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1、冀教版五年级英语上学期单词拼写假期练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据首字母提示填空。Some students talk a_their hobbies. Mike likes p_basketball and football. He l_drawing too. He usually d_pictures w_his brother Tim. Liu Tao is g_at football. He a_likes p_table tennis. Yang Ling likes r_books. She h_many books. W_about the twins? They b_like

2、s s_.2. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. You can go to the park on foot. It is not f_from here.2. Where can I t_a bus?3. W_along the street. The bookshop is in front of you.4. My mother is a nurse. She works in a big h_.5. Dont turn l_. The metro station is on your right.6. The cinema is over there. Lets go and se

3、e a f_.3. 按要求写单词。1. room(复数)_ 2. find(过去式)_3. Im(完全形式)_ 4.hide(现在分词)_5. is(否定形式)_ 6.hide-and-seek(中文)_4. 连词成句。(1) is , her , Lucy , name . _.(2) you , live , do , where ._.(3)at , I , 56 , road , Wuhan , live ._.(4)is , be , let , friends _.(5) want , see, he , to , her ._.(6) car , one , comes _.5.

4、 按要求写单词。1. find(过去式)_ 2. on the school bus(中文)_3. lose(过去式)_ 4. it(物主代词)_5. my(复数)_6. 读一读,填入适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给,每线一词。1. - What do you need for winter? Its too cold. -I need a s_. Its warm.2. I like this red blouse b_its too small.3. Please keep s_. The students are having an English lesson.4. Kitty like

5、s this coat b_its pretty and warm.5. - Can you see the nice clothes? - Only c_people can see them.6. Can I have a dress with a long z_?7. 根据要求写出相应的单词。1. wide(反义词) _ 2. sheep(名词复数)_3. cheap(反义词)_ 4. match(第三人称单数)_5. big(反义词)_ 6. child(名词复数)_7. do(第三人称单数)_8. 根据句意提示,写出单词的正确形式。(首字母已给出)(1)Mymotheroftente

6、llsmesomes_.Theyareveryfunny.(2)Ihavenothingtodonow.Imb_.Canyouplaygameswithme?(3)TonyandDickaregoodstudentsatschool.Theys_hard.(4)Ourschoolhasabigp_.Welikeplayingfootballonit.(5)W_skirtisit?ItsLinglings.9. 单词默写。兽医_ 动物园_ 老师_学校_ 父亲_ 母亲_警察_ 护士_ 家庭_祖父_ 叔叔_ 阿姨_10. 看图根据首字母写单词。 e_ r_ s_ n_ i_ c_11. 按要求写单词

7、。1. can not(缩写)_ 2. sit down (中文)_3. play(第三人称单数)_ 4. help(形容词)_5. him(主格)_12. 写出一个同类的单词。1. coconutcherry_2. theywe_3. buy work_4. water milk_5. cherries lychees_13. 看图补全单词。1.-WhosyourEnglishteacher?-MissWhite.-Isshek_?-Yes,sheis.2.-Whosyourmusicteacher?-Mr.Young.-Isheo_?3.-WhosyourEnglishteacher?-Mr.Li.-Ishes_?-Yes,heis.14. 按要求写词。1ride(动名词)_2cannot(缩略形式)_3go(第三人称单数形式)_4try(第三人称单数形式)_5feet(单数)_6story(复数)_7she(宾格)_8show(第三人称单数形式)_9city(复数)_10drive(名词)_15. 写出下列动词的现在分词。(1)do_ (2)drive_ (3)swim_(4)draw_ (5)ride_ (6)skip_(7)sing_ (8)skate_ (9)run_4 / 4


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