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1、译林版三年级英语上学期句型转换专项同步练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求完成句子。1Do you like oranges?(作肯定回答)_, I_.2Do you like pears?(作否定回答)_, I_.3You can have some bananas.(变一般疑问句)_I_some bananas?4I like bananas.(改为一般疑问句)5I like apples.(改为否定句)2. 句型转换。1. Do you like snow? (作肯定回答)2. Is it hot? (作肯定回答)3. 对句子括号里内容部分提问。1. Thereare(seven)days

2、 inaweek.2. Thereare(lotsof)booksinourlibrary.3. There is(alittle)milkintheglass.4. There are( manyapples)inthebox.4. 变换句型。That isa white pillow.1.翻译句子:_2.缩写句子:_3.特殊疑问句:_4.一般疑问句:_5.否定句:_5. 按要求改写句子。1The jacket on the rightis Monicas.(对句子提问)_is Monicas?2Theres onlyone childin the classroom.(对句子提问)_the

3、re in the classroom?3There aremanyapplesinthebox.(对句子提问)4There isalittlemilkintheglass.(对句子提问)5There arelots ofbooks in our library.(对句子提问)6. 按要求改写句子。1. These are your dolls. (改成单数句)_your doll.2. They like robots. (否定形式)They_robots.7. 句型转换。1How much milk do you want?(用Four bottles做出回答)2Damingdidhish

4、omeworkathome.(根据句子意思提问)_didDaming_athome?3Canyouswim?(做出肯定回答)8. 句型转换。1. What time is it? (改为同义句)2. Whats this? (改为复数句)3. This is my toy car. (改为一般疑问句)4. my, is, where, pencil case (?) (连词成句)5. She isunder the tree. (对句子提问)9. 按要求完成句子。1Do you like pears?(肯定回答)2I dont like watermelons.(变肯定句)3I can see

5、tenbirds.(对句子提问)4Itsmy new car.(对句子提问)5She is a new student.(变一般疑问句并做肯定回答)10. 句型转换。1Hesmy friend.(根据句子意思提问)he?2Imeight. (根据句子意思提问)you?3He is nine. (改为般疑问句)?4You are big. (改为否定句,但意思不变)You.5My name isJim. (根据句子意思提问)name?11. 按要求回答问题。1. Whats your name?(用“Tim”回答)2. What time is it?(用“eleven”回答)3. Do you

6、 like a rainy day?(作否定回答)4. Is this a pear?(作肯定回答)5. How many books are there?(用“ ten”回答)12. 按要求完成句子。1My name isPeter.(对句子提问)_is_name?2How are you?(对问题进行回答)_, thank you.3There arefivecandles. (对句子提问)_candles are there?4Whats that?(用elephant回答)Its_.5Imsix years old.(对句子提问)_are you?13. 按要求完成句子。1. Plea

7、se close the window. (改写否定句)_ the window.2. I want a sweet. (改写同义句)I_ a sweet.3. This is my brother. (改写一般疑问句)_this_brother?4. Dont listen to the parrot (改为肯定句)5. This isa robot.(对句子提问)_this?14. 句型转换。1I think so.(改为否定句)2Its twenty to nine.(翻译句子)3My brothers teacher has some new books.(改为一般疑问句)_teacher_new books?4It was cold.(改为否定句,保持句意不变)It_.5Its eight oclock.(写出问句)15. 句型转换。1They aregreen frogs.(根据句子意思提问)they?2Its a big tiger.(改为复数句)big.3My hens are thin.(改为否定句,但意思不变)My.4There isonechick.(根据句子意思提问)are there?5This is an apple.(改为一般疑问句)apple?5 / 5


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