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1、9B Unit 4 第二讲_【重点】【难点】8火星头盔氧气罐干粮电源包睡袋重力n.行星拥挤的adj.被污染的adj.快的,迅速的n.增加再;重新再;重新n.乘客以的速度adj.使不舒服的;不舒适的氧气以的形式味道好的adv.专门地,特地飘浮;漂浮vt.比较与相比行星间的网络挑战性的adv.快地,迅速地知道,意识到vt.围绕;将圈起来一致,同意距离;远处可能性外星人外来者,陌生人开展;执行百分率;百分数劣势,缺点,不利条件n.风险,危险毕竟(复)商品,货品adj.电子的娱乐【知识点解析】1. The smells of the pills reminds them of the tasty fo

2、od on the Earth.(1) Smell smelt smelt/ smelled smelled(2) Remind v. 提醒,使想起。常与介词about或of连用。remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事remind sb. about sth 提醒某人某事remind sb. to do sth 提醒某人做某事remind sb.that从句/what从句,提醒某人或使某人想起。请你提醒他我们的会议推迟了好吗?2. Are you aware how far Mars is away from the Sun?Aware作adj.,知道的、察觉的。常用用法是be

3、aware ofn.、代词、动名词。(1)be aware+从句. aware常被adv. well,quite,fully修饰.Im well aware that this is a tough job.(2)aware的n.是awareness,察觉, 意识There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.3. It takes Mars about two Earth years to circle around the Sun once.(1)circle此处用作不及物v.,围绕, 环绕.Circle around让运转。cir

4、cle及物v., 圈出。用作可数n.,圆圈。4. On Mars you might see people in special boots. 表状态: wear+衣服/表/首饰/花/徽章 Be dressed in +衣服 (Be)in +衣服/颜色穿 表动作: put on+衣服 Dress+人用wear, in , put on, dress适当形式s填空1.The boy blue is his son.2. warm clothes, or youll catch a cold.3.The children are nice clothes today.4. He himself e

5、very morning.5. Mars is a planet that has an environment similar to that of the Earth.(1)Be similar to与相似.be familiar with对熟悉(2)be similar in在某方面相似6. Maybe this problem could be solved by building indoor playgrounds which have the same football fields as those on the Earth.(1)the samen.as. 和一样的。Her

6、hair is the same colour as her mother。她的头发的颜色和她母亲都一样。I have the same hobby as little does。我和李涛的爱好相同。(2)拓展:be same as , 与一样。 反义 be different from.1.Percentage of students who would like to move away from the Earth(1)who引导定语从句修饰先行词students。在定语从句中,若先行词指人且引导词代替先行词在从句中作主语,那么定语从句中的引导词用who或that。若引导词代替先行词在定

7、语从句中做宾语,那么定语从句的引导词用who,whom或that。(2)percentage 百分率,用low, high 修饰。 The percentage of 2. Disadvantages(1)Disadvantages, 缺点。 Advantage, 优点。(2)含有否定前缀dis的常见单词:Appear-disappearCourage-discourageHonest-dishonestOrder-disorder3. Im not sure if its worth the risk.(1)risk,此处是作n.,危险;风险。the risk of 的风险。(2)risk用

8、作及物v.,冒险。后可接动名词,不能接不定式。I couldnt risk the train.我不能冒物火车的风险4. After all, humans have already been to the Moon.(1) after all为固定短语, 毕竟。(2) Have/ has been to去过某地,但已经回来了Have/ has gone to去了某地,还没有回来have /has been in呆在某地从过去一直延续到现在I have been to the great wall,我去过长城,现在不在长城。He has gone to Beijing,他去了北京(在路上,或者

9、在北京)。My family been in HongKongsince1998. 自1998年以来,我家人一直待在香港。5. I often speak English well in class, but I still need to practice more.Practice doing sth. 常接动名词作宾语的动词Enjoy,miss, mind, have fun finishpractice,be busy, cant help, give up7. Goods from the Earth are hard to find.(1) goods作n.复数, 商品, 货物。用

