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1、牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 2 Getting a job板块:ProjectThoughts on the design:本节课是以读文章获取信息、小组讨论共同完成任务。有别于Reading部分的阅读材料,project的阅读材料,语言较简单、结构明了。其功能主要是为学生提供空档年(gap year)的相关背景知识。学生通过快速阅读和信息搜索来掌握何为空档年,公众对其态度以及开展空档年活动的益处。在此基础上,学生就自身对空档年的认知,如去何处、做什么、开展空档年的得失展开小组讨论并撰写短文一篇。任务型课程的教学开展应尤其注意各学习小组中任务的明确分配。教师应以统筹管理的身份监控学生开

2、展活动,并设计活动结果评比规则来确保任务开展的有效性。Teaching aims:After learning Project, the students will be able to:1. have a deep and clear understanding of “gap year”; 2. voice and exchange their own opinions on taking a gap year and write out an essay about what they think of going on a gap year;3. cooperate with grou

3、p members to complete a task before a deadline.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in 1. Say something about the last year of senior high school and what to do in the last summer vacation of the senior high school.2. Show pictures related to a gap year. 3. Listen to a short audio clip about gap year.Exp

4、lanation通过对高中最后一年的讨论憧憬未来大学生活的美好,同时思考在高中最后一个漫漫暑假中可以开展哪些有意义的活动。适时提出gap year的概念并让学生收听BBC一段短小的英语节目来初步了解何为gap year,引起学生对这一新概念的兴趣。Step 2 Scanning 1. Scan Part A to have a basic idea of the whole passage. 2. Answer two questions.(1) How many peoples experiences of taking a gap year are mentioned? (Three st

5、udents experiences are described in this passage, namely, Carol Smith, Daniel Jones, and Martin Johnson.)(2) Does the writer have a positive or negative attitude towards taking a gap year?(The writer holds a positive attitude towards taking a gap year)Explanation抓住学生对于gap year的好奇之心,让其快速浏览全文并回答两个问题。此

6、两个问题中第一个是了解作者通过具体实例介绍gap year的写作结构;第二问则整体把握作者对于开展gap year的态度。Step 3 Skimming 1. Skim Para1 and Para 2-3 to answer three questions.(1) What is the traditional course of a student leaving school? (He or she would go straight to university and study for three or four years before joining the world of w

7、ork and begin the slow climb up the career ladder.)(2) What is the main idea of this part?(Different attitudes towards taking a gap year and the reason behind such attitudes.)(3) Why do more and more employers prefer to hire graduates who have taken a gap year?(Because a gap year gives young people

8、an opportunity to learn skills and gain life experience.)2. Skim Para 4-6.WhowhereactivitiesresultsCarol SmithBrazilhelping save the Amazon rainforest.became more independent; felt like she really made a difference helped conserve the rainforest.Daniel JonesGhanateaching poor students from rural are

9、a in Ghana.found living among local people challenging but rewarding; ready to face challengesMartin JohnsonIndiahelping build a school in a poor part of India.learnt how to deal with difficult situations; learnt a lot about getting on with the local people and working withExplanation阅读信息的搜索强调层次设计。在

10、对文章有一个整体把握后,该步骤主要帮助学生对文章细节信息的搜索,进一步了解空档年的相关信息。通过阅读三个学生的真实经历体会空档年所带来的益处。Step 4 1. Encourage students to skim the whole passage again, especially Para 7 to 8 to summarize the benefits of taking a gap year.2. Complete each sentence that describes the benefits.The benefits of taking a gap year(1) gives

11、young people an opportunity to learn skills and gain life experience.(2) helps young people develop and grow.(3) teaches students how to look after themselves and how to work with a group of strangers without the help of family or friends.3. Makes students more capable of working independently and w

12、orking well with colleagues from different backgrounds.4. Gives students an edge in the job market.Explanation 空档年的益处是全文的主旨所在,也是学生开展后期写作任务的重要铺垫。首先让学生独自归纳益处,其次再通过完成短句的形式帮助学生巩固对空档年益处的掌握。Step 5 Carry out the task 1. Organize students into groups of four and discuss on what they think of going on a gap

13、year, where they would go and what they would do.2. Make sure each group member will be responsible for one part of the task and inform them later they will report their essay to the whole class.Explanation 在掌握了空档年的相关信息后,学生可在教师的帮助下,分组讨论各自对开展空档年活动的看法。此外,教师明确任务完成中的要求和任务完成后的汇报比赛,可激励学生有效完成该任务。Step 6 Rep

14、ort your essay. 1. Each group takes turns to report their essay to the whole class. 2. When one group is reporting their essay, other groups evaluate their essay and choose the best one they think.Evaluation FormGroups Marks (1-10)wonderful points in the essayG1G2G3Explanation开展汇报比赛,通过小组互评一方面可以帮助学生互相交换信息,另一方面培养学生学习英语的兴趣和使用英语的能力。


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