小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 《My Friends》教师优秀教案.docx

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1、小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My Friends教师优秀教案Part A Lets talk一、教学目标:1知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说Whats his name ? His name is用He has .来介绍自身的朋友,并能熟练运用。(2)能听、说、认读单词:Chinese photo hes his has.2能力目标:(1)能就本课的重点句型来进行对话和描述自身的朋友。(2)能结合新旧知识完成猜谜语的游戏,提高综合运用语言的能力。3情感目标:(1)营造宽松的课堂氛围,让同学乐于学习,善于表达。(2)注重良好的语音语调训练。二、教学重难点1句型Whats his name ? H

2、is name is . He has .2用简单的句子对自身的朋友进行描述。三、学情分析本课时的教学对象是小学四年级同学,四年级的同学已有一年的学习基础,但是因为所学知识不够,此时的同学正处于由感性认识向理性认识发展的阶段。大多数同学乐于参与各种英语学习,并在英语学习中体会了胜利的乐趣。四、教具准备:课件、照片、John和Mom的头饰。教学过程:1Step1 Warming up(1)Sing a song :Head should knees and toes.复习身体部位的单词。(2)认读单词卡片:long hair short hair strong thin.Step2 Revisi

3、on(1) 课件出现大眼睛和小眼睛,引导同学用He has.说出big eyes和 small eyes。(2) 课件出现黑头发和黄头发,用What colour are they?引出black hair 和 yellow hair。(3) 说出下列词语的反义词和相对词。Big-small , short-long , thin-strong , black-white .Step3 Presentation(1) 课件出示两组照片一组是Zhang Peng 和Wu Yifan,另一组是John 和 Mike。T:Where is Zhang Peng from ?S: He is from

4、 China .T: Yes. He is a Chinese boy. 跟读Chinese boy。(2)问题引出Zhang Peng . Whos Johns friend? Guess.T:He has short black hair. He has big eyes. He is tall. He is strong, too.S:Hes Zhang Peng.(3)Took! This is his photo.重复,同时拿出照片,协助理解意思,跟读。出示多张同班同学照片。T: I have many photos. They are my friends. Whats his n

5、ame. 引导同学用“His name is .”回答。(4)T: John has a Chinese friend. He is Zhang Peng . He will tell his mother.(5)播放空中课堂光盘,同学理解并跟读。(6)角色扮演。Step 4 Consolidasion猜谜语。猜对一个,课件上就依次出现该动物的照片。(1) It is white and black, it likes eating bamboons. Who is it?(2) It is tall, it has long neck and legs. Who is it?(3) It h

6、as two long ears and big eyes. It can jump. Who is it?(4) It looks likes a tiger, but not a tiger. It likes catch mice, and it likes eating fish. Who is it?Step 5 Home workDraw a picture of your friends, then describe it.Blackboard designing :He hasWhats his name? His name is .【小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My Friends教师优秀教案】4


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