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1、六年级英语上册单词拼写天天练习题沪教版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。TherearemanyoutsideclassactivitiesinourschoolandIminthe_(dance)group.Theteacheris_(please)withwhatwehavedoneinclass.Heworkedhardand_(success)inhisbusinessatlast.Tomranso_(quick)thatIcouldntcatchupwithhim.Youreso_(luck).ThisisthelastticketforGuiyan

2、g.2. 根据首字母提示填空。1Dont t_the things out of the window. Its dangerous.2My sister b_a new dress for me yesterday.3I usually write an e_to my grandma.4We shouldnt w_water. We should save water.5People like c_down the trees.3. 根据句意填写出下面的单词。(1)Thanksgivingismyfavourite_(节日)(2)Wealwayshavea_(特别的)meal.Itsabi

3、g_(家庭)dinner.(3)Mymothermakesmoon_(饼)onMid-autumnFestival.(4)AllChineseeatjiaoziat_(春节).4. 补全本课出现的单词。1. w_kend 2.d_nk (drink的过去式)3. cl_n 4. st_ 5. cl_th5. 根据提示写出所缺单词。1、Whereareyougoingthis_?(oinmrgn)2、Imgoingtothe_.(bokoresot)3、Whatareyougoingto_?(yub)4、Imgoingtobuya_(micoc)book.5、Whatareyou_todo?(n

4、igog)6. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Paris is the_of France. You can find the Eiffel Tower there.2I like baby girls. I want to have a d_.3My mother m_some hamburgers for breakfast yesterday.4Healthy children eat a lot of v_every day.5The band(乐队)played some loud music in the park. It was too n_.6Ben is very clever.

5、He is good at_.7The queen wants to kill the beautiful_.8If you need help, you can call 110. The_will come and help you.9The film is so_! Sam wants to sleep now.7. 按要求写出单词。(1)watch (三单)_ (2)take (过去式)_(3)put (原形)_ (4)run (现在分词)_(5)good(副词)_8. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. Thanks for_(同意) to let me watch the m

6、atch on TV.2. The city streets are full of_(来往车辆).3. Xi Jinping is the_(国家主席) of China.4. The children took a boat_(旅行) along the Yellow River last Sunday.5. We had to move_(里面)when it started to rain.6. Im p_for the trip to Guangzhou. It will cost a lot of money.7. They a_at the stop too late, so t

7、hey missed the bus.8. The teacher w_who broke the window.9. Our team w_the basketball match final today.10. He stayed at home and watched TV i_of going out to play with his friends.9. 选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。( )1.t_vel(旅行) A. reB.ea C. ra( )2.Chi_(中国) A. naB. neC. nese( )3.Fr_ce(法国) A. en B. anC. ae( )4. Br

8、it_n(英国) A. ae B. ei C. ai( )5.Ameri_(美国) A. anB. canC. ca10. 根据所给汉语填入适当的单词,使句意完整、正确。1.Iam_(个子矮的),butImstrong.2.Iliketogocampingin_(秋天).3.Thestudentsaregoingtoseea_(演出)tomorrowmorning.4.Peterwantstofinda_(笔友)inChina.11. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. They_ (be) there a moment ago.2. Last week, David _ (listen) to m

9、usic.3. I _ (do) my homework now.4. Dont _ (touch) it. It means “Danger”.5. My father often _ (go) to the park on Sundays.12. 按要求完成各题。1. Canada _(形容词)2. stamp _(复数)3. this _(复数)4. America _(形容词)5. collect _(现在分词)6. get _(过去式)7. have _(第三人称单数)8. paint _(现在分词)13. 写出下列动词的过去式。(1)ride_ (2)hurt_(3)fall_ (

10、4)eat_(5)go_14. 补全单词,并译成汉语。1.fact_ _y_ 2.bus_n_ssman_ 3.scie_t_st_4.p_l_t_ 5.c_ _ch_15. 首字母填空。1. Its n_ to the library. 2. Im going to the b_ to buy some books this weekend. 3. I usually go to the h_ to see a doctor. 4. Excuse me, w_ is the cinema? Walk straight for three minutes. 5. Go s_ for 5 minutes. You can see it.4 / 4


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