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1、Unit5 Look at me单元总目标:1. 能听、会说、会读clothing,praise2. 能听懂、会说、会读:look at my t-shirt/skirt/capIts nice. How nice. Its great. Great.3. 能听懂、会说、会读:look at, T-shirt, it, its=it is, nice, skirt, jacket, new, red. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写:good, I,he, am, cap.会诵读nice clothes能听懂会说会读会写:,单元重难点:1.重点:look at look at, T-shirt, n

2、ice, skirt, cap, great, jacket. ,2.难点:日常用语:its nice. How nice! Its great的用法和含义。词汇:T-shirt, skirt, jacket的读音。字母:Oo,Pp,Qq的读音以及辨认。Period 1Teaching aims and learning objectives:1 学生能听懂、会读、会说T-shirt,skirt, cap.2 学生能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Look at my Its nice. How nice! Its great. Look at me! Great!3 学生能正确地理解并朗读对话,

3、在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。4 学生能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论自己的衣物并相互作出适当的评价。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点:学生能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。教学难点:学生能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论自己的衣物并相互作出适当的评价。Step1 Free talkT:Good morning, boys and girls.Step 2 Warm up T:Lets challenge ourselves. Walk towards a teache

4、r or your classmate, greet him , introduce yourself and your classmate nearby. Teachers , dont forget to praise our brave children.Just now you received the praise from the teachers. They said “Great” to you . Lets learn the word. Teach “great”And you have introduced yourself ,its my turn to introdu

5、ce myself. My name isIm from My hobby is going shopping. I can buy many clothes in the shop. I like new clothes.Can you say some words about the clothes?Step 3 Presentation1.Learn the words.(1)Now lets learn some words about clothes.Look , lool at my T-shirt.Teach “T-shirt” Here is a sentense “Lool

6、at my” Learn the sentence.Lets say : T-shirt, T-shirt, Lool at my T-shirt.”(2).Watch carefully T-shirt-shirt-skirt Teach “skirt” Look at my skirt. Say the sentense“ Skirt, skirt, lool at my skirt”(3)Look , lool at my cap. Teach “cap”Can you make a sentense like this? “, look at my”Every group make o

7、ne sentense and we will link up your sentenses into a big chant and then lets chant by the music.2.Learn the storyJust now ,we looked at the clothes. Now lets look at the girl. Whos she?Yang Ling is going to perform a magic show. Do you want to watch the show? If you want , you should complete 3 tas

8、ks first , OK?The first task .Yang Ling tries on some clothes before the show . Lets watch the cartoon and try to tick the right answer.Great! You have completed the first task. Now here comes the second task . Yang Lings mother says sth. to Yang Ling. Please read the story by yourselves and underli

9、ne them . Before we check the answer. Can you tell me what the point of the sentenses are? You can talk with your partner. How does Mum praise her (她的)T-shirt? Teach“ Its nice.”How does Mum praise her skirt? Teach“ How nice!”How does Mum praise her cap? Teach“ Its great.”How does Mum praise her ? Te

10、ach“ Great!”Great! You have completed the second task. Congratulations! Now here comes the third task. Its the reading time.First read after the teacher.Then read in your group. You should help each other. When everyone in your group can read the story .you can say “Bingo”.At last , you should act t

11、he roles.Do a summary How to give praise.You have completed the 3 tasks .Lets watch the magic show.Dont forget to praise Yang Ling for her show.Step4 Group work3 Best designer.Just now you got some nice clothes . Now you can dress up your model like this . Then some of you show your model and the ot

12、hers give praise . If you like the model , you can give the model a happy face. Lets see who the best designer is.Step5 Homework1. Follow the tape and read the text 3 times.2. Try to praise your friends clothes.Period2Teaching content:Unit 5 Look at me! (Fun time & Cartoon time)Teaching aims:1. Be a

13、ble to show their own clothes with the sentence: Look at my, and derive proper opinions: Its nice. / How nice! / Its great. / Great!2. Be able to say the word and sentence: new, what colour is?.3. Be able to understand the story of the cartoon time, then read and act it.Teaching importance and diffi

14、culties:1. To use the following sentences adroitly.What colour is?2. Can understand and act the story.Teaching aids:PPT, headwear.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warm-up Free talk Hello. / Hi. / Good morning. / Are you? / Hes/ Shes / This is/ Look at my etc.(2) Enjoy some beautiful pictures about clothes

15、. T: Yang Ling also shows us some beautiful clothes. a. Magic eyes: Read the sentences and clap the hands.b. T: What clothes does Yang Ling try on? Circle the right clothes. c. Sum up.Step 2 Fun time(1) T: Yang Lings clothes are beautiful. Would you like you make some beautiful clothes? How to make?

16、 Ill show you some pictures.(2) T: Now its time to show your clothes. The students go to the front and show their clothes.Step 3 Cartoon time(1) T: Bobbys mother also shows two new clothes.Learn the new word: new.(2) Watch the cartoon and circle the new clothes(3) Watch the cartoon again and choose

17、the different moods of Boobys mother. (4) Read the story themselves and match the colours.Teach: red(5) Read the story.(6) Two students a group, act the story, pay attention to the moods and pronunciations.Step 4 Consolidation(1) Encourage the students to be a polite boy/ girl.(2) Hold a masque, pra

18、ctice the learned the expressions.(3) Ticking time.Step 6 Homework(1) Share the cartoon with your parents.(2) Introduce your new clothes.Blackboard design:Unit 5 Look at me!Look at Its nice. / How nice! / Its great. / Great!newWhat colour is?red Period3Teching contents: Letter timeTeaching aims:1.会说

19、句型:Look at my . Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!2.能够互相操练句型,明白表达自己穿着的句子。3.正确写出字母O、P、Q的大小写Key points and difficult points:1.会说句型:Look at my . Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!2.能够互相操练句型,明白表达自己穿着的句子。3.正确写出字母O、P、Q的大小写Teaching aids: CardsTeaching steps:Step1 Warming up lets review!(act together.

