2018年When I grow up演讲稿-范文精选.doc

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1、2018年When I grow up演讲稿-范文精选Good morning, dear teachers! My names *. Im from 4 middle school, Danggang oilfield. I am in Class 4, Grade 6. Im eleven years old. Today, it is a great honor for me to be here and make a speech. My topic is “When I grow up”。 Spring is a colorful season, the weather is alw

2、ays sunny, the birds are singing in the sky. If I have a pair of wings, I want to fly with the birds, fly into my beautiful dreams Twenty years later, I wanna be a principal. I think thats a good job. Do you think so? My school is in a beautiful forest. The air is fresh, the sky is blue. There is a

3、mountain around it. There is a river across it; you can see some paths and a big playground. In my school, the children go to school at nine oclock; they just have three classes in the morning. We have seven subjects. They are Maths, Chinese, English, P.E, Science, Art and Music. In the afternoon, t

4、hey have no classes, they can play games, eat fruits in the forest, and they can feed animals, catch butterflies, too.生动性和实效性。2、树立以人为本的学生观生的品德形成和社会性发展源于他们对生活的体验、认知和感悟,我们引导他们区关注生活,珍视学生独特的生活经验,强调体验式、探究式和研讨式等学习方式,帮助他们尝试着自己区解决生活中的问题;我们要关注学生的健康成长,就要尊重他 In my school, teachers are kind and patient, they ar

5、e all hardworking, and so they get many cross-generation friends. In my school, children are joyful and happy; they have no homework every day. So they can read books what they want to. They can watch cartoons on TV. They can sing and dance to the music.不是因为你相信 “ 学习是苦根上长出来的甜果 ” ,所以你总能坚持着努力学习?经过两年的不懈

6、努力,你已成为全校闻名的好学生。新的学习生活已经在你面前展开,愿你驾驶着装满知识的巨轮,树起理想的风帆,擎着奋斗的指南针,抵达成功的彼岸。 My dear friends, When I grow up, I want to be a teacher, when I grow up, I want to be a doctor of philosophy, When I grow up, I want to be a good principal, because I want to give the children love, happiness and help them build a

7、 wonderful childhood. I think my dream is beautiful, my dream is powerful. I will try my best to make it come true. Please believe me! So whats your dream? Could you tell me?性情泼辣,热情大方的你,让我想到一句歌词: “ 该出手时就出手,风风火火闯九州。 ” 大有巾帼不让须眉的气势。思维活跃,创造力强,对于任何的挑战都能主动出击,把握住每一次机会,虽每一次未必都能成功,但你挫折打不倒你 “ 我永远是最棒的 ” 的信心,你总能调整前进的步伐,不断进取。 That is all. Thank you for your listening.


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