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1、小学英语单元整体教学设计 四年级上册 Unit 2 Its a circle.湘潭市雨湖区金庭学校 向美华 2014年6月20日一、教材分析及学情分析Unit 2 Its a circle. 本单元是湘少版四年级上册第二单元。本单元继Unit 1之后,进一步学习一些图形的名称通过句型Its a circle.学会描述物体形状及数量。项目主要内容ALets listen and say.对话:目标句型Whats that/this? Its a.How many.are there?B. Lets learn.单词:circle/square/line/dotC. Lets act.活动:练习句

2、型 Whats that/this? Its a.D. Lets read.对话:Dino和TimE. Lets learn to lean.对话:看图片数图形数量F. Lets chant.语音和书写:字母Pp在单词中的发音和书写。G. Lets have fun.画一个包含不同图形的物体并涂上颜色,将每个图形的数量和颜色告诉同桌或好友学生在此之前已经学习了Whats that/this? Its a. How many.are there?There is/are.的句型,熟悉了一些表示颜色的单词二、单元整体目标1、能听懂会说、会读、会写单词:circle/square/line/dot

3、2、能理解并初步运用句型Whats that/this? Its a.How many.are there?询问 图形的数量并作出回答。3、能辨别各种图形名称。4、能学会Part A课文内容及表演 Part C。5、了解Pp在单词中的发音。 6、能正确书写四会单词:circle三、课时、教学内容、课型第一课时 A、B、G部分书写 第二课时 C、D、G 第三课时 E、F四、各课时的教学设计课时Period1教学内容Part B,A and G书写课型Word-sentence Teaching教学目标1、To grasp the new words: circle/square/line/dot

4、2、To understand and use the sentence patterns: Whats that/this? Its a.How many.are there?3、Let students finish the writing in Part G.4、To develop the students s abilities of listening and speaking.重点难点To grasp the new words and sentences.教具学具Picture of Part A, words cards, shapes pictures, radio, ta

5、pe, some stationaries ,a schoolbagEnglish exercise notebook.教学过程步骤、内容、时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1Warming up( 5 mins)1、Sing the song2、Greeting.(Help the students answer the questions.)3、Assessment way.Introduce the assessment way: Which group can get the most flags in 4 groups.?Learn to say“flag”1、Sing the s

6、ong with theActions together. 2、A game-guess,guess,guess.T: Hello! This is a magic bag.There are some staionaries in it.Look!Whats this?.Its a.Can you guess ? How many pens are there?3、Listen carefully.唱歌营造快乐的氛围。以旧引新,复习上节课的内容,又引出新课内容。设计的评价手段,用不同颜色的旗子做奖品,为后面的学习打基础。Step2Presentation and drill(19 min s

7、)Learn Part B1、Show the shapes .Learn the new words.2、Read the word.circle 3、Teach the words likethis.4、Write the words.5、Play a game.-Quick response.Put the shapes onto the blackboard. The studentsanswer quickly and take it from the blackboard. Whichgroup get the most that who is the winner.1、Answe

8、r the questions.T: Whats that/this? Its a. How many.are there?There is/are.2、Listen to the tape.Read after the tape.Read the word. after the teacher.Spell it .c-i-r-c-l-eRead and repeat.3、Learn the words:square,line,dot4、Open the book on page8.Write the wordsCarefully.5、Use the sentencepatterns: Wha

9、ts that/this? Its a.听磁带,跟读。有利于读准语音、语调。采用跟读开火车读分组读点名读多种形式,读熟练。将图形卡片拼成一个小男孩模样,为课文教学打基础要求学生规范、正确地书写。通过游戏,巩固和复习学过的图形的单词。激发学生的竞争意识。Step3Practice andconsolidation(15 min s)Learn Part A1、Learn the sentences.Show the picture of Part A.(Piont the shapes in the pictures.Ask the student s.2、Listen and read.3、E