20、)Boys are mum ,girls are mum.(Read the dialogue)Step2 Make and say同桌合作,为Lili或tom做衣服。一人坐上装,另一人做下装。如果需哟老师的帮助,请举手哦!1.lets talk!A:its nice./how nice!/its great./great!同桌表演。轮流扮演Helen或Mike.2.学生上台展示自己的作品,运用本节课所学句型生生操练。A:look at my .B:look at my .As:Its nice!Step3.Consolidationmake a skirt like this.(师用卡纸示范

21、)1.show your paper clothes with your partern。请穿上你的纸衣服,在小组内讨论。用上句型Look at my its nice /great.2.小组内上台展示。say the rhy with your paper clothes.Look at my Look at my skirtLook at my cap and my jacketThey all look great!呈现句型Look at my its nice/how nice./its good Step4.letter time1play a game about letters.

22、What letters are they?Bb Ee Ji Hh2.find a new letter.Oo Pp Qq3.教师说字母,学生抢答说下一个字母。4.How to write .动画示范,教师书空字母。5.学生拿出英语本子,教师黑板示范字母。每个字母写四遍。Step5 Homework 会说自己的穿着 抄写字母O、P、Q大小写四遍Blackboard design:Unit5 Look at me!Look at my .Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great! Period4Teaching contents: Rhyme timeTeachi

23、ng aims:能听懂、会说、会读单词:jacket巩固服装类单词:Tshirt、skirt、cap 3. 学习并展示歌谣Key points and difficult points:1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:jacket 2.学习并展示歌谣Teaching aids:磁带、录音机、图片Teaching steps:Step1 Warming up and revision1.Hello,look at my new dress.Its nice/great.2.回顾上节课所学what does yangling try on? A cap a shitt a T-shirtWhat di

24、d she say?look at my cap./skirt /T-shirt.What does mum say?its nice /how nice./its great/great.3.跟读4.Ask student act Yangling.All the students are mum.5.lets review!(act together.)Boys are mum ,girls are mum.Step2 Presentation1.新授jacket.2.lets read!A cap a jacket a t-shirt a skirt3. Game.Game1(出示一半图

25、片,学生猜单词)Game2 finding friends拿出课前发的卡片,四人一组快速说单词仔细听老师的口口令,迅速找出你的耗朋友(图词配对)Step3 Rhyme timeNice clothes Look at my skirtLook at my T-shirtLook at my cap and my jacketThey all look great!1.学生自己读儿歌,如果有不会读得句子可以请同学或请教老师2.教授nice clothes./they all look great.3.配上动作展示歌谣。(四人以小组,配上动作,注意你们的语音语调哦)4.全班起立,一起表演歌谣。St

26、ep4 Fun time1.Lili is not happy .She does not have clothes.lets make a t-shirt for her.学生拿出手中的卡片,为莉莉制作T血衫.Cut the skirt/draw some flowers on the paicture./stick the skirt on the picture.What does she say?Look at my skirt /its nice.Make a T-shirt Cut the T-shirt/draw some flowers on the paicture./sti

27、ck the T-shirt on the picture.Look at my T-shirt./its nice .Step4 Homework 继续背诵课文 尝试说一说自己的穿着Blackboard design:Unit5 Look at me!Jacket Tshirt skirt capPeriod5Teaching contents: 补充习题Teaching aims:能够运用本单元单词、句型进行会话能够熟练地背诵本单元重要课文 3.运用本单元所学知识解答相应题目Key points and difficult points:1.能够运用本单元单词、句型进行会话2.能够熟练地背

28、诵本单元重要课文 3.运用本单元所学知识解答相应题目Teaching aids:补充习题Teaching steps:Step1 Warming upHi!look at my new dress.Its nice.Look at my T-shirt ./skirt/Step2 ListeningListen and tick通过看图听录音的形式复习本单元的单词Keys:1 a 2 a 3 b 4 bStep3 ExerciseChoose and say通过情景,帮助学生认读重点句型,并且进一步掌握句型的用法。Keys: 1a 2d 3c 4bRead and match让学生对图中的句子

29、进行认读,进一步巩固所学的服装类单词。Keys:1c 2d 3a 4bRead and trace让学生对单词中已学字母的书写进行操练需要学生读句子,然后描写句子中的灰色字母Keys:1.L,o,o,k;a;m;k,i 2.L,o,o,k;a;m;c,a,p 3.L,o,o,k;a;m;j,a,c,k,eD. Find and write让学生在看图过程中加深对字母的感性认识,同时巩固字母的书写。需要学生看图,找出相应的大小写字母,抄写在右图的四线三格内。Keys: Oo Pp QqStep4 More exercise给下列句子排序Good morning,Helen.Look at my new cap.Its red.Good morning,Mike.Its nice.What colour is it?根据情景提示选择句子( )1.你想让对方看你的夹克衫,可以说: ALook at my jacket. B.Look at my skirt.( )2.你看到对方的漂亮的T恤衫,可以说:AHow nice! B.Yes,I am. ( )3.你想让别人看你的帽子,可以说: ALook at my T-shirt. B.Look at my cap. ( )4.你想让别人看你,可以说: A.Look at me. B.Look at my mother.


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