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1、Test One for Unit Four(7A)Class_ Grade_ Name_ Number_设计:陈 伟 审核:夏雪梅一 单项选择(每题2分,共20分)( ) 1. He does well _ skating. He believes skating is good _ his health. A. in; at B. at; at C. in; for D. at; for( ) 2. John likes _ and _ very much. A. bread; hamburger B. breads; hamburger. C. breads; hamburger D.

2、bread; hamburgers( ) 3. The child dislikes fruit. He never eats oranges _ lemons. A. and B. or C. but D. to( ) 4. The man is a friend of _. He is an English teacher. A. me B. mine C. my D. I( ) 5. Daniel, _ his father, _ read newspapers at lunchtime. A. like; likes B. like; like C. likes; like; C. l

3、ikes; likes( ) 6. Shuihui Park is near his home. He usually walk _ with his parents. A. here b. to here C. there D. to there( ) 7. - _ do you spend doing your homework? - For one and a half hours. A. How often B. When C. What time D. How long( ) 8. Im not good at Maths. Its difficult _ me _ Maths we

4、ll. A. to; learn B. for; to learn C. for; learning D. of; to learn( ) 9. Lets _ a bus to the museum, shall we? A. by B. take C. to take D. taking( ) 10. The teacher is sitting between _. A. she and I B. her and I C. me and her D. her and me二词汇(每题1.5分,共30分)A. 根据音标、英语释义、中文提示及句意填写单词。1. He always eat tw

5、o _ /bulz/ of noodles in the morning. 2. Yao Ming needs lots of _ ( power to do things) to play basketball.3. Tom works hard at all his lessons, he is the _ (best) students in his class.4. Eddie is very lazy (懒惰的) and he never _ ( do sports activities).5. “Is there anything _ (重要的) in the newspaper?

6、 “No, nothing.”6. -What do you have for supper? -I often have fish and _ (蔬菜)7. Do you know the girl with a _ (圆的) face?8. After a days work, my father gets very _.9. He doesnt have breakfast every morning, so he is very _ when he is having lessons.10. The knife is so sharp. You should be _.B用方框中所给词

7、的适当形式填空。 health chat meal two tomato 1. If you want to keep _, you should run for half an hour every day.2. Millie goes to the school library _ a week.3. Im looking forward to _ with her on the Internet.4. We shouldnt eat sweet snacks between _.5. How many _ are there in the shopping bag?C用方框中所给动词的适

8、当形式填空。snow watch make have be 1. It never _ in his hometown in winter. 2. Eating hamburgers _ bad for us. 3. The students are planning _ an English evening this Sunday. 4. The little girl hates _ the cartoons from Japan. 5. What are they doing? They _ a pumpkin lantern.三句型转换(每空1分,共16分)1. Theres some

9、 water in the bottle. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ water in the bottle?2. There is a bag of rice on the table. (划线提问) _ _ _ of rice _ there on the table?3. There is a bag of rice on the table. (划线提问) _ _ rice _ there on the table?4. Millie goes to the Reading Club three times a week.(划线提问) _ _ _ Millie _ to the

10、Reading Club?5. His brothers favourite food is fish. (同义句) His brother _ fish _.四根据课文内容及首字母,填入文中所缺单词(每空2分,共20分) Kitty is a girl of twelve. She w_ to be a dancer. Every day, she dances f_ two hours. So she n_ a lot of energy. But she s_ eats sweet snacks. Because there is too much s_ in them. They ar

11、e not g_ for us. She always eats an apple, some milk and bread f_ breakfast. Daniel is a t_ student at school. But he doesnt have a h diet or lifestyle. He always eats hamburgers and Coke for lunch. He plans to have healthy meals. He wants to c_ his diet. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._五翻译句子(14分)1. 一份健康的饮食对我们来说非常重要。 _2. 我很少吃像蛋糕和糖果那样的甜食。 _ 3. 早餐我通常吃一个苹果、一杯牛奶和一些面包。 _ 4. 我经常吃水果和蔬菜,因为我想要保持健康。 _ 5. 我每天下午锻炼一个小时。 _ 6. 该是我改变饮食的时候了。 _ 7. 不要吃太多的甜食,因为里面有太多的糖。 _


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