10、xplain the sentences.Understand its means.4、Drill the sentences.5、Act to the class.6、Comment the result of the race in this class.Whats that/this? Its a. How many.are there?There is/are.2、Listen to the tape carefully. Read after the tape. Read and repeat.4、Work in pairs.5、Have a race.6、Count the fla

11、gs.创设情境学习新句型。学会如何询问图形及每个图形的数量先仔细听两遍,再轻声跟读。然后大声跟读分组读分角色读比赛读。反复练习。使用所学过的单词和句型,自编对话练习。比赛促进知识的巩固。对本堂课的比赛结果做个总结,激发学生学英语的兴趣。有利于今后学习。Step4Homework( 1 min )1、 Copy the new words.2、 Make sentences use Whats that/this? Its a.3、 Read Part A and B.4、 Preview Parts C,D and G.Remember and finish theHomework.读、写单词

12、、句子是巩固知识的必要手段。预习-上好课-复习-任一环节出问题,都影响英语科的学习。培养学生养成好的学习习惯。板书设计Group2Group1Unit2 Its a circle. Whats this/that?Its a circle/square/dot /line. Group4Group3 评价设计把全班分成四个组进行比赛。奖品是不同颜色的旗子,看哪组得的旗子多,以此激励学生 ,并为下节课的学习做铺垫。评价形式有师评、互评、组评,使评价收到实效。教学反思(亮点与不足)课时 Period2教学内容Parts C, D and G课型 Reading drill teaching教学目标

13、1.To review the content learned last class by reporting their homework2. To understand and act out the dialogues part C and D.3. To make sure that students can use these sentences in real situations.重点难点To make sure that students can use these sentences in real situations.教具学具words cards, shapes. ra

14、dio, tape, flags, a box, English exercise notebook教学过程步骤、内容、时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1. Warming up ( 5 min s )1. sing the song2. Homework.Step 2.Presentation and drill.( 12 min s )Learn Part CStep 3 Practice and consolidation ( 12 min s)Learn Part DStep 4 Learn Part GStep 5Homework( 1 min)1.T: Good mornin

15、g! S: Good morning!T: First, Lets sing a song.2.Check their homework 1. Show the shapes. Ask and answer. T: Whats this/that? S1:Its a. T:How many.are there? .S2:There is/are. 1. Assessment way.Introduce the assessment way: Which group can get the most shapes in 4 groups?T teaches the words:triangle/

16、rectangle2.Play a game (Climb ladders ) Introduce the rules: See which group can get the most shapes in 4 groups.T Shows the pictures of partC.work in pairs.1. Turn to page7 , Look at the picture. Think the questions.2. Listen and read.3. Explain the story.Understand the story.4. Finish the blanks.5

17、. Act to the class.1.T takes out a picture of a house and say:This is a red/green/blue square .Get the Ss draw the shapes they like and color them. Choose one from each group to talk about his/her picture.1. Comment the result of the race.2. Remember the words and sentences.1. Listen to the tape and

18、 sing after the tope.2. Report the result.1.Answer the teachers questions.2. Show the box 老师从箱子里拿出纸条,其余学生问: Whats that?师做口型,不出声,4个组任选一人猜出图形,答对的学生向前迈一步,先到达讲台的一组为胜。3. S1: What s that?S2:Its a.1. See the questions.Dino is drawing a-. 2. Listen to the tape. Read after the tape.3. Fill in the blanks.4. R

19、ead and repeat. Act to the class, and Race. Ss follow the teacher.1.Draw the shapes they like and color them .2.Talk about the picture with the friends. Finish and remember the homework 唱唱歌曲,营造愉快的气氛检查作业是教学中必不可少的环节由回答问题的环节引出本课的主要内容。通过游戏,复习单词和句型,巩固所学知识带着问题阅读短文,再看图片,有助于理解短文,体会其趣味性通过画画涂涂说说的活动让孩子们动起来,充分调

