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1、沪教版六年级英语上册单词拼写日常练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据语境和首字母提示将合适的单词拼写在横线上。每空一词。1.Wu Yifan wants to find a post o_to send a p_.2.Turn right here? No, turn l_and then_straight.3.John lives in Canberra. He likes doing word p_and going h_.4.In this cartoon the cat is a p_officer. The mice are a_of him.5.Mikes father is a f_

2、.He works on a boat. He goes to work_bike.2. 选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。( )1.t_vel(旅行) A. reB.ea C. ra( )2.Chi_(中国) A. naB. neC. nese( )3.Fr_ce(法国) A. en B. anC. ae( )4. Brit_n(英国) A. ae B. ei C. ai( )5.Ameri_(美国) A. anB. canC. ca3. 补全单词并写出汉语意思。1. l_ntern(_)2. m_on cake(_)3. drag_n(_)4. fest_val(_)5. h_ng(_)4.

3、 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Im s_an email to my family in China.2. Tell me m_about the Great Wall.3. Huangshan is a f_mountain in Anhui.4. R_is my hobby. Ive got lots of books.5. Thanksgiving is my f_festival.5. 短文填词。MyfamilylivesinLondon.Inthem_1_,myfathergoestoworkandwegotoschool.Myfathertakesustoschooleve


5、h_3.h_4.s_5.w_6. 单词拼写。1.菜单_ 2.美味的_3.甜的_ 4.任何的_5.问题_ 6.色拉_7. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Lucy _ (come) to China last month.2.She watches TV every evening. But she _ (not watch) TV last night.3.Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning.4.There _ (be) no one here yesterday.5.I _ (call) Mike this morning.6.I listened

6、but _ (hear) nothing.7.Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.8.My mother _ (not do) housework yesterday.8. 按要求写单词。1heavy(反义词)_2health(形容词)_3cheap(反义词)_4swim(过去式)_5fly(过去式)_6study(第三人称单数)_7cannot(缩写形式)_8run(现在分词)_9watch(第三人称单数)_10.child(复数)_9. 根据句意及单词首字母提示写单词,完成下列句子。1.Hisgrandfatherisaw_.2.Samisgo

7、odatf_kites.3.ThestudentsofClass12runf_thanthestudentsofClass11.4.Thisshirtismine.Thatoneish_.5.ItsChildrensDay.Allthestudentsareverye_.10. 根据句意填写单词。1.TherearelotsofChineseshopsand_(饭店)there.AndtheresChinese_(舞蹈).2.Im_(发送)anemailtomyfamilyinChina.3.I_(想要)anewpen.SoI_(想要)buyanewpen.4.Doyouhave_(一些)mo

8、ney?Sorry,Idonthave_(一些).Butmyfatherhas_(一些)money.5.Therearelotsof_(自行车)inChina.Peopleridethemtowork.11. 用所给的字母组合成正确的单词,并写出其汉语意思。1. e d i d c e_ _2. d o e l m_ _3. p p r a e_ _4. b o h t r u g_ _5. i f n i h s_ _6. a s e p c_ _7. r a v t l e_ _8. a n t o i n l a_ _12. 看图写单词。1. Now he has a_and he ca

9、n call people anywhere. 2. Were going to make some cakes and_. 3. Were going to watch_in the evening. 4. There is not much coal and oil on_. 5._comes from trees.13. 改写单词。1. _ (tell) ustherulesofthecompetition.2.Thereare _ (many)bicyclesthancarsintheworld.14. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. We _ (enjoy) ourselves

10、at the party last night.2.Jack _ (study) for the English test last Sunday.3._you_ (go) to the Great Wall last year?4. What day _ (be) it yesterday?5.The old man _(be)ill and went to see a doctor.6.We _ (have) a party last night.7.We _ (visit) the museum and went home.8. How _ (be) the students? They

11、 were very friendly.9.He often _ (have) supper at home. Yesterday he _ (have) supper at school.10._ he _ (have) lunch at nine? No, he didnt.15. 用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1. He often _(have) dinner at home.2. Daniel and Tommy _(be) in Class One.3. We _(not watch) TV on Monday.4. Nick _(not go) to the zoo on Sunday.5. _ they _(like) the World Cup?4 / 4


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