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1、嘉兴学院毕业论文设计 ( 2013届)题 目 论阅读理解教学中学习者写作能力的培养学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语 班 级 英语133 学 号 201336305304 学生姓名 徐金燕 指导教师 顾敏 完成日期 2017. 5. 10 教 务 处 制 二0 一七 年 五 月 十 日 The cultivation of learners writing ability in teaching reading comprehensionA Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the B.A. Degree

2、 in English Language and LiteratureByXu jinyanSupervisor: Gu MinAcademic Title: LecturerCollege of Foreign StudiesJiaxing University, Zhejiang Province, P.R.C.May 10, 20173. 诚信声明诚信声明本人声明: 本论文是在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。我承诺,论文中的所有内容均真实、可信,因违反上述声明所引起的一切法律责任将有本人

3、承担。论文作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日4. 授权声明授 权 声 明学校有权保留送交论文的原件,允许论文被查阅和借阅,学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文,学校必须严格按照授权对论文进行处理,不得超越授权对论文进行任意处置。论文作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日15 AbstractThe globalization of the economy makes the important position of English increasingly prominent. English, as one of the important informati

4、on carriers, has become a common language for international information exchange. To use English to exchange information, you must have certain listening, speaking, reading and writing basic skills. The form of communication, though varied, depends on the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading

5、 and writing. How to combine these four basic skills so that they can promote each other, is the main issues for current scholars and foreign language teachers to study.English reading and writing integrated teaching method is a new model, is a kind of teaching mode which can improve the ability of

6、English reading and writing. This article will introduce Read and writing integrated teaching method ,from the theory and practice two levels. Combined with the real lesson , this article analysis how to integrate reading and writing, and how reading promote writing effectively, to provide reference

7、 for the follow-up study on the teaching model. Finally, according to the advantages and disadvantages, give suggestions for the implementation of Reading and writing integrated teaching method.Key words: Reading and writing integrated teaching method; teaching practice; task design中文摘要经济的全球化使得英语的重要


9、法;教学实践;任务设计Table of ContentsAbstracti中文摘要iiTable of Contentsiii1. Introduction11.1 Research Background11.2 Significance of the Study11.3 Structure of the Present Study22. Theoretical Backgrounds22.1 Reading and writing integrated teaching method. 2 2.2Advantages of Reading and writing integrated tea

10、ching method.33. Research design43.1 Research questions43.2 Participants5 3.3 Research method.54.The cultivation of learners writing ability in teaching reading comprehension.7 4.1 The integration of reading and writing.7 4.2 How reading promote writing effectively.85.Suggestions for Reading and wri

11、ting integrated Teaching method.96. Conclusion13Bibliography10Appendix.12ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS161. Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundIn the past, Chinese traditional teaching paid more attention to results of study, so most of the students get high marks through mechanical memorizing and a great quantit

12、y of exercises, which covered up problems in students learning and teachers teaching. Until nowadays, many English teachers of China in middle school are still giving their reading and writing lessons in a rather traditional ways. The current junior high school English reading teaching, due to the t

13、raditional reading theory and the impact of English standardized test methods, there are the following questions:Ignore the dominant position of students;Teachers teaching ideas are behind; Teaching content and teaching mode are single and boring. The pattern of assessment is single.Students in juni

14、or high school are lack of long-term writing training. In order to cope with exam, teachers assault training before the test. This has had a very bad effect on improving students writing skills. On the other hand,vocabulary deficiency is a common problem for children. This is a serious blow to the s

15、tudents enthusiasm and interest. Lastly,the grammar mistakes are the big problem for students writing.In summary, the level of English writing in our students is generally low, mainly due to the repetition of vocabulary and grammatical errors and analysis of essay evaluation. The teachers assessment

16、 of the composition of the students only provides a score or grade, only comment for the common mistakes. The result is the individual students can not get feedback on their own essay, do not know their writing level in which stage. The teachers evaluation plays a very limited role in the diagnosis

17、and feedback.(罗晓杰,2015:3)Seeing from the above situations, it is quite necessary to understand the new demands and new tendency of English teaching in the modern world. Fitting for this occasion,Reading and writing integrated teaching method as a new imported teaching attempt is advocated by the ful

18、l-time compulsory education ordinary middle school English curriculum standards (short title of the standard) promulgated by Chinas Ministry of Education. 1.2 Significance of the StudyThis paper emphasizes Reading and writing integrated teaching method as an advanced teaching idea, which is more app

19、ropriate for both teachers and students of China and can bring the classroom remarkable teaching effects. Secondly, this paper focuses on the advantages of applying Reading and writing integrated teaching method in English classroom of China, and suggestions for proper Reading and writing integrated

20、 teaching method, in hopes for providing some enlightenment to foreign language reading and writing. The purpose of this paper is to have a probe into the theory of Reading and writing integrated teaching method and to expound the application of Reading and writing integrated teaching method in Engl

21、ish class in junior middle school in China. The author hopes the present research can help English teachers to understand Reading and writing integrated teaching method better so that they are able to design and implement reading and writing tasks of their own and make their teaching more successful

22、 and more effective.1.3 Structure of the Present StudyThis paper is divided into five parts. Chapter one provides a brief overview, including the research background, the previous study and the significance of the present study. In chapter two the author lists some main literature reviews relating w

