 1. reading A. / B. /n / ( ) 2. age A. /j/ B. /d/ ( ) 3. building A. /ju:/ B. /( ) 4. plane A. / B. /e/ ( ) 5.

8、salt A. /:/ B. /:l/ ( ) 6. leather A. /e/ B. /i:/( ) 7. tieA. /a/ B. / ( ) 8. few A. / B. /ju:/ ( ) 9. away A. /e/ B. /e/( ) 10. sugarA. /s/ B. / 七、根据所给出的音标,写出单词所缺的字母。(共10分,每个单词0.5分)1. / fr_nt en_ _gh 2. /a/ d_ _ry t_ _ _d 3. / us_ _lly p_ _ _4. /:/ sk_ _t l_ _ _n 5. /a/ br_ _ _t ins_de 6. /:/ f_ _t

9、y dr_ _ing7. /i:/ b_ _n tr_ _t 8. /t/ whi_ _ wa_ _ _ 9. /e/ _ _ _ _t p _ _nt10. /s/ pri_ _ le_ _八、根据句意及音标写出相应的单词。(共15分,每小题1分)1. Jim likes _ /swm/ very mush.2. Danies hair is very short and he wears _ /gl:sz /.3. I like football very much and I often watch football _ / mtz / on TV.4. What do you ofte

10、n do in your _ /fri:/ time?5. What subject do you like best? I like _ /hstri/ best.6. Our school library looks very _/mdn/. Do you think so?7. May I _ /br/ your bike? 8. He _/seldm/ eats breakfast. Its bad for his health.9. We do after-school _/ktivitiz/ at 4:30 every day.10. I go to see a film _/tw

11、as/ a month with my parents. 11. Listen! I want to ask you some _ /kwestnz/.12. Dont eat too many sweets. They are bad for your _/ti:/.13. I like walking in the park on Sundays. _ /ri:li/? I think its good for your health.14. Simon likes collecting _/ stmps/.15. What can I do for you? I want to buy

12、three _/ btlz/ of juice. 九、根据音标写出正确的句子。(共10分,每小题2分)1. /ai k:nt hi ju wel n fn /. _.2. / : lts v dfrnt iz t p:ti /._.3. / m:l iz ud pleis tu mi:t frendz nd hv fn/. _.4. /ju: ni:d tu ekssaz m: tu ki:p fit/. _.5. /am nt u. mebi hi:z nt ntrstd n mju:zk/. _.2012年初一英语语音测试题参考答案及评分标准一、填空题:(每空格1分;满分15分)1. a,

13、 e, I , o, u 2. 20, 28 3. 12, 8 4. 清,浊 5. 元音,单,多 6. 字母二、下列每组单词中,有一个划线部分的发音与其它三个不同,选出这个单词。(共10分,每小题1分)1-5 BCADB 6-10 ACDBA三、判断下列各组单词划线部分的读音,相同的在括号内写“”,不同的写“”。(共10分,每小题1分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 四、下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分的读音与所给单词划线部分的读音相同,请选出这个单词。(共10分,每小题1分)1-5 BCDAB 6-10 CDABC五、在下列每组单词中,找出含有所给音标的选项

14、。(共10分,每小题1分)1-5 CDBAC 6-10 DBACD六、选出单词划线部分的读音。(共10分,每小题1分)1-5 ABBBB 6-10 AABAB七、根据所给出的音标,写出单词所缺的字母。(共10分,每个单词0.5分)1. front, enough 2. diary tired 3. usually, poor 4. skirt, learn 5. bright, inside6. forty, drawing 7. bean, treat 8. which, watch 9. eight, paint 10. price, less八、根据句意及音标写出相应的单词。(共15分,

15、每小题1分)1. swimming 2. glasses 3. matches 4. free 5. history 6. modern 7. borrow 8. seldom 9. activities 10. twice 11. questions 12. teeth 13. Really 14. stamps 15. bottles九、根据音标写出正确的句子。(共10分,每小题2分) 注意:错一处扣0.5分,每小题最多扣2分。1. I cant hear you on the phone.2. There are lots of different things at the party.3. The mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun.4. You need to exercise more to keep fit.5. Im not sure. Maybe hes not ineretested in music.


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