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1、Module6 Animals in dangerUnit1 It allows people to get closer to them.一、本模块学习目标:1.记住并能默写本课新单词、短语和重点句型。2.学习动词不定式宾语补足语和目的状语的用法。3.能够听懂、读懂有关动物保护的对话或文章,并获取其中细节信息,增强保护动物和保护环境的意识。二、预习检测:用英语读出并写下下列单词短语。1、词汇预习蛇 _细长的;薄的 _保护;保卫 _脖子 _野生的 _筹集;抚养 _变得;生长 _足够的 _和平;太平 _关心的;感兴趣 _允许;准许 _布告;告示 _2、词组预习对感兴趣 _处于危险中 _终于;最后

2、 _想到;想出 _ 夺走;拿走 _ 和平的;平静的 _照顾;照管 _ 3、句型预习(1) 我对去卧龙大熊猫保护区看熊猫更感兴趣,因为允许人们近距离接触他们。I _ in the Wolong Panda Reserve,because it _.(2) 一想到熊猫和其他濒危动物就让人伤心。 _(3) 许多野生动物没有安全的栖息地。 Many _animals dont have a _. (4) 您所捐的钱将用来看护动物。Your money _.(5) 让我们想想看还能做什么,来拯救尽可能多的动物。 Lets find out _. 3、 合作探究。1、 看部分图猜词汇或看英文叙述猜动物词汇

3、。2、 听Act. 2录音,回答两个主旨问题(需要学生听时做一些笔记),全班核对答案。3、 看Act. 3动画,跟读模仿对话,组内讨论出表格问题:“Why many animals are in danger?What we can do to help?”4、 再读对话,找出对话中的词组、句型和动词不定式。4、 知识拓展。 1、allow 的用法 (1)allow doing sth. 允许做某事;(2)allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事; (3)allow sb. sth. 让某人拥有某物(尤指钱或时间);(4)allow + that . 承认例如:(1) They

4、 allowed smoking in this room only. (2) He allowed me to take his dictionary (3) He allows his son too much money. (4) We had to allow that he was a good teacher.2、 need“需要;必须”的用法:(1)情态动词need + 动词原形;(2)实意动词need to do。3、 下面的短语或句型可能对你的表达有帮助: 1) It was interesting to learn 了解是很有意思的。 2)Many people decid

5、e not to think 很多人不考虑 3)Its hard to 很难。 4) have no place to live in. 无处生存。 5) Lets find out what we can do to save them 为了挽救它们,让我们想想能做些什么 5、 展示与提高1、 用所给词完成Act. 4小短文;2、 选择填空( )1. My fathers job is _ animals. A. feed B. to feed C. fed ( )2. He hurried to school without _ breakfast. A. having B. have C

6、. to have( )3. _ is difficult for him _ the book. A. That; read B. It; to read C. This; read( )4. Im _ in the _ story. A. interesting; interested B. interested; interesting C. interesting; interesting( )5. Im tired. Lets stop _. A. walking B. to walk C.walk( )6. Lets discuss how _ the animals. A. pr

7、otect B. to protect C. protecting 6、 课堂小测1、根据句意及首字母提示, 完成下列句子。 1) You are no longer a child and you should learn to p_ yourself. 2) Its better for the animals to live in the w_. 3) 15 minutes is e_ time for you to have a coffee. 4) Giraffes have very long n_. 5) That n_ on the wall says “No smoking”

8、. 2、 根据汉语完成句子。(1)托尼刚刚拿走了我的字典。 Tony _ _ my dictionary just now.(2)我有许多家务活要做。 I have got lots of housework _ _.(3)这位老人没地方住。 The old man has _ _ _ _ _.(4)老师已查明原因了。 The teacher has _ _ the reasons.3、句型转换(1)Everyone needs to protect our environment.(对画线部分提问) _ _everyone_to do?(2)Sally has interest in pla

9、ying the violin all the time.(改为同义句) Sally_ _ _playing the violin all the time.(3)Tony didnt catch the early bus.His alarm didnt work this morning.(合并为一句) Tony didnt catch the early bus_his alarm didnt work this morning. (4)Mrs.Wang passed the college exam in the end.(改为同义句) Mrs.Wang passed the coll

10、ege exam_ _.(5)I,its,think,meat,right,to,animals,for,kill,dont,their.(连词成句) _7、 课后作业.用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1.Its_(danger)for us to walk on a stormy night.2.Most of the teenagers are_(interest)to play computer games.3.My boss doesnt allow me_(use)his personal computer.4.Now the children dont have enough ti

11、me_(play)games.5.Im thirsty.I want something_(drink). .单项选择(10分)( )1.Were sad_of those animals in danger. A.to think B.think C.thinks D.thought( )2.Dont_my storybook.I want to read it now. A.take to B.take off C.take away D.take on( )3.We need_many good school buses to shuttle(接送)the children every

12、day. A.to buy B.buying C.buy D.to buying( )4.We are_at the_news of the traffic accident(交通事故). A.surprised;surprised B.surprising;surprised C.surprised;surprising D.surprising;surprising( )5.I think its difficult for him_French well. So do I. A.studies B.to study C.studying D.study.完成句子(10分)1.我们应该帮助

13、尽可能多的孩子学好英语。 We should help as_ _ _possible to learn English well.2.现在这条小河里的水不够干净不能喝。 The water in the river is not_ _ _drink now. 3.完成这项工作是很难的。 _is hard_ _the work.4.很多可怜的孩子没饭吃。 Many poor children have no food_ _.5.大象和老虎都是濒危动物。 The elephants and the tigers are animals_ _. IV.阅读理解(10分) We all know t

14、he giraffes are the tallest living animals on land. But do you want to learn more about them? Let me tell you. Giraffes live in Africa. They have a very long neck.A giraffe can be more than 18 feet tall. A giraffe has four long, thin legs. The front legs are longer than the back legs. It can run abo

15、ut 50 kilometres each hour. A giraffe is probably famous for its long neck. It can reach the leaves at the top of the trees. A giraffe can live for 20-25 years in the wild, and often longer at zoos. An adult(成年的)giraffe eats up to 140 pounds of food each day. A giraffe spends most of a day eating an

16、d it gets just a few leaves once. It eats leaves on tall trees, tall bushes and tall grass, too. But its favourite food is leaves on the acacia trees(金合欢树). Acacia leaves contain a lot of water, so a giraffe can go a long time without drinking.( )1. What does a giraffe look like? A.It is the tallest

17、 living animal on land. B. It has a long neck and four long, thin legs. C. It can live for 20-25 years in the wild. D. It can run about 50 kilometres each hour.( )2. A giraffe is well known because of_. A.its front legs B. its speed(速度) C.its neck D.its food( )3.What food does a giraffe like best? A

18、. Leaves of the acacia trees. B.Green grass. C. Tall bushes. D. Little animals.( )4.Why doesnt a giraffe drink water for a long time? A. Its an animal of the desert. B. It lives in the grassland. C. Its an animal like a camel. D. Its food contains some water.( )5.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. A giraffe is an animal from Europe. B. A giraffes front legs are long. C.I t takes a giraffe lots of time to eat food. D. A giraffe in the wild can live for over 25 years.


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