23、ith this study, including the definitions of Reading and writing integrated teaching method. And the advantages of Reading and writing integrated teaching method are also proposed in the second chapter. In the third chapter, the author makes a research on Reading and writing integrated teaching meth

24、od in a current English class of junior high school through a classroom observation. And the author shows and analyzes the study results briefly to prove that Reading and writing integrated teaching method is available and more popular than other traditional approaches in the English classroom of Ch

25、ina. Meanwhile, the author also finds out some problems exists in Reading and writing integrated teaching method. Then the fourth chapter is about some suggestions for the problems. In the last chapter, the author draws a conclusion of the study and makes a brief comment of the paper. 2. Theoretical

26、 Backgrounds2.1 Reading and writing integrated Teaching MethodHere the author presents definitions of Reading and writing integrated Teaching Method put forward .Reading and writing integrated Teaching Method is a teaching method based on the article as the carrier, starting from the content of the

27、article to design writing training which is related with the article.So it make the three of reading, writing ,thinking training into one. Through reading and writing training, it can develop students thinking and improve their ability.Listening, speaking, reading and writing four basic language ski

28、lls are the necessary ability of English learners, reading teaching and writing teaching has always been the focus of language teaching. As early as 60 to 70 years in the 20th century, domestic and foreign linguists already made theoretical and empirical researches on the relevance of reading and wr

29、iting. (王娟娥, 2012:61-65). And here briefly introduce the study on the Theory and Practice of Integrative Teaching of English Reading and Writing at Home and Abroad.Carson(1990:24) believes that writing ability can be improved after a lot of reading, students writing ability is also strong who has st

30、rong reading ability, the importance of reading can not be ignored.Swain (1993:158-164) put forward the theory of language output hypothesis, language learners understand comprehensible input information through reading, and achieve an understandable output in writing.Tieney and Shanahan studied the

31、 relationship between reading and writing, and they assumed that reading and writing were based on the same or similar cognitive structure, and the results proved the rationality of the hypothesis.(牟金江,2010:103-107)In the 1990s, the study of English reading and writing teaching reached the golden ag

32、e. Blanton(1992:1-24), a researcher of full language teaching theory, has created a new class teaching organization model. He set up two teaching links in teaching integrated reading and writing, asking students to write essays in conjunction with related questions in the text, and divide students i

33、nto several groups, to discuss and record their own feelings after reading the article .In the late 1990s, Chinas teaching law expert Liu Shangfu lead foreign reading - discussion - writing comprehensive teaching method into the country. This comprehensive teaching method combines reading, discuss a

34、nd writing these three links together. He suggests that the relationship between reading and writing is a mutually reinforcing relationship in his monograph English writing theory (1998). Writing is based on reading, writing materials and verbal expressions come from reading. His view fully illustra

35、tes the close connection between reading and writing.(刘上扶, 1998:57-58) Here is a typical, Three-section Seven-step Reading and writing integrated Teaching Method. Reading and writing integrated teaching mode is based on the whole language communication teaching theory, critical reading theory and wr

36、iting teaching model with heavy process, to construct teaching mode of writing ability development, Three refers to read, speak write. Seven-step means topic Import , anticipates before reading , speed reading , reading discussion , training before writing , writing the first draft and sketch evalua

37、tion seven teaching steps.(罗晓杰,2015:24)2.2 Advantages of Reading and writing integrated teaching methodCompared with other reading and writing teaching approaches, Reading and writing integrated teaching method is more in line with the new teaching idea and can help to realize the goal of course for

38、warded by new curriculum standard of China. Applying Reading and writing integrated teaching method in the English classroom of junior middle schools has the following several advantages : Reading and writing integrated teaching method is conducive to solve the problem of the relationship between re

39、ading and writing. is conducive to optimize students study method; is conducive to develop students comprehensive quality in an all-around way; is conducive to arouse students learning motivation; is conducive to the development of students autonomous learning ability.; Reading and writing integrate

40、d teaching method combine English curriculum requirements with student actual situation; Reading and writing integrated teaching method combine reading teaching with writing teaching effectively. In addition, Reading and writing integrated teaching method will help teachers to improve their English

41、teaching skills and research capabilities. On one hand, Reading and writing integrated teaching method puts forwards higher demand for the teachers, and urges them to improve teaching design skills, organization and management skills, communication skills in their teaching practice. On the other han

42、d,teachers should undertake a study on Reading and writing integrated teaching method and get more accumulation of its theories, and their theoretical knowledge has significantly improved.In short, Reading and writing integrated teaching method is identical to the direction and requirement of foreig

43、n language courses reform in many aspects. Therefore, it is quite necessary to bring in Reading and writing integrated teaching method.3.Research design: A Research on Reading and writing integrated teaching method in junior school3.1 Research questionsBefore the research starts, the author has alre

44、ady formed two tentative research questions: How to integrate reading and writing effectively?And how can reading promote writing in real lesson, with the application of Reading and writing integrated teaching method. The purpose of the research is to find answers to the conjectured answers can be c

45、onfirmed or refuted by the evidence.The survey mainly employs an observation log.3.2 Participants45 students are selected as the teaching objects in the research, who all come from class four, grade eight in The Twenty-first century Foreign Language School in Zhejiang Province. The English lessons o

46、f Class three are tutored by Wang Jianshe who is a secondary school teacher and has several years experience in English teaching. Most of students in Class eight have certain speaking, reading and writing skills. They are willing to communicate and cooperate with each other, and always have their own unique views, like to participate in a


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