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1、7BUnit 1 Dream homes7B Unit1 Reading(2)I.Teaching aims and demands:1. 了解不同国家居住环境的情况。2.获取有关不同生活方式的信息。3.学习描述家,描述他人的生活方式。II.Teaching importances and difficulties:1. 如何描述家,描述生活方式。2.掌握词组及句型:【教学过程】Step 1 Revision 1.Fill in the blanks.2.Talk about their own homes .Step 2 Show the aims Show the learning aim

2、s to the students.Step 3 Presentation1.Yesterday we learnt the home pages of the two students,today well learn the next two students:Neils and Annas.2.First ,listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. Read after the tape. 2. Analyze the language points.3. Read it again and try to retel

3、l it.4. Use the same way to read Annas.Step 4 Practice Students read the text again and then ask and answer in pairs. Step 5 Summary Step 6 ConsolidationStep 7 Homework1.Recite the new words and the text.2.Retell the home pages of the two students.【知识点】1. We sit on the floor and look out at the beac

4、h and the sea.我们坐在地板上,朝外看着海滩和大海。 look out “朝外看”,在句中作谓语。后加名词时要加at.例如: She often looks out at the birds in class. 她经常在上课时看外面的鸟。Look out of the window. 朝窗外看。 look out “小心,朝外看”。相当于be careful 例如:Look out! A bus is coming.小心,有辆车过来了。Look out for the thieves. 当心贼。2.The house is over a river.“房子在河上面”。 over 介

5、词,“在正上方”,例如: There is a plane flying over the city.有一架飞机在城市上空飞行。The workers built another bridge over the Huangpu River. 工人们在黄浦江上又建了一座桥。 over= more than “超过,多于”。例如: I stayed in London for over a month last year.去年我在伦敦呆了一个多月。 The trees there are over 20 metres tall.那儿的树二十多米高。 over “越过”。例如: He can cli

6、mb over the wall easily.他能很容易地翻过围墙。3I climb a ladder to get into my house.我爬上梯子进入我家。 to get into my house动词不定式,在句中作目的状语。to get into=to enter“进入”。例如:I got into the post office and bought some stamps yesterday.昨天我进入邮局,买了几张邮票。4. My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner. 当我妈

7、妈烹饪时,我和家里人经常坐在厨房。 My family and I,英语中当第一“我”和其它名词并列主语时,通常把“我”放在最后。例如: Li Lei, Jim and I are going to the zoo on Sunday morning. 我和李雷、吉姆准备星期天早晨去动物园。 while 引导时间状语从句, 意为“在期间”“在时”, 常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句的动词和从句的动词所表示的动作或状态是同时发生的,此从句中通常用进行时态, 动词通常用延续性动词。例如:Pleasekeepquietwhileothersarestudying. 在别人学习的时候,请保持安

8、静。5. I share a bedroom with my sister.我和我姐姐合用一个卧室。 share动词,“分享,合用”,在句中作谓语。可以固定词组share with “与分享”。例如:We share a bedroom between us.我们俩合用一个卧室。 He will share the cost with you.他将与你分摊费用。 The boy shares the toys with other children.那男孩和别的孩子一起玩玩具。Blackboard design教学反思:【课堂巩固】用词的适当形式填空1. Listen, he _is chat

9、ting_ (chat) with some of our classmates over there.2. Tom is always _friendly_ (friend) to us, so all of us like playing with him.3. He doesnt like _sleeping_ (sleep) in the living room.4. My daughter is a good c _cook_, she likes doing some _cooking_ (cook) with his friends very much.5. A g_arden_

10、 is the best place _to grow_(grow)vegetables.6. She likes to live on the _fifth_ (five) floor on a q _uiet_ street.7. In m _ost_homes, people cook meals in the kitchen.8. If it _rains_ (rain) tomorrow, they wont go out.9. What is the c _apital_ of R _ussia_? Its M_oscow_.10. It is interesting _to co

11、ok_ (cook) meals in the k_itchen_.【课后拓展】一、 根据所给中文或句意,完成单词1. I have many friends. Everyone is friendly to me.2. Sue shares a room with five other students in the school.3 .Im reading English while my brother is listening to music.4 .Do you often watch TV in the sitting room (起居室).5. Dont play footbal

