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1、Module7 Unit1 We fly kites in spring.授课教师:李茜Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Goals Words:1、全体学生能理解we、fly、season、spring、summer、autumn、winter、warm、hot、cool、cold、skating、go skating.2、部分学生能运用:fly、season、spring、summer、autumn、winter、warm、hot、cool、cold、skating、go skating.Sentences:1、全体学生能初步运用:“Its spring;Its warm

2、 in spring;We fly kites in spring.”等语句描述季节、天气以及不同季节里人们从事的活动。2、部分学生能初步运用“Its spring”等语句描述季节。2.Ability Goals 1、全体学生能听懂:“Its spring;Its warm in spring;We fly kites in spring.”等语句。2、部分学生能表达:“Its spring;Its warm in spring;We fly kites in spring.”等语句。3.Emotional Goals 在学习与交流中,学生们能体会四季的不同,并根据其不同体会不同季节的不同活动

3、。并能充分热爱四季。Important points1、学生能理解words:we、fly、season、spring、summer、autumn、winter、warm、hot、cool、cold、skating、go skating.2、全体学生能初步运用:“Its spring;Its warm in spring;We fly kites in spring.”等语句,描述季节、天气以及不同季节里人们从事的活动。Difficult points1、spring、autumn的发音2、表达句型:Wein.3、可以准确的描述出不同季节的天气情况。Teaching AidsCD-ROM Ca

4、rds PPT Teaching procedures Step 1 Warm-up1. Greeting.2. I do you say. Step 2 Presentation There are four seasons in a year ,so today we are going to talk about seasons. Lets learn Module7 Unit 1 We fly kites in spring.(展示课题). 1.T shows the PPT “season”, then teach this word.2.T show the next PPT(杏花

5、的图片,让学生猜是哪个季节?)生回答:“春天”,老师教授“spring”(开火车读)注意spring的发音,then show another picture and ask ”Which season is it? ”,生回答:“Its spring.”,教师再问“How is the weather in spring?”,生回答:“温暖的,暖和的”,教师教授“warm”,教师教授:“Its warm in spring.”,生跟读。教师提问:“How is the weather in spring?”生答:“Its warm in spring.”。教师问:“What do we do

6、 in spring?”,look this picture ,the two kids are flying kites,教授“fly kite”,教师教授:“We fly kites in spring.”生跟读。教师再问:“What do we do in spring?”生答:“We fly kites in spring.”教师再出示下一张PPT(踢足球、打篮球、打乒乓球、骑自行车、放风筝的图片)让学生操练We_ in spring.3.教师出示下一张PPT教授“summer”(男女分角色读)。教师再出示下一张PPT问:“Which season is it?”生答:“Its sum

7、mer.”教师问:“How is the weather in summer?”生答:“炎热的,热的”,教师教授“hot”,教师问“How is the weather in summer?”生答:“Its hot in summer.”,教师出示下一张PPT问生:“What do we do in summer?”生看到游泳的图片答:“We go swimming in summer.”。4.教师出示下一张PPT 教授“autumn”(开火车读)注意此单词的发音。教师再出示下一张PPT问:“Which season is it?” 生答:“Its autumn .”教师问:“How is t

8、he weather in autumn?”生答:“凉爽的”,教师教授“cool”,教师问“How is the weather in autumn?”生答:“Its cool in autumn.”,教师出示下一张PPT问生:“What do we do in autumn?”生看到踢足球的图片答:“We play football in autumn.”。5. 教师出示下一张PPT 教授“winter”(拍卡)。教师再出示下一张PPT问:“Which season is it?” 生答:“Its winter.”教师问:“How is the weather in winter?”生答:“

9、寒冷的的”,教师教授“cold”,教师问“How is the weather in winter?”生答:“Its cold in winter.”,教师出示下一张PPT问生:“What do we do in winter?”生看到踢足球的图片答:“We play football in winter.”。Step3 Practice教师出示四季询问学生有关四季的问题。T:Which season is it?Ss:Its.T: Whats your favourite season ?Ss: My favourite season is .T: How is the weather in

10、 ?Ss: Its . In .T: What do we do in ?Ss: we .in .然后练习I.in spring/in summer/ in autumn/ in winter.Step 4 Group work T show PPT, four students are in a group to ask each other and give the answer. Then invite some group to show their dialogue after 2 minutes. Step5 Listen to the CD-ROM Lets listen to

11、the CD-ROM, just listen the first time, then follow the CD-ROM to read it. At last divide student into four group to read each part. Step6 Lets say Introduce your favourite season to us.教师先拿自己做实例。 Step 7 Summarise Today we learnt four seasons, it is because of the four seasons alternating rotation.

12、Our world is so beautiful. So we have to love the life, and love the nature. Step 8 Homework1. Talk about the four seasons and weather with your family or friends.2. Draw a picture about your favourite season.Blackboard WritingModule7 Unit1 We fly kites in spring.Spring warm Summer hot We _ in _.Aut

13、umn cool Winter cold A B C D教学反思本课我从学生的学习兴趣出发,通过各种寓教于乐的活动,让学生在做中学、在玩中学,使学生在课堂上能充分发挥他们的主观能动性,让学生在参与的过程中去体验、去观察、去寻找规律、去建构自己的知识结构。另外,也使教材的重难点在活动、游戏中被一点点地分解记忆,学习效果较好。在授课过程中我注意了以下几点:1.合理安排教学内容。先做动作让学生说词组进行复习并更好的引入本课教学,再利用图片或口头描叙来讲spring, summer, autumn, winter这四个季节,最后再加上动作fly kites, go skating将教学内容由易而难,各

14、个击破。2.各种各样的游戏活动提高了学生参与学习的积极性,如利用学生们热衷的学习态度,激发他们的学习兴趣。3.努力为学生创设情境。不管是热身复习,还是新课导入、拓展操练,都尽量使学生处于一个比较真实的语用环境中来运用所学知识。能充分利用多媒体辅助教学的优势,和学生身边熟悉的动作词组,给学生以形象、直观的信息,使知识的呈现生动有趣,从而加深了学生的理解和掌握,激发了学生的学习热情和兴趣。4.注重单词教学。我在授课过程中没有进行单独的单词教学,而是让学生在创设的情境中,通过TPR的方式来引出新单词,学生接受起来比较容易。如教授fly kites时,我就边做动作边说fly kites教授go skating时,我就边做滑冰状边说go skating同时我还注重了细节的处理,以词组go skating为例,给学生点明规律,既可以降低记忆难度,又为学生扩充了词汇量。同时,也存在一些需要改进和商讨的地方:注重对学生听说读技能的培养,有些忽视书写能力的培养和书写习惯的养成;所有这些在今后的教学中要注意调整和改进。


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