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1、Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears 第一课时青口小学 仲淑琳教学内容: 小学牛津英语Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears (story time)学习目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读单词Goldilocks, forest, bear, house, soup, cold, just right, hard, soft, tired, afraid, in front of, help。2.能听懂、会说、会读句型 What a beautiful forest! There is /areThisis 3.能够在理解基础上

2、,流利地表演对话。 4.培养学生阅读故事,整体理解的能力。教学重、难点: 1.新的词汇量较多,单词的读音较难Goldilocks, forest, just right, tired, afraid, in front of,。2.对句型There is /are的初步了解和对句型Thisis 灵活运用。新授内容较多,本课时将句型重点放在Thisis 的教学上 3.能够在理解基础上,流利地表演对话。教学准备: PPT,头饰,单词卡片,熊图片奖励图片(树、汤),布置学生课前带软的和硬的物品教学过程:Step 1.Warm up.1. Greetings.T:Hello, Boys and gir

3、ls.S:Hello, Miss Zhong.T:Who are you?S1:Im Goldilocks.T:Lets say hello to Goldilocks group by group.OK?事先邀请一位同学扮演Goldilocks,呈现这个单词,以多种形式进行操练。并引出句子Who are you? Im同桌进行操练,知道意思即可。2. Sing a song Step 2 .Presentation and practice. 1.学习bear T:Do you know the song?Is this a pig?拿出一张熊的图片对学生进行提问。 S1:No, it is

4、nt. T:Good. Its a bear.OK!Now lets read it together. (学习单词bear。以多种形式进行操练,鼓励学生自由发挥。)2呈现课题T:Boys and girls, this is a story about Goldilocks and the three bears.(呈现课题,并带领学生多朗读几次,因为Goldilocks是一个叫难读的单词。) Would you like to watch the cartoon? Yes or No? S:Yes. (通过动画的方式让学生初步感知这个故事)3. 学习tired,afraid,in fron

5、t of,forest和soupWatch the cartoon again and answer the questions.Lets match.Which group is the winner? This is Group 1. Youre Forest Group.This is Group2,Soup Group.Q1: Does Goldilocks feel hot?Q2: Where are the three bears? 小组讨论,通过回答问题引出hungry ,thirsty,以及新单词tired 和 afraid.以及方位词in front of.(在这个环节中还可

6、以加入游戏Listen and do.利用大量的活动让学生充分体验tired,再以视线中被的恐怖音乐出其不意的让学生体验afraid的感受,游戏三轻松一下放置物品练习Listen and put the things to the right palces.复习方位词on, in, behind, beside和under,以及巩固新学习的in front of,以它为主。回答好问题的组将受到相应的奖励。This soup is for Group 2./ This tree is for the Forest Group.反复多次,并随机让学生重复,forest和 soup这两个单词也就解决

7、了。 )4. 学习soft 和hard将学生带来的物品进行介绍。T:Whats this?S1:Its a pencil box.T:Lets touch it one by one.How do you feel? Is it hard? (通过至于语言让学生明白hard的含义。)S:Yes.T:This pencil box is hard.Learn the word “hard”,we can learn soft in the same way.With the help of the things they take to class, try to say the sentenc

8、e “This is”in groups.5.Listen and repeat.6.Read by yourselves and find out which word you cannot read cerectly. You can ask for help.(及时予以帮助纠正学生的错误发音)7.Read the story together.8.Read and put the word in the right blanks. This bed is hard. This bed is _.This bed is just right.(soft是一个简单的,按照单词发音规律拼读,很

9、容易就能将其默写出来,考察学生的拼读能力。学习词组jist right.) 9.完成同步导学中的相关内容。10.小组自由朗读。Step 3.Summary.让学生总结本科所学内容,谈谈本课的收获。Step 4.Homework. 1.Listen, read and recite the story.2.Try to write out four sentences about“Thisis”.Step 5. Blackboard Design. Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears in front of afraid tired soft help hungry thirsty hard Forest This bed is hard/soft. SoupGroup This bed is just right. Group图片 图片


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