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《Day28 (2).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Day28 (2).doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Day 281Condition条件/因为(if)unless;whether;provided that;given that;depending on;as (so) long as;on condition that;suppose (supposing) that2Time时间(when)before;since;as;until;meanwhile;at the moment;whenever;as soon as;just as3Summary总结(in a word)in conclusion;in summary;lastly;finally;to sum up;to conc

2、lude;in short;in brief;on the whole;generally speaking;in my opinion;as we all know;as has been stated;as far as I know;as I have shown4Example举例(for example)take.for example;for instance;just as;in particular;such as;namely5Reason原因(because)since;as;because of;due to;owing to;the reason why;lead to

3、;cause;via;now that;for6Comparison比较(as)be similar to;similarly;the same as;in contrast;compared with (to);just like;just as7Purpose目的(so that)for this reason;for this purpose;in order to;so as to8Emphasis强调(surely)in deed;in fact;certainly;no doubt;without any doubt;truly;obviously;above all1as far

4、 as I am concerned./as for me.(就我而言)例句:But as far as I am concerned,I would prefer to solve the problem in this way,that is to say,the best way to keep stress away is to have a balanced life.但是就我所知,我宁愿用这种方式解决这个问题,也就是说,避免压力的最好方法是有个平衡的生活。2As is known to all.(众所周知)All in all.(总之)例句:As is known to all,S

5、enior 3 students are suffering heavy pressure of study.众所周知,高三学生正承受着很大的学习压力。All in all,to solve the problem of how to deal with stress,we should find a number of various ways.总之,为了解决如何处理压力的问题,我们应当找到大量不同的方法。3It is believed that.(据信)It is supposed that.(据料)It is said that.(据说)It is reported that.(据报道)例句:It is reported that there were 3,000 people attending the conference.据报道有3 000人参加了那个会议。


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