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1、M2Unit 3 Amazing peoplePart 2 Word power Project知识清单一、词形变化1. inspire (v.) - inspiration (n.) 灵感;鼓舞 - inspired (adj.) 受到启发的 - inspiring (adj.) 令人鼓舞的2. discourage (v.) - discouraging (adj.) 令人气馁的,使人沮丧的 - discouraged (adj.) 气馁的3. murder (v.) - murderer(n.) 杀人犯4. various (adj.) - variety (n.) 种类,类别 - va

2、ry (v.) 变化;使多样化5. apply (v.) - application (n.) 申请,申请表 - applicant (n.) 申请人;求职者6. optimistic (adj.) - optimism (n.) 乐观主义二、词汇表补充短语:1. requirement(1) meet ones requirements 满足某人的要求(2) at ones requirement 应某人的要求(3) require sb. to do 要求某人做某事(4) require that sb./sth. (should) do (5) sth. requires doing/t

3、o be done. 某事需要做2. inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事3. discourage(1) discourage sb. from doing sth.劝阻某人做某事 (2) Dont be discouraged! 别泄气!4. devotion to music/duty/ones work 热爱音乐/忠于职守/专心于工作5. desire (1) have a strong desire to do sth. 迫切想要做某事 (2) have a strong desire for sth.急于想得到某物 (3) desire to do sth.

4、渴望做某事 (4) desire sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事 (5) desire that sb./sth. (should) do6. apply (1) apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请某物 (2) apply to适用于,应用于 (3) apply A to B将A 运用于B (4) apply oneself to= devote oneself to 专心于7. be superior to 比优越8. be optimistic about对乐观的三、Word power- Task课本重要短语:9. dream of being a tea

5、cher one day 梦想有一天成为教师10. get in touch with sb.与某人取得联系11. spend a great deal of money building the extraordinary ship 花费大量的钱来建造这艘不同寻常的船12. sail at full speed全速航行13. come into widespread use开始广泛使用14. be regarded as被认为是15. thanks to多亏了四、Project (page58)(一) 课文重要短语1. have a strong desire to learn how to

6、 fly 迫切想要学习飞行2. be encouraged by 受某人的鼓舞3. join the army参军4. apply to be申请成为5. be fit for胜任;适合6. be described as hardworking and always in control of himself 被描述为一个勤奋努力、始终能够自控的人7. be a success一个成功的人8. go down in history载入史册9. be proud of为自豪10. look up to him as an example敬某人为榜样11. live ones dream实现梦想

7、(二) 课文重要句子讲解1. Born in 1965, Yang had wanted to fly since he was a young boy.(Page58Lines8-9)杨利伟出生于1965年,从他还是个男孩的时候起,他就梦想着飞行。born in 1965, 分词短语做状语。2. They not only studied all the subjects required to be an astronaut, but also learnt survival skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built

8、. (Page58Lines17-19)他们不仅学习成为飞行员所必修的全部科目,还学习生存技巧,以及关于飞船和火箭制造的所有知识。(1) not onlybut also连接两个并列句,可将not only置于句首,变成:Not only did they study all the subject required to be an astronaut, but also learnt eg. 经常锻炼不仅可以减轻压力还可以强身健体。 _(2) required 过去分词作后置定语,subjects 与require 之间构成动宾(被动)关系,故使用过去分词作后置定语。all the sub

9、jects required = all the subjects that were required.(3) how spaceships and rockets are built做about的宾语。3. Although Yang did not get the best scores on every single test, it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him the status of Chinas first astronaut. (Page58Lines29-30)虽然杨

10、利伟并非每项测试都得了最高分,但正是他各项心理测试所得的高分最终为他赢得了中国首位宇航员的身份。(1) although “虽然,尽管”,可用while 替换。(2) it was that 强调句型。结构:it was + 被强调部分 + that + 句子其余成分eg: It was because of his devotion to study that made him achieve high grades in exams.It was at the bus station that he had his wallet stolen.4. The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei, and young people all over the world can look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream. (Page58Lines30-32)中国人民能为杨利伟而自豪,全世界的年轻人也会敬他为努力实现梦想的榜样。(1) be proud of “为自豪” = take pride in(2) live his dream = realize his dream = make his dream come true


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