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1、7B Unit2 Reading(1)Name_ Class_【学习目标】1.能了解有关社区中心的知识。2.能用英语介绍社区中心的活动内容。3.能建立邻里间互帮互助的理念。【重点难点】重点词组:help sb with sth do some shopping 重点句型:They help us with all kinds of problems. Theres something wrong with my computer. Im going to ask a computer engineer to check it. Some college students are ready t

2、o help.【学法指导】1.通过查字典和教学参考书了解词组和句型的用法,课堂上进行交流展示。2.小组合作解决上述重难点内容,合作解决在学习中遇到的新问题,用记号标记,教师点拨。【课前预习】1. 预习本课单词。先根据音标自己拼读,再听磁带核对发音,并熟读单词。2阅读课文,从文中找出以下词组。1.了解Simon的社区_2.在社区见面_3.各种各样的问题_4.举办一次帮手集会_5.电脑工程师_6.大学生_7.像那样的社区_8.购物_9 There is something wrong with my computer._10.Some college students are ready to h

3、elp3.预习课文,完成P21-22 的练习。4.将课文翻译成中文同学们在预习中有什么疑问吗?请写下来。_【学习过程】1 自由讨论Who lives next to your flat? Who lives above/ below you? Whos your neighbour?Whats your neighbour? 2 快速阅读课文并回答What happens when Simon has problems?Listen to the record and finish a tableProblemHelp Computer doesnt work Bicycle is broke

4、nHomework is difficultOld people need help3 Finish the Ex. in Part B2(T or F )4.听磁带,朗读课文。5.理解课文,完成首字母填空 There is a community c_1_ in Millies n_2_. There are some s_3_workers. They use their s_4_ to help people with all kinds of p_5_. They are going to have a meeting this weekend. Millie wants to ask

5、 a computer e_6_ to check her computer because there is something w_7_ with it. Her cousin Shirley wants s_8_ to fix her b_9_ bicycle. Its l_10_ for them to have such a community centre.【课堂巩固】一短语翻译1. 一个社区中心 _ 2. 在你的社区 _3. 社会福利工作者 _ 4. 分享他们不同的技能_5. 帮助我们处理各种问题 _ 6. 在周末_7. 开会 _ 8. 一个电脑工程师_9. 一些大学生_ 10.

6、 叫某人做某事_11. 买些东西_ 12. 帮助某人完成家庭作业_13. 乐意做某事_ 14. 检查电脑_15. 修理像自行车这样的东西_16. 得到家庭作业方面的帮助 - 17.像一个大家庭_ 18. 友好且乐于助人_二单项选择1. He didnt find _ in the bushes. A. anything unusual B. something unusual C. nothing unusual D. unusual anything2. He has _ friends. He often plays cards with them. A. few B. a few C.

7、little D. a little3. Tony,_his father, _ walking from home to school. A. likes; like B. likes; likes C. like; like D. like; likes4. If it rains this afternoon, please _ your umbrella _ me. A. share; with B. use; with C. share; to D. use; to5. There is _in todays newspaper. A. important something B.

8、anything special C. important anything D. nothing exciting6. There is going to _ a football match in our school. A. have B. has C. is D. be7. - In my community centre, the engineers help us fix washing machines and fridges. - _.A.Thats really nice. B. Thats all right C.Thats right D. Its very nice8.

9、 Here is the knife. You can ask your mother _the apple for you. A. cut B. cuts C. to cut D. cutting9. Some social workers_ different skills often meet at the centre. A. with B. has C. have D. are10. They _ us _ all kinds of problems. A. help; do B. help; to do C. help; with D. helps; with【课后拓展】三 用所给

10、单词的适当形式填空1. Most of _(our) spend lots of time doing homework.2. Can I have a new schoolbag, mu,? The old one is _(break).3. We want to have a _(meet) in the afternoon. 4. This is my _(three) time to see the singer.5. I think its going to be a _(real) nice day tomorrow. 6. Will you do some _(shop) wi

11、th me this weekend?7. Hes very _(luck) to get the small red flower at school. 8. They are going to _( visitor)Shanghai next year. 9. Will they share their different _(skill) with us?10. Can you find any social _(work) in your community centre?四用所给动词的适当形式填空1. We are going to the Summer Palace. Would

12、you like _(join) us?2. She _(sing) Beijing opera at tomorrows party. 3. How much _(be) these bottles of milk?4. - What are they doing over there? - They are my friends. They _(plan) how to hold a party.5. I enjoy_(swim) in the river. 6. Annies bike is broken, and shes going to ask someone _(fix) it.

13、7. They meet in front of the classroom and _(share)their stories. 8. The centre also _(help) old people. 9. Simon wants_(visit) old people at the weekend. 10. Can you find someone _ (help) me with my homework.五 句型转换1. There is someone knocking at the door. (改为否定句) There _ _ knocking at the door.2. T

14、he party was really great. (反意疑问句) The party was really great, _ _?3. There is something interesting in todays history class. (改为一般疑问句) _ there _ interesting in todays history class?4. We are lucky to listen to the interesting story. (改为同义句) _ _ for us to listen to the interesting story.5. Li Ming i

15、s always willing to help his classmates fix bikes.( 改为同义句) Li Ming is always _ _ help his classmates fix bikes.六 完形填空We can see many animals, like rabbits, bees, dogs, birds, sheep Do you know _1_ these animals say things? When a rabbit sees something _2_, it runs away at once. When it runs, _3_tail

16、 moves up and down. When others see this , they run away _4_.Many other animals use this kind of _5_. The bee likes going out to look for food. It flies back home after _7_some food. It cannot tell the other bees where the food is by speaking to them. Instead, it dances in the air. Then the _7_ bees

17、 know where the food is.Some animals say things by _8 _ sounds. A dog _9_ when it sees a stranger. Some birds can make several different sounds. Each one _10_ its own meaning.Now we know every animal has its own language.( )1. A. how B. when C. why D. where ( )2. A. interesting B. dangerous C. near

18、it D. danger( )3. A. it B. its C. its D. its ( )4. A. quickly B. also C. either D. back ( )5. A. jumping B. shouting C. running D. language( )6. A. looks for B. looking for C. finds D. finding( )7. A. another B. other C. others D. else ( )8. A. make B. makes C. making D. made( )9. A. barks B. speaks C. says D. talks ( )10. A. have B. having C. had D. has


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