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1、7AUnit 7Food and lifestyle7A Unit7 Reading(2)Teaching aims:1. To grasp the usage of some important expressions . 2. To talk about shops and shopping in English .Important points: 1. Make Ss master the language points To talk about shops and shopping.2 .To understand the passage furtherly.3. To retel

2、l the passage.Difficult points:1. T o retell the passage.2. To write a conversation about shopping.Teaching approaches: Teaching aids: a little blackboard , a tape recorderTeaching procedures:【教学过程】Step1 Read the dialogues by themselves. (5)Step3 Explain some new words, phrases and sentences.( 25)St

3、ep2 Make a similar dialogue. ( 10)Step3 Summary: What have we learned today? ( 5)Step7.Homework: 1. Remember the article.2. Write the activity phrases as many as you can.Blackboard design教学反思:【知识点】1. Can I help you?=What can I do for you?你想买什么?在商店、饭店、宾馆等服务性行业中,售货员在询问对方打算购买何种商品或需要什么服务时,不能直接问What do y

4、ou want to buy?而应该礼貌、客气地问Can I help you?/What can I do for you?否则会显得无礼。2. Im looking for some football cards look for 寻找,强调“找”的过程和动作;find意为“找到”,强调“找”的结果。他在到处寻找他的皮夹,但没有找到。He _ _ _ his _ everywhere, but he cant _ it.【拓展】:有关look的短语look at看 look like看起来像 look after照顾 look up向上看,查询(字典等) look forward to盼望

5、 look over检查 3. just a minute请稍等。是口语中的一个短语,意为“稍等”。还可以说为:just a moment或wait a minute/moment.4. take a look/ have a look看一看 后面可通过加介词at接某人或某物 我能看看这个随身听吗?Can I_ _ _ _ _ _?5. How much do the cards cost?这些卡片多少钱? cost值,花费 主语+cost(s)+sb+金钱 表示“某物花某人多少钱”, cost的主语是物,不能是人。这些书花了我50元。The books _ _ _ _.【点拨】:How mu

6、ch do the cards cost?=How much are the cards?=Whats the price of the cards?=How much do I spend on the cards?6 . I dont have enough money .我没有足够的钱。enough: 足够的,充足的,修饰名词时,要前置;但当修饰形容词或副词时,要后置,enough后常跟不定式 如enough to do sth。他们有足够的食物吃。They have _ _ _ _.这个男孩足够大能去上学了。The boy is _ _ _ _ _ _.7. I want to buy

7、 some presents for Simon and Sandy but I dont want to buy the same things as Amy did. 我想给西蒙和桑迪买些礼物,但是我不想和埃米买一样的东西。 the sameas表示“同一样”,是常用句型,same是形容词,前面必须接冠词the . 她穿着和她妹妹一样的衣服。She wears _ _ _ _ her sister. 我有和你一样的钢笔。 My pen is _ _ _ _. =I have _ _ _ _ you.表示“与相同”时,还可以使用the same as,与它意义相反的短语是 be differ

8、ent from,意思是“与不同”。 她的发夹和我的不同。Her hair clips _ _ _ _.look the same 看起来一样 at the same time 同时【达标检测】一. 根据句意及首字母填空:1.How many m _ are there in an hour? There are 60. 2.This pair of shoes is so e that I cant buy it. I want to buy that cheap pair.3.The s in the shop are very kind and friendly.4. Do these

9、clips m _ her favourite jeans?5.I want to buy a pair of shoes d_ from Toms.6. How p_ these flowers are! I like them very much.7. The traffic light is red. You must w_ for the green light.二用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Amy _(shop) in the supermarket now.2.We are all looking forward to _(go) _(fish) next Sunday.3.He

10、should _(listen) to his mother.4.Id like _(buy) some bananas.5.There _(be) lots of boys _(play) basketball on the playground.6. _(be) there any money on the table?7. He _(not like) _(play) computer games.8. Is Jim good at _(draw)?9. _(not shout) over there. Your brother _(do) his homework.【课后作业】一. 句

11、型转换:1. Can I help you?(同义句) can I ?2. How much is the jacket? (同义句)How much _ the jacket _ ? How much _ you _ _ the jacket? the of the card? 3. My father wants to buy a skirt for me.(划线提问) your father want ?4. We can buy many things in the supermarket (划线提问) can buy many things?5. Eddie is very busy

12、 now. (同义句)Eddie _ _ free time now.6. The new books cost her 280 yuan. (同义句) 280 yuan the new books.7. The new tie matches his shirt very well. (同义句)The new tie _ _ _ his shirt.8. Shed like to buy her a CD as her birthday present. (同义句)She _ _ buy _ _ _ _ as her birthday present.二用所给词的适当形式填空1. The c

13、oat _( not match ) my shoes.2. We dont have enough people _( pick ) so many apples.3. How much _the coat _(cost ) ? 4. Li Lei isnt in. He _ (wait)for his mother outside.5. The blind(盲的) woman needs the dog _( lead ) the way.6. Are this years cards _ (pretty) than last years ones?7.The woman wants (l

14、ie) on the couch after dinner.8. The Greens _ (plan) to go on holiday in Hawaii at present.9.After I finish (read) English, I start _( watch) TV.10.The girl is old enough (go) to school.11.The skirt is expensive. Do you have a _one? (cheap)12. Hi, Kitty, _you _(wait) for the bus?三根据所给汉语完成下列句子: 1、这条裙

15、子多少钱? (三种方式)_?_? _?2、这支钢笔不贵,我花了十元钱。(两种方式)_._.3、我每天花三个小时读英语书和报纸。(两种方式)_._.4、对不起,我迟到了。 这次没关系。 _. _.5、我没有足够的钱买这辆轿车,它太贵了。_.6、下星期六是我爸爸的生日。我想给他买件礼物。_.四首字母填空One day Mr. Brown and his wife went s _ . They drove the car b _ they had a lot of things to buy . They stopped the car in front of the s _ , An hour

16、l_ they came back to the c _ with a lot of things. Then the trouble started. They couldnt o_ the car door . “Oh, dear,” said Mrs. Brown . “W _ are we going to do?” “Lets ask that p _ ,” Mrs. Brown said . The policeman was very kind and glad to help them. A few minutes later, he got the door open. Ju

17、st at the time , a man came up to the black car and shouted, “what are you doing here ? Its my car.” The Browns l _ at the number on the car and their faces t _ red. 五完形填空。It was winter. Mrs Herman wanted to do a lot of _1_,so she waited until it was Saturday.When her husband was _2_,he went to shop

18、s with her to pay _3_everything and to carry the parcels(包裹)。They went to a lot of shops,and Mrs Herman bought a lot of _4_.She often stopped and said, “Look,Joe!Isnt that beautiful?”He then answered, “All right,dear.How _5_ is it?” And_6_ his money to pay for it.It was dark when they came out of th

19、e last shop,and Mr Herman was tired _7_ thinking about other things,like a nice drink by the side of a warm fire at home. Suddenly his wife looked _8_ the sky and said, “Look at that beautiful_9_,Joe!”Without _10_,Mr Herman said, “All right,dear. How Much is it?”( )1.A.doing B.selling C.buying D.sho

20、pping( )2.A.free B.busy C.worrying D.afraid( )3.A.about B.for C.with D.of( )4.A.nothing B.anything C.things D.something( )5.A.soon B.long C.much D.many( )6.A.took B.brought C.carried D.put( )7.A.and B.of C.to D.for( )8.A.down at B.up at C.out of D.up( )9.A.sun B.moon C.stars D.earth( )10.A.walking B.running C.working D.stopping


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