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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday? The Second Period (Section A, 2e3c)Teaching aims and language points:1. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say, read and write them:l happy, happy birthday, old, how old, party, see you2. Be able to talk about ones age and birthday party by using:l How ol

2、d are you?l Im twelve.l My birthday is in August.l Do you want to come to my birthday party?l -When is it? -At three this afternoon.l See you.教学设计说明 1. 由于上一课时所学单词多,所以在这一课时应注意复习,以促进学生更好地记忆单词。Teaching steps:1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习) (1) Daily greeting to the students(日常问候)(2) Review the names

3、of the months: Flash the words and ask the Ss to say them out loud and spell them.(3) Review the ordinal numbers by saying: January is the first month of the year. 2. 对于语法要点,教师一定要将所学句型中的关键结构作一定的分析,使学生充分理解,才能真正掌握。2. Grammar Focus. (1) Read through the ordinal numbers in Grammar Focus and recite the r

4、ule of the ordinal numbers.(2) Dictate some of the words like: first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-fourth, thirty-sixth. Have Ss write out the words. (3) Get the Ss to check their answers in pairs.3. 语法讲解有点枯燥,所以通过观看精彩的视频可以重新吸引学生的注意力。然后通过猜测名人的生日和年龄,引出新的话题:How old ?

5、(4) Read through the sentences in Grammar Focus. Pay attention to the possessive pronouns and possessive case of nouns and the use of “in” and “on”.(5) Study the Possessive Case of Nouns.3. Presentation.(1) Watch a video of Liu Qian.(2) Ask questions about Liu Qians birthday and age. Present the que

6、stion: “How old are you?”. 4. 以小组竞赛的方式完成3c, 可以增加此任务的趣味性,也可以促使学生们以较高的效率完成任务。4. Work on 3c.Ask the Ss to find out their group members birthdays and ages. They should fill in the chart. Then line up from the youngest to the oldest. See which group is the fastest. 5. Work on 2e.5. 对话表演一定要以练习对话为主,讲解知识次之。

7、(1) Read the conversation.(2) Answer the questions. See if the Ss understand the conversation. Explain the things they dont understand.(3) Role-play the conversation.6. Work on 3a.Match the question and answers.7. Work on 3b.(1) Complete the conversation. (2) Practice the conversation in pairs.8. Homework(家庭作业)(1) Recite the conversation in Section A, 2e.(2) Write a report about your group members birthdays and ages.e.g. The oldest in our group is He/She is years old. His/Her birthday is on .s birthday is on He/She is years old. The youngest in our group is


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