12、l in the street (街道).6. Look, Stephen is sleeping (睡) in bed.7 .My mother is making dinner in the kitchen .8 .A garden is the best place to grow flowers.9 .In most (大多数) homes, people eat meals in the dining room (餐厅).10 .Which _country_(国家) is this photo from? Its from Japan.二 、用适当的介词填空1 .He lives

13、with his father in Beijing.2. After dinner, we like to play games.3. They like chatting with each other.4. Sam lives in the centre of Moscow.5. In the evening, we like watching TV.6. We share a kitchen with my uncle.7 .There is a new table on the balcony.8. He loves to look out at the birds on the t

14、ree.三 、选择填空 D1. There are ten rooms in his house. A .more than B .over C. at least D. A,B and CD 2. He is new here. But he has quite a lot of friends . A .chat B. to chat C. chatting with D. to chat withD 3. Which floor do you live and which flat do you live ? A. on, on B. in, in C. in, on D. on, in

15、B 4. We have a bathroom two showers and a bath. A. of B. with C. have D .about B 5. The girl looks very . A .sadly B .friendly C. happily D. politely C 6. Which of the following cities is not a capital city? A. Paris B. London C. New York D. Moscow C 7. I have friends and we often chat with each oth

16、er after class. A. a lot, a lot B .lots of, a lot of C. a lot of, a lot D. a lot of, a lot ofC 8. Is there any difference the two shirts? -Yes. The colour is different. A. from B. for C. between D. with( C ) 9. Its time _ us _ have the P.E. lesson. A. to, for B. to, to C. for, to D. of, for ( D ) 10

17、. _ lesson is English Today. A. Seven B. The seven C. Seventh D. The seventh四、 翻译句子1.我很高兴和你共用这个房间。 _I am very happy to share this room with you._2.在中国,我最喜欢的城市是南京。 _My favourite city in China is Nanjing._3.孩子们喜欢在沙滩上做游戏。 _Children like playing games on the beach._4.在中国,大多数人喜欢在早晨锻炼身体。 _In China, most p

18、eople like doing exercise in the morning._5.海南在冬季是旅游的好地方。 _Hainan is a good place to travel in winter._6.在这条安静的街道上居住着两千多个家庭。 _More than two thousand families live on this quiet street._五、完形填空Dear Bill,How are you? 1 very nice of you to write 2 me .Let me 3 something about my life in China. I think y

19、ou 4 to know it . I live in Li Leis home. He is my 5 .His father and mother are both teachers. Their house isnt big. 6 of them are very friendly 7 me. They teach me Chinese 8 I teach them English. Now I 9 with them in Chinese . But I cant 10 very well. Chinese is very 11 to learn, I think. Mrs Li of

20、ten teaches me how to 12 Chinese food. Hmm! How much I like Chinese food!My school is not far. I go 13 by bike. I 14 six classes every day. 15 I play games with my classmates. I have a good time here . Do you want to come? Please write to me soon. Love Jim( B )1.A. ThatsB. Its C. YoureD. Heres( A )2

21、.A. toB. forC. ofD. about( D )3.A. speakB. talkC. say youD. tell you( A )4.A. wantB. haveC. likeD. forget( C )5.A. studentB. teacherC. classmateD. boy( B )6.A.Some B. AllC. BothD. Any( C )7.A. forB. withC. toD. at( D )8.A. butB. soC. orD. and( B )9.A. am speakingB. am talkingC. am sayingD. can talk(

22、 B )10.A. sayB. speakC. talkD. tell( D )11.A. easyB. niceC. hardD. good( C )12.A. makeB. doC. cookD. study( A )13.A. thereB. to thereC. hereD. to here( B )14.A. doB. haveC. studyD. make( B )15.A. In classB. After school C. In the roomD. School over七、 缺词填空Do you know Beijing? Would you like to go to

23、Beijing, the c 1 of our country? Its f 2 away from Guangzhou, a southern city in China. Its 2,313 kilometres from Guangzhou to Beijing. Its cold in winter there. But its hot in s 3 . If you want to travel from Guangzhou to Beijing, you will find it very i 4 and fast enough to fly from Guangzhou to B

24、eijing. It only t 5 you about four hours and you will get there e_6_ and safely. But t 7 by train is quite different. You h 8 to stay on the train for more than thirty hours to a 9 in Beijing. But they can enjoy the different scenery t _10_ the windows. 1 capital 2 far 3 summer 4 interesting 5 takes 6 easily 7 taking 8 have 9_arrive_ 10_through_


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