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1、M7 Unit3 Reading ReviewPartI.I. Write down the words in English. 1. 大量的,丰富的 adj. _ syn._2. 假设,假定 n._ v._3. 多种多样的 adj._ n._4. 通信,相一致 v_5. 命令,控制 v&n._6. 全球,世界 n._ adj._7. 探讨,处理 v._8. 准确性 n._ adj._9. 参考,查阅n._ v._10. 脱离,不与人交往v._ sp_ pp_11. 会议,研讨会 n._ syn._12. 使担心,使害怕 v._ adj._13. 能力,胜任 n._ adj_14. 放弃,抛弃

2、 v._15. 约会,预约n._ v._16. 缺点,弱点 n._ syn._17. 评估,评价v._ n._18. 途径,大街 n._19. 直言的,坦率的 adj._20. 纽带,联系,债券n._21. 能力 n. _ adj ._22. 放弃,抛弃 v._23. 分类,归类. V. _ 24. 资格,资历. N. _ v. _25. 紧密相关的 adj. _ syn._26. 打扰,花费时间,经历. V._27. 提纲,概要 n._28. 承认,认可,感谢. V._ n._29. 约会,预约. N. _ v. _30. 使担心,使警觉 v._II Write down the phras

3、es in English. 1. 对.有积极的影响。2. 赞成3. 求助某人4. 受某人的支配5. 做出假设6. 建立社会纽带7. 形成友谊8. 有某人通信9. 发表演讲10. 上交论文11. 对.沉迷12. 破坏某人的能力13. 辍学14. 往往,易于15. 对.有坏的,消极影响16. 立出多种多样的论点17. 缺乏能力18. 放弃梦想19. 为某人树立榜样20. 尽每份力21. 把分类22. 仔细搜寻23. 把记在心里.24. 感谢某人的帮助25. 费心做某事IV. Translate the sentences into Chinese.1. 来自不同文化的人有时很难相互理解。_2.

4、他对那天晚上的事情的描述和两名目击者的描述不相符。_3.该医学报告中数据的精确性使许多人成为这一理论的支持者。_4.我没看到他的工作情况,因此不能评价他的能力。_5.在这次大会上,该知名教育家就如何帮助边远地区的辍学学生提出了一些建议。_6.别担心,你任何时候有困难都可以找我帮忙。_7.他命令我们马上离开这座城市。_8.由于缺乏能力,他不得不放弃他的梦想。_9.你练得越用功,你的进步就越大._10. 再努力一下,你会成功的._.PartII.基础巩固I.fill in the blank with correct words according to the first letter or C

5、hinese.1. Believe me, we have explored every possible a_ to find funding.2. Students ability should be e_ in a more scientific way instead.3. We cant guarantee the a_ of the information on the internet. 4. Doctors have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional c_.5

6、. It is universally a_ that he is the best player in the world.6. we spent weeks _ (收寻) through huge piles of old doucuments in order to find something useful to us.7. would it be possible to fix an a_ with you to check my teeth tomorrow?8. The company threatened that it would _( 撤出) all its investm

7、ent from the country if the country didnt reduce the customs duties. 9. we should have respect for different races and appreciate the d_of other cultures.10. The thief tried to escape, so the officer c_ that all t gates of the hotel be shut.1. avenue 2. evaluated 3. accuracy 4. competence 5. acknowledged6. combing 7. appointment 8. withdraw 9. diversity 10. commanded


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