6BUnit8Ourdream第一课时教学设计 (2).doc

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1、如东县曹埠小学英语六下Unit8第1课时教学设计 主备人:曹埠小学 陈蕾教学内容Unit8Our dreams教学板块Story time执教者 曹埠小学 陈蕾教学课时第( 1 )课时教学目标1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:dream, future,dentist, astronaut, healthy, pianist等。 2.能初步了解句型What do you want to be?及其答句I want to be.的用法,并能进行简单的运用交流。3. 能正确理解、朗读课文并尝试根据课文内容填空。4. 进一步理解“中国梦”的深刻含义,进行努力学习的情感教育。教学重点单词与句型的理解运用。2

2、.能正确理解课文内容,并进行正确的朗读。教学难点单词astronaut的发音。句型What do you want to be?及其答句I want to be.的理解与简单运用。3.引导学生为中国梦的实现做出自己的贡献。教学准备Smart notebook ,pictures. 教学过程二次备课热场:Enjoy a song(多啦A梦主题曲)Step1:Warming up:1.free talkT: Welcome to the dream world. I have a dream. I want to be a teacher. What do you want to be?Tell

3、us!S: I want to beStep2:Pre-reading1. Describe and guessT: Your dreams are great! There are many dreams here. Can you guess?(1) like stories want to write stories (a writer) (2)like music want to play the piano (a pianist) (3)like sports want to play football (a football player) 2. Look and predictT

4、: (呈现第一幅图作为背景,隐去气泡部分。) Look! They are . What is Miss Li asking? Lets listen. (放第一句录音。) So What will Miss Li ask? Can you guess?Step3:While-reading1.Watch and chooseT: So what do they want to be?(In the process, teach new words: dentist, astronaut, dancer)2. match and sayT: Now read quickly and match

5、 the children with the right dreams. You can talk with your partners. ( Liu Tao wants to be )3.Read in parts(1)Part one 1) Read and fillT: Mike wants to be dentist. Wang Bing wants to be an astronaut. Liu Tao wants to be a football player. I like their wonderful dreams. But do you know why? want to

6、bewant toMikea dentistcare about childrens teethWang Bingan astronautfly a spaceship to the MoonLiu Taoa football playerplay in the World Cup some dayT: Do you want to be an astronaut? If you are an astronaut, what do you want to do?Maybe on the Moon? (Ss think freely, eg. fly a robot to the Moon, e

7、tc.)In the process, teach: care about=take care of; the single form tooth. Make a sentence with some day.2)Reading time: Read Part one after the tape(1) Part two1) Listen and chooseT: Girls have different dreams. Su Hai wants to be dancer. Nancy wants to be a writer. Yang Ling wants to be a pianist.

8、 Why do they have these dreams? Lets listen and choose the right reason.Su Hai (图片): Nancy (图片):Yang Ling (图片):A. I want to write stories for childrenB. Dancing makes people lovely.C. Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful.D. Music makes people happy.In the process, teach: the single form story;

9、 make +形容词造句。2)Reading time: Read Part two(2) Part three1)Guess and listenT: The girls dreams are cool. Miss Li is very happy. Whats Miss Lis dream? Can you guess?Ss listen and repeat.4.Try to retell according to the boardT: Miss Li wants their dream come true. What are the dreams? Can you try to sa

10、y their dream according to the board?S: Mike wants to be a dentist. He wants to care about childrens teeth.Wang Bing.Ss work in pairs to retell boys or girls dreams. Step4: Post-reading1.Think and writeSs read in groups loudly.Ss try to fill the blanks.2. Do a survey in pairs.NamejobReport.wants to

11、be He wants to I want to beDream what you dream. Be what you want to be.Step4.Homework 1.Read and retell the story. 2.Say something about your dream.板书设计:Unit8 Our dreamswant to bewant toMikea dentistcare about childrens teethWang Bingan astronautfly a spaceship to the MoonLiu Taoa football playerpl

12、ay in the World Cup some dayWhat do you want to be in the future?I want to be. 教学思路:首先通过多啦A梦主题曲进行热场,营造梦想世界的情境,在free talk中让学生说一说自己的梦想。接着通过玩猜谜游戏让大家猜猜梦想是什么,分别猜出作家、钢琴家还有足球运动员,新授单词。接着导入文本,呈现图片让大家猜猜文中的孩子们的梦想是什么,让学生看动画选择对应的职业。接着让学生自读课文,将职业与对应的人物搭配。接着是分段阅读,第一部分是男生的梦想,第二部分是女生的梦想。在处理第一部分时,学生找读课文,完成表格。在宇航员这个梦想进行自由交谈,问问学生们想不想当宇航员,当了宇航员,你想做什么。第二部分女生的梦想,学生听录音选一选她们为什么会有这个梦想。最后猜猜Miss Li的梦想是什么,进行课文的跟读。学生根据板书进行复述,在拓展环节,小组之间调查同学们的梦想是什么,并进行汇报。教学反思:


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