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1、单元Lesson 11课时1主题Movie art appreciation :Alice in Wonderland背景分析英语电影赏析在英语活动中扮演重要地位,为学生提供语境,给学生游戏化表演铺垫表情及语气感知。 教学目标Can see the movie fluently. Enjoy the movie and have fun.评价设计Give stickers.学与教活动设计学生主要活动教师指导要点意图说明/反思1. Intoduce the background of the movie-Alice in Wonderland2. Introduce the characters

2、.Let Ss tell the story theyve know.3.Let Ss guess what will happen.4.See the movie with Ss together.5try to catch the main ideas.6.Try to imitate some words and sentences:Fall down in a holeA wonderful land Let Ss learn some new /key words.Stop at each sections, make sure Ss can understand the main

3、ideas.Help Ss to dub a section of the movie.指导配音To give a film to watch.It can arouse the enthusiasmof learning English.Interest is the best teacher.备注单元Lesson 3课时1主题Phonics : cake -e开音节背景分析解决学生学习英语时单词难记难读的问题,提高学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,为学生以后的英语学习打好基础。教学目标如何区分开、闭音节评价设计Give stickers.学与教活动设计学生主要活动教师指导要点意图说明/反思一、1

4、、Read the words without“e”again。2、Try to read the words without “e”.3、Discuss the different of the two 二、1、Read the chant.2、 Review the sounds of closed letter a、e、i、o、u3、 Stick the words and read them.kinds of words.Game: (击鼓传花)Listen to the music and pass on the words one by one, when the music st

5、op, choose one group to read their words.(three times)1、Make the magic “e” of the words dismissed. Ask the pupils try to read the new words2、Let pupils discuss in the groups why they change their sounds.3.Review the sounds of closed letter a、e、i、o、u(转盘游戏)4、Game: Gave some words to pupils let them pu

6、t the words on the right cards -open vowel cards and closed vowel cards. Then read the cards in groups.Review the sounds of closed words and can use it to read words.Check the pupils if they can tell from the open vowel and closed vowel.备注单元Lesso4 课时1主题Phonics : ee背景分析学生能够将phonics知识运用到阅读中。教学目标通过复习字母

7、组合ee的发音,学生能够以小组学习的方式,自主对含有ee 字母组合的单词进行听、说及拼读行为。评价设计Give stickers.学与教活动设计学生主要活动教师指导要点意图说明/反思1.Warming-up. 热身活动Listen to the song Never say never. And lead Justin Bieber out.听歌“Never say never”,并引出歌手Justin Bieber。Revision.复习活动。A. Listen to a passage about Justin Bieber. Lead out the words including “e

8、e” and “er”. 听一篇关于Justin Bieber的文章,引出含有ee和er的单词。B. Ss divide the words into two groups by the sounds.根据读音,将单词分成两组。C. Let the students to review the sounds of the letters ee and er.引导学生回忆并复习字母组合ee和er的发音。D. Listen and compare. Compare the long and short sounds that the letters er makes .听并比较字母组合er所发的长

9、音及短音,并作解释。E. Read a tongue twister and practice the long and short sounds of “er”. 读一段绕口令,练习er字母组合的长短音。Introduce T is a fan of Justin. And listen to an audio. Ask the Ss fill in the blanks with the words they hear. 有效检测学生掌握字母组合ee 发音的情况。学生运用phonics进行自主阅读。备注单元Lesson 5课时1主题Phonics : er背景分析学生能够将phonics知

10、识运用到阅读中。教学目标通过复习字母组合er的发音,学生能够以小组学习的方式,自主对含有er字母组合的单词进行听、说及拼读行为。评价设计Give stickers.学与教活动设计学生主要活动教师指导要点意图说明/反思Group work.小组合作活动。A. Give Ss some other words including ee and er , and use these words to lead Nick out.给学生一些其他的含有字母组合“ee”和“er”的单词,利用其引出Nick。B. Let Ss guess the connection between the words i

11、ncluding ee and er and Nick. And say it out.让学生猜测这些含有“ee”和“er”的单词与Nick的联系并表达出来。CLet Ss read the whole passage. 学生完整地阅读整篇文章。D. Watch a video about Nick. 看一段关于Nick的视频。E. Watch a PPT including the passage about Nick.看一组有介绍Nick的幻灯片。2Conclusion. Let Ss make a vow. 3. Homework.Please surf the internet and

12、 find out more information of Nick. And write a passage about him. Then share it with your family and your friends.Let Ss to study some new words including “ee” and “er” in two groups. then they share the words they have learned in order to study another passage about Nick with the tips of the words. Show time. Ask Ss to come to the platform to report.展示时间。请学生上台进行报道。区分字母er组合的长短音。 学生运用phonics进行自主阅读。备注


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