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1、南通市通州区张芝山小学集体备课教案 中心发言人: 卞君 年 月 日课 题Unit 8 Our dreams Sound time, Song time and Checkout time.教学目标(包括知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观)1.知道单词在句子中的连续现象。2.复习第三人称单数动词的用法。3.会唱歌曲Im a little teacher.教学重点、难点1.知道单词在句子中的连续现象。2.学生能进行自我练习并能同他人合作交流教具、学具准备卡片,PPT,课文录音 教学过程Step1. Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morning/afternoon,boys

2、 and girls,S:Good morning/afternoon, Miss/Mr. 2. Free talkT:What do you want be/to do in the future?S:I want to be a writer./I want to write books.T:What does your friend want to be? What does your friend want to do?He / She wants to beHe / She wants toStep 2 Sound timeT:Miss Li loves her students,

3、she wants to see their dreams come true. All the teachers love their students. Look, there is a picture about it. Lets listen: What did they talk about? Question: What does the girl want to be? What does she want to do?Ask someone to answer:PPT shows the sentences. Listen to the tape and follow it.T

4、:What can you find?说一说句子中哪些单词连读了。小组内读一读,并感受单词的连读。Have a competition among the groups. Which group is the first?PPT shows the phrases and sentences, Ss try to read them:an English book, an apple, an old book, have a look, look at, work on a farmThank you.Nice to meet you.Did you have breakfast?Would

5、you like some water?Step 3 Sing a song1.T:The teachers are so kind. They love their students very much. Do you love your teachers? Do you want to be a little teacher? Lets learn a song: Im a little teacher.2.Learn the song:教师利用多媒体播放歌曲,了解歌曲大意。伴随节拍,朗读歌词.教师引导学生有节奏地朗读,边朗读边拍手。教师播放歌曲录音,让学生跟唱。齐唱歌曲教师要求学生伴随录

6、音齐声歌曲。3.T:Can you make a new song about your dreams?鼓励学生改编歌词表达自己的梦想。Eg:Im a little cook.Heres my pot.I cook in my kitchen every day.When Im in the restaurant,hear me say,All you friends,please enjoy。” Policeman, policewoman, painter, pianistStep 4 Checkout time1.T: You songs are good. I hope your dr

7、eam will come true! I have a lot of friends, do you want to know their dreams? What do they want to be?PPT shows the sentences and pictures.T:First, look at the pictures and read the sentences. Then listen and choose. Do the exercise on Page 86.Check the answer.Step 5.Homework:1. Read after the tape of Cartoon time more than three times, try to read it.2. Talk about your dream with your parents.备注: 注:本教案在集体备课之后与“集体备课摘要”一起上交教导处存档


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