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1、Unit 1一、 词汇 American friend maybe tomorrow robot piano crayon puppy二、 句型 1、I have got many new friends. 2、She has got a new book. 3、like的用法 like +动词ing 例:I like playing football. like to +动词原形 例:I like to play football.三、 自我介绍及能介绍自己的朋友Unit 2一、 词汇 bat fan tank bank hand二、 句型1、 Is this book yours?Yes.

2、 Its mine.No. Its not mine. Its hers.2、 掌握形容词性和名词性物主代词的用法(形容词性)my your his her its our their+名词 (名词性) mine yours his hers its ours theirs 不跟名词 例句:This is my bike. The bike is mine.Unit 3一、 词汇 beautiful library bank shop cafe garden dining room classroom swimming pool sports centre playground practis

3、e round square quiet thin hungry thirsty tired different famous二、 句型1、 Where do you often play sports?I often play sports in the sports centre.Unit 4一、 词汇question sure mean riddle straight curly plus minus try address video comic film jungle balcony town laugh二、 句型1、 Can I ask you a question?Sure!2、

4、 Whats the Chinese for “straight hair”?Its “zhifa”.3、 Whats the English for “jian”?Its “minus”.4、 Whats does this word mean?How do you say this word?Unit 5一、 词汇 market farm hospitol school bus station cinema zoo supermarket bank cafe park shop swimming pool library playground waterfall forest lake i

5、sland village mountain二、 句型1、 How about +动词ingHow about going swimming?Yes. Id like to. / No,thank you.2、 Wheres the cinema?Opposite the market./By the river./In the park./In Green Street. Unit 6一、 词汇 get up picture book reading a newspaper washing up cleaning the floor cookery book comic book ridin

6、g a horse doing maths playing the piano二、 句型1、 What do you like doing?I like playing football. 2、 What does he like doing? He likes playing football.3、 What kind of books do you like to read?I like to read picture books.三、动词第三人称单数变化规则 1、一般情况在词尾加s 例:play-plays work-works 2、以字母s、x、ch、sh、o结尾的词加es 例:do-

7、does go-goes wash-washes3、以辅音字母加y结尾的词,先变y为i,再加es 例:fly-flies study-studies4、 特殊的: 例 have-hasUnit 7一、 词汇 litter throw dolphin river mustnt sky shout pick drop二、 There be句型的用法 表示某事物或人的存在关系,其结构是There be+某人/某物+某地,句中的主语是某人或某物,谓语动词be要与主语的数保持一致,当有两个或两个以上的主语时,谓语动词be要跟距自己最近的那个主语的数保持一致。例:1、There is a river in the park.2、 There are some ducks in the water.3、 There is a pen and some books in the bag.4、 There are some books ang a pen in the bag.三、 句型 You mustnt drop litter in the park.Unit 8一、 词汇fly match ring room stick odd even naughty boring二、复习1-7单元句型


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