6下Unit2(第四课时SoundtimeandCartoontime)(仲明) (2).doc

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1、Unit 2 Good habits (Period 4)赣榆区黑林镇中心小学 仲明Teaching contents教学内容:Sound time & Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1. 能理解Cartoon time的内容并动手实践。2. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。3. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:1. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中

2、的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。2. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活3. 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力Preparation教学准备:PPT, 卡片Teaching procedures教学过程:Step 1 Greetings.Greeting and make a self-introduction.Step 2 Cartoon time(一)Lets review.复习以前学过的房间类单词。study, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, dining-room, sitting-room(living room)(二)Lets predic

3、t.1.出示蒂娜的房子图片(预测)Can you ask some questions? 2.Watch the cartoon.(三)Lets learn1.打开书自学第一幅图内容,解决Who comes to see Tina?2.小组合作学习第二、三、四幅图内容,画出思维导图。根据思维导图,扮演Tina,介绍房间。(可以用书上的句子,也可以用自己的话说)提纲:house -living room (big and clean) -Tinas bedroom(small, nice) -Bobbys bedroom(messy,dirty )3.自学第五幅图内容,回答Wheres Bobb

4、y?4.Help Bobby. Bobby, you should(四)Summary1. Tinas bedroom is nice. Why? Good habits. Bobbys bedroom is messy. Why? Bad habits.2. Give the story a title. Step 3 Sound time1. Lets predict. 出示图片What can you see in the picture? 小组内练说:(PPT提供句型)I can see Theyre Theyre on the 2.出示书中的小诗 (1)自由朗读小诗,悟出“or”字母

5、组合的发音,并想想还有哪些单词中含有这个字母组合,并且也发这个音。 horse short 同时补充单词 for sport(2)Lets read some words in the rhyme and think the pronunciation of “or”. (3)Make a conclusion: or /:/3.Watch the cartoon.观看卡通,学习Sound time.4. 练读小诗:Four short horses, Running through the grass. Four short horses, Running very fast!5.巩固拓展(

6、1)摘苹果,根据字母组合发音把你会读的苹果单词摘下来(看词能读)more morning forty north pork(2)挂灯笼,根据字母组合发音把你听到的单词写下来(听音能写)form born horn corn(3)拓展(找不同): 出示for,short,horse,wordMake a conclusion: “or” can not only be pronounced /:/, it can also be pronounced /:/.(word)Step 4 完成补充习题第八页的练习(F Read and answer)。(教师指导,学生完成)Step 5 Homework 1.Read sound time and the story three times.2.Tell the story to your parents.


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