20、动了他们的积极性。通过画画涂涂说说的活动让孩子们动起来,充分调动了他们的积极性PolicewomanGroupPolicemanGroup板书设计CircleGroupSquareGroupUnit 2 Its a circle. Whats that?RectangleGroupTriangle GroupGroupIts a red/green/blue. circle/square/dot /line. 评价设计 把全班学生分成4个大组进行比赛。奖品是不同颜色的图形卡片,得卡片多的一组为胜,以此激励学生。同时让学生从奖品中获得信息感知对图形形状及数量的认识,一举几得。教学反思(亮点与不足

21、) 课时Period3教学内容Part E and F课型Integrating skills teaching教学目标1、Make the students master to grasp the words and sentences.2、To understand and read out the chant in Part F.3、Be able to know the letter Pp and the pronunciation in the words.4、To compiete the sentences according to the picture.重点难点Underst

22、and the pronunciation of Ppin the words.Make the students master to grasp the words and sentences.教具学具Pictures, shape cards, words cards, tape, radio, some head wears, cars cards.Notebook, paper. 教学过程步骤、内容、时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Warming up(5 min s)Step2 Presentation and drillLearn Part E、F1、Greetings.2

23、.Quick response.T shows shape cards and ask the Ss to say the words quickly.3.T shows the pictue of Part B and let the Ss spell the words.4、Assessment way.Boys Group and GirlsGroup will have a race.T shows the picture of part ET:Whats this?Ss:its a boy.T:How many circles are there?Ss:Seven.T:Yes ,th

24、ere are seven circles.T writes “there are seven circles.”on the Bb.Teach the Ss read.Talk about other shapes.Play a game-Magic eyesShow the letter cards.Show them quickly.Teach the letter Pp.Pp1、 Listen , read and write.2、 Learn the chant.pen/ pencil / panda/pupil3、 Understand the chant.4、 Play a ga

25、me -Dragon game.Say the words quickly.Spell the shape wods .Answer the Ts questions.Finish Part ELook at the letter cards. Read it quickly. Whose answer is right that he can get a shape card.Count the shape cards.1、 Listen to the tape Carefully.2、 Read after the tape.Read and repeat. Write itcareful

26、ly in Four lines.3、 Listen and read.See the words and find outthat they have a same letter Pp. Read and repeat.4、 Read the chant one byone. Who is right and quick that he can get a shape card.Count the shape cards.5、 Read after the tape.Read and repeat. Write itcarefully in Four lines.尽量创设情境,复习学过的单词

27、和句子。复习单词。为新课作铺垫。小结比赛结果。及时激发学生的兴趣。分男生队和女生队进行比赛,看哪组厉害。复习以前学过的字母,引出本堂课将学的Pp仔细听,模仿读。读准语音、语调。写的训练很重要。自主发现、自己领会。培养学生的思维能力。接龙游戏,巩固所学知识,并且培养了学生的团队合作精神。 Step3 Practice(12 min s)1、 Show the picturesmade up of different shapes. Talk about the shapes.Use the sentences:What is this/ that?How many.are there?1、 Se

28、e the picturesCarefully and discuss.Answer:Its a.There are.2、Report the result.3、Count the shape cards. 多找一些与图形有关的图片,让学生通过一些信息,辨别不同图形及数量。游戏中巩固所学句型。Step4 Consolidation(10 min s)A game-Listen and Draw1、 Get the Ss to draw some shapes.T:Draw six circles.Draw six dots.Draw three lines.Draw two triangles

29、.2、Comment the result ofthe race.Draw some shapes.Talk about the picture with the partner.Work in pairs.Act to the class.Have a race.尽量创设真实情境,整合本科所学知识,联系其他单元的知识,使学生融会贯通,温故知新。做个总结评价。Step5 Homework(1 min) Recite Unit 2A.Do homework.板书设计GirlsGroupBoysGroup Unit Its a circle. Whats that?Its a circle/square/dot /line/triangle/rectangle.How many.are there?There is /are.评价设计把全班学生分成两组。男生组和女生组进行比赛。奖品是不同颜色的图形小卡片色。充分利用已有资源激励学生。教学反思(亮点与不足)


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