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1、5A Unit4 Halloween (Part A)教学设计一 教学目标:知识目标:1. 能正确理解、掌握会话内容,并能熟练朗读、表演会话;初步掌握单词 Halloween, need, tomorrow, vase, mask, pumpkin, lantern, horse, change.2. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 What do we need? We need some What else do you need? ,please. Heres your change.3. 能有表情的朗读歌谣Halloween.能力目标:1. 让学生通过本课学习,掌握表达“爱好、需要”

2、的交际功能的方式。2. 让学生通过课前收集万圣节的资料和本课学习,培养学生跨文化交际的意识。情感目标:1. 让学生通过课前收集万圣节的资料和本课学习,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2. 培养学生团队合作的意识和与他人交往的能力。二 教学重难点:1. 能正确理解会话内容,并能熟练朗读、表演会话。2. 单词Halloween和词组pumpkin lantern的发音。3. 初步掌握句型What do you like? I like Do you like? Yes, I do.No, I dont.三 教学过程Step 1.Warming-up1.Greeting:T: Hello, boys and

3、 girls. Lets start our class. Are you ready? Ss: Yes.2.Free talk:T: What can you do? Ss: I can T: Do you like singing?(根据学生的回答) Ss: Yes, I do.No, I dont.T: What else do you like? Ss: I like T: We often sing and dance on Childrens Day.(PPT呈现儿童节图片) If we want to have a party on Childrens Day, what do

4、we need? Ss: We need T: OK. Heres another holiday for you. Its Halloween. First, Lets know something about Halloween. (PPT播放万圣节传说的图片)Read the short passage by yourselves. Step 2.Prestation and Practice1. T: All the children in western country like it. Today we will learn something about Halloween.(引

5、出课题,领读,跟读)2. Bens family would like to buy things for a Halloween party. What do they need? Lets watch a cartoon.3. T: What do they need? Ss: They need (板书) T: What else(领读,跟读) do they need? Ss: They need (板书)4. Finish the exercise( Listen and tick)some chocolatesome flowers a vasesome masks a pumpk

6、in lantern a cakesome sweets5. Listen again and answer two questionsa. What masks do you like, Ron?b. How much are they?6. Listen and repeat呈现句型 T: What masks do you like? Ss: I like(师生,同桌操练句型)7. Work in pairs(分角色朗读对话)8. Act outStep 3.Consolidation1. 总结板书2. Fill in the formsneed horse familythings p

7、umpkin flowersIts Halloween tomorrow. Ben and his would like to buy for a Halloween party. They some chocolate, some , some masks, a vase and a lantern. Ron likes masks, tiger masks and monkey masks.Step 4.Development Christmas Day(圣诞节) is coming. Lets buy things for it.A: Can I help you ?B: We need some.A: What else do you need?B: We need A: Here you are.B: Thank you. How much are they?A: yuan .Step 5.Homework1.搜集“Halloween”资料。2.小组讨论“What do we need for a Halloween party?3.Retell the dialogue according to the key words.(根据关键词语复述课文)


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