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1、课题: 译林版五年级上册Unit7 At weekends课时: The third period教学目标:(一)知识目标:1. 能够较准确的朗读卡通内容并尝试表演,体会故事的趣味性。2.了解各国的球类文化(二)能力目标:1. 在理解卡通的前提下,试着表演卡通并且完成故事的续编。(三) 情感目标: 引导学生合理安排自己的周末生活。教学重、难点:1.了解各国的球类文化。2. 能听懂、能理解、会读、会演卡通。3.能运用所学知识,完成故事的续编。 教学准备: 1.教师准备:光盘,ppt,单词卡,板书。2.学生准备:听2遍Cartoon 录音。教学步骤教学活动名 称活动组织活动目的活动时间二次修改St

2、ep 1Warmingup and sing a songStep 2Dairy show Step3Culture timeStep4 Cartoon time Step5SummaryStep6 Homework1.Greeting&sing a songTalk about the weekend Talk about the ball culture New teaching: cartoon1.GreetingsSing a song1.Daily Show(回顾前一节课的familys weekends)2.T:Woo, You have such a colourful week

3、end. What sports do you like? S:. T:Do you like.? Can you do it very well? Do you usuallyoftensometimes.at the weekends?1.T: I know what sports do you like. Now can you guess whats my favourite sport?S:I think you like. Do you like.?T:Yes,I like many sports. But I especially like ball games. Do you

4、know something about ball games? S;学生自己说说知道的球类运动 T:教师出示球类实物 Look, what is it? S:Table tennis. T:Yes Table tennis is very popular in China.(学生跟读) (逐步出示足球和篮球) 2.拓展其他球类 T:Good ,we have three balls here. But we also have any other balls.Look! 出示一段各国流行的球类图片幻灯片放映教师在旁讲解.1.talk about the activities in each

5、seasonT:Boys and girls, ball games is a kind of sports.we can also do a lot of activities . But different seasons we do different sports. (列举各个季节可以做的活动)spring: fly a kite go to the park go boating.summer: swim chat on the Internet autumn: go climbing have a picnic.winter: ski skate make snowmen.2.P2

6、.3. (1) T:Oh,we can do so many activities in each season. What about our friends Sam and Bobby ?How do they do in different seasons? ( Watch the cartoon最后二幅不看) T:What do they do in spring and summer?(内容匹配) S:It is spring. Sam and Bobby often play basketball. Summer comes. Sam and Bobby often go swim

7、ming. (2)T:Sam and Bobby have a lot of activities in spring and summer. Does their friend Billy go with them? S:No 出示P23方框内对话内容并且尝试让学生演一演 Come out and play basketball, Billy! No.I dont like playing basketball. P2 Lets go swimming, Billy. No,I dont like swimming. P3 3.P1 T:Bobby didnt go with Sam and

8、 Bobby.Why?What do they do? 出示P1 Billy always watches TV at weekends. He always eats a lot too. Look!模仿 “Mmm,nice!”4.P4 5 T:Oh,my god. Billy eats in the whole spring and summer. What will happen then? Lets go on watching the cartoon. T:What do Sam and Bobby do in autumn? S:They go and have a picnic.

9、 T:Does Billy go with him? S:Yes! Lets go and have a picnic,Billy. Sure! I like pinics. T:At last,can they go? S:No,Billy is too fat. He cant get out! T:Yes,he eats too much! What a funny story!5. Read the story (1)read after the story (2)read after the teacher (3)Read by yourself (4)Read together (

10、5)Dub6.Act the story7.故事创编。 T:Boys and girls ,do you like this lazy Billy? S:No. T:But do you like this Billy?(图片出现一个月后 减肥过后 Billy) Can you imagine what does Billy do in this month? I think Billy usually_ He often_ He sometimes_ T:Boys and girls, I think now Billy must have a very happy and colourfu

11、l life. Because can arrange his weekends.Life is movement.生命在于运动。 Reasonable arrangement time, you will have a colourful life. 合理安排时间,你的生活将会多姿多彩。1.跟录音读Catoon5遍2.试着制作一张合理的周末作息表。歌曲热身(1)从DailyShow引入sports。谈论运动。(4)让学生了解球类运动,利用后面的拓展,拓宽孩子们的视野,了解不同国家的体育文化(10)1.谈论不同季节可以开展的活动,为后面的合理安排时间做铺垫。(3)2.从文中了解Sam和Bobb

12、y在春夏做的活动并且和Billy做对比(5)3.通过对2 3副图片的学习,引出图一的学习(2)通过P123的学习,进入P45本课的趣味点。(3)让孩子们跟录音模仿不同角色的语音语调,体会故事内涵。(5)在学生理解故事的前提下,拓展学生的思维,运用已学知识,对故事进行创编。(5)升华学生情感(2)Notes:板书设计:Unit7 At weekends spring: fly a kite go to the park go boating. summer: swim chat on the Internet autumn: go climbing have a picnic. winter: ski skate make snowmen.


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