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1、湘少版六年级英语上学期单词拼写强化练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 补全单词。1. I want to send this l_ (信) to my mother.2. How many p_ (明信片) are there?3. This is an e_ (电子邮件).2. 看图片,写单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_3. 根据所给提示信息写出正确的单词或词组。1My birthday is on February_.2He couldnt play_two years ago.3-What will you do for your mum on mothers Day?-Ill_her room

2、for her.4Before, I was quiet. Now, Im very a_in class.5-What is the cat doing? - It is_the tree.4. 根据中文提示完成句子。1.Look,thelionisverylargeand_(强壮).2.(第二天),twomencaughtthelion.3.Dontlaugh(大声地)intheclassroom.4.Thelionwantedto(出来).5.Thecatissmall,anditlooks(软弱).5. 根据英文解释及所给的首字母写出单词。1. a smallbag with mone

3、y in it w_2. a room for cooking k_3. the firstday of the working weekM_4. your uncles son or daughterc_6. 根据句意及首字母填空。1.You can use it to call your friend or listen to music or take photos. Its a_.2.Bees make h_and it is very sweet.3.Davids mother was so angry. Because he didnt do his h_.4.Last year,

4、 we v_the Summer Palace in Beijing.5.She is very e_about the good news.7. 写出与画线字母或字母组合含有相同发音的单词(答案不唯一)。1cool:_2save:_3useful:_4energy:_5drive:_8. 按要求写词。1.do(过去式)_2.were(原形)_3.watch(第三人称单数)_4.after(反义词)_5.dance(现在分词)_6.family(复数)_7.funny(名词)_8.we(单数)_9. 读句子,结合首字母填空。1. I p_on my hat and coat.2. S_is w

5、arm and rainy.3. He couldnt go. He had no f_.4. In s_, I like to sit in the sun.5. Why do you like winter? B_I like to make a snowman.10. 写出可以替换划线部分的单词。1. Im hungry. I need somenoodles._2. I went to thezoolast month._3. What did youeatlast night?_4. I read story booksyesterday._5. Peter is drinkingw

6、ater._11. 根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。(1)_ are you going to _ this afternoon ?going tomy grandparents.(2)is your fatherto the cinema ?Hethe cinema at 5:00 this afternoon.(3)are you?Im going to the science museum.(4)Sarah going to?Shebuy a comic book.(5), is there a bookstore near here ? Yes,.12. 阅读短文,填入适当的单词,使其内

7、容通顺,首字母已给。My name is Eric. I am a schoolboy. I live in the (1) c_with my parents. I study in a primary school. They work in a (2) h_. I like the life in the city. There are a lot of shops, restaurants and supermarkets in the city. We go to the (3) c_or theatre at the weekend. Life is colourful in th

8、e city.I like countryside too. My uncle and aunt live in the countryside. The air is fresh. There is a (4) h_near their home. They can go climbing the hill at the weekend. They have a big (5) g_. In the garden there is an apple tree. I like going there in autumn because I like picking apples with my

9、 cousin. Life is colourful in the countryside (6) t_.13. 按要求写出下列单词的过去式。(1)fly_ (2)live_(3)grow_ (4)fall_(5)eat_ (6)heat_14. 根据句意及首字母填空。1.Hecanspeakthreef_languages.TheyareEnglish,JapaneseandFrench.2.Doctor, I cant sleep well these days. Sometimes Im a_all night.3.My English writing is good, but I need to i_my listening skills.4.My favorite_is autumn.5.Do you have a fever?Ive taken my t_.It seemed all right.15. 按要求写单词。1heavy(反义词)_2health(形容词)_3cheap(反义词)_4swim(过去式)_5fly(过去式)_6study(第三人称单数)_7cannot(缩写形式)_8run(现在分词)_9watch(第三人称单数)_10.child(复数)_4 / 4


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