10、作主语时,谓语v.一般用复数形式。His goods were stolen.他的货物被盗窃了。8. Mars dollars are electronic.(1) Electronic adj.电子的,电子操纵的。(2) Electric adj. 电的,用电的(3) electricity用作不可数n.,电流9. A very popular form of entertainment(1)Entertainment,消遣;娱乐。Entertainment作n.,款待;请客。The hotel is famous for its entertainment.这家旅客因殷勤待客而著称,Eve

11、ryone just sits in front of the TV for entertainment.,大家都坐在电视机前欣赏节目feel like,感觉像。 feel like 想要,like是介词,后可跟动名词。I dont feel like eating anything. 我什么都不想吃.(2 ) Improve-improvement10. There are two moons to visit, but most people may refer to watch the amazing low gravity basketball games instead.(1) pr

12、eferred preferred preferring. (2) prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事(3) prefer (doing) A. to (doing) B.,与做B相比,更喜欢做A。I prefer staying at home to going out (4) prefer sb.to do sth. 更希望某人做某事(5) prefer to do rather than to sth. =would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿意做某事.(6) instead是adv.,代替;替代,然而单独使用时通常位于句尾。如果

13、位于句首,常用逗号与后面的内容隔开。instead of为介词短语,代替,而不是。后常跟n.,代词或动名词。instead可以和instead of进行同义句转换。Danny was ill so I went instead. = Danny was ill so I went instead of him. 丹尼生病了所以我代替他去了。一、单项选择() 1. do you like this picture book?A. WhatB. HowC. WhereD. Whether () 2. I like the city life very much.I it because there

14、 is too much pollution there.A. likeB. agreeC. hateD. forget () 3. I havent prepared dinner. I you would come back an hour later.A. have thoughtB. thinkC. will thinkD. thought () 4. The journey to Mars takes monthsbecause the spacecraft flies too slowly.A. first of allB. in the futureC. at presentD.

15、 in the past () 5. Now I can see the boat very clearly because it is floating the bank.A. nearB. belowC. overD. on () 6. with his English, mine is better.A. CompareB. ComparedC. ComparingD. To compare () 7. If Mars no air or water, we will not survive there.A. will haveB. would haveC. hasD. is havin

16、g() 8. Nobody knows he has left because he went away saying goodbye to anyone.A. withoutB. withC. forD. from () 9. Do you think he will have dinner with us tomorrow?Im not sure. He come if he has time.A. mustB. couldC. mightD. can () 10. He is a good student, so Im sure his dream in the future.A. wi

17、ll be come trueB. is come trueC. comes trueD. will come true () 11. I wonderpeople could grow plants on Mars.A. if B. thatC. whichD. whose () 12. Would you please put me to the teachers office?A. upB. throughC. downD. in() 13. The book is written by the man you saw yesterday in the library.A. whichB

18、. thatC. whereD. when ( ) 14. it is to play this computer game.A. How funB. What a funC. What funD. How a fun () 15. I want to know book it is.Oh, its Xiao Wangs.A. whoB. whetherC. whoseD. whichA) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。1.The scientists are trying to find out whether there is life on other (行星).2.

19、He made such (迅速的) progress that his parents were very glad.3.You are taking a big (风险) when driving so fast.4.Can you tell me the way to the train station?Im sorry. Im a (外地人) here myself.5.The first (电子的) computer is called ENICA.B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。6.The (pollute) air and water are harmful

20、to peoples health.7.s there any (possible) that youll be back by the weekend?8.The bus was too (crowd) for us to get on.9.There are some (risk) with this method, so certainly do not try this at home.0.The machine has two serious(advantage), so we must find some ways to improve them.C) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给动

21、词的适当形式填空。11.The tea house is a good place for people (relax) after a weeks work.12.Would you mind (open) the window?13.She (pick) up the dictionary and began to look up the new word in it.14.Great changes (take) place in my hometown over the past ten years.15.We (wait) for the bus when a traffic accident happened.单选:15 BCDCA610 BCACD1115 ABBCC适当形式填空:、1. planets2. rapid3. risk4. stranger5. electronic6. polluted11. to relax7. possibility12. opening8. crowded13. picked9. risks10. disadvantages14. have taken 15. were waiting


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