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1、牛津英语8B Unit 2 TravellingMain task 课 型:新 授 主备:孙云娣 审核:八年级英语备课组班级 姓名 学号 【教学目标】 掌握四会单词和重点句型。【教学重难点】识别并将讨论个人经历所需的主要信息整理归类。【课堂学习】1、The weather in Hong Kong was quite different from that in Beijing.that 为代词,指代前面的the weather,以免重复;复数形式为those,用于指代复数名词。Usually the pollution in big cities is much more serious t

2、han _ in the countryside.People here are as friendly as _ in my hometown.2、a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening.一座夜晚灯火辉煌的高楼林立的现代化都市。划线词组属于复合结构,即+宾语+宾语补足语.宾语补足语可以用形容词,副词,现在分词,介词短语等充当。他喜欢晚上开着窗户睡觉.He likes to sleep _ the window _ at night.老师手里拿着书进来了。The teacher came in _ a

3、 book _ his hand.【课堂检测】(一)汉译英。1.舒适的天气 _ 2.名胜_3.对这次特别的旅行感到很激动 _4.三个半小时_ 5.鸟瞰_6.一个华灯闪烁、高楼林立的现代化都市_7.的文化中心_ 8.购物的好地方_9.我们去香港旅行的日子终于到来了。_10.香港的天气和北京的十分不同。_11.在第三天/ 在最后一天_12.和漂亮的卡通人物拍照片_(二)单项选择( ) 1.Dont worry. Im sure he will _ home soon.A. come to B. return to C. come back D. back( ) 2.We _ in Hong Kon

4、g.A. had a great fun B. had a fun C. had great fun D. had good time( ) 3.The people in Beijing is as friendly as _ in Nanjing.A. one B. that C. those D. it( ) 4.We have lived in this town _.A. six years B. since six years C. for six years D. for six years ago( ) 5.-Im going to Dalian next month. -Re

5、ally? _.A.OK B. Congratulations C. Have a good time D. You are great 三、根据句子意思,用括号中所给的汉语或英语单词的适当形式填空。1.Its _(please) to play cards and Chinese chess in the new park .2.The girl sang so _(beautiful) that everyone became quite excited.3.Its my first time to see so many _(perform). They are friendly to

6、me.4.It seemed _(hope) to get into the theatre because the line was endless.5.I like water sports very much. I enjoy _(sail) in summer in Qingdao.6.You look happy today. Would you share your _(feel) with us?7.With the _(发展) of the transportation, we can get to any place of the world in a short time.

7、8. Have you heard the _(最近的)interesting news about S.H.E?9.He gave me some books as _(纪念品) when he left for Australia.10.Look! The army are _(行进) along the muddy path in the country.11. Macau_(回归) to motherland on December 20th, 1999.12. The pretty girl wears a _(闪闪发光的) necklace.四、根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。Mil

8、lie went to Hong Kong with her parents by plane. Millie found that the w_ in Hong Kong was quite d_ from that in Beijing.They visited Victoria Peak and had a b_ view of Hong Kong. They saw tall buildings with lights s_.They also visited a c_ centre and m_ in Tsim Sha Tsui. Then they went s_.Millies

9、mother e_ shopping most. She bought p_ for her friends. After that, they had fun at the b_ in Kowloon.五温故知新( ) 1.He_his home for ten yearsA. has left B. left from C. has been away from D. was away from( )2.You have never visited there,_? _ I have been there twice.A. have you; Yes, I have B. havent you; No, I haventC. have you; No, I havent D. havent you; yes, I have( ) 3. Lihuas brother has _ for two years.A. joined the army B. been an army C. become a soldier D. been in the army作业等第批改日期


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