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1、Unit 2第3课时语言知识点(精华)Unit 2 Growing PainsPeriod 3Teaching aims:1. Ask students to act out this play in pairs or groups.2. To know more about the play named Home Alone.3. To master some important words and expressions in the welcome to the unit and the reading partTeaching procedures:Step one: Review A

2、sk students to act out the play.Step Two: Language pointsPage21.(Language points in welcome to the unit)1. turn up 把(收音机,电视机,煤气)开大点,. /turn down eg. Turn up the radio so that we can hear it clearly.turn up 出席,出现,来 = appear eg. I was expecting him at ten, but he didnt turn up. He didnt turn up at the

3、 meeting.2. by prep. 不迟于, 到 当时 = not later than ; when the time comesCan you finish the task by tomorrow?By the time you get to NanJing, it will be dark. 按作方式状语,在表示单位的名词前加定冠词 Teachers get paid by the month, while these workers are paid by the hour. They sell the eggs by the dozen. He sells cloth by

4、the yard.3. waste U/n 浪费,废物,废料eg. Where is too much waste, it will do harm to us and the things around. Its a waster of time and energy to argue with him about this matter. vt 浪费eg. The boy wasted lots of time playing computer games. adj, 未利用的,废弃的eg. Waste paper waste land waste gas waste water4. fo

5、rce sb. to do sth. vt. eg. They were forced to put off the sports meet . “迫使.进入某种状态” force + prep phrase/ adveg. The police forced the thief into the car. They forced the plan down. C/n 力量,气力,心智的力量U/n 引起重大改变的人或物,有组织的武装团体Eg. They took the child away by force. The armed forces of a country are the Arm

6、y, Navy and Air Force. 5. 动词不定式做定语或状语, 后接相应的介词,如果是及物动词则不需要。 做定语eg. They have many problems to deal with. We must find a place to stay at. What a large house we can live in! I have many clothes to wash. 做状语eg. He is nice to get along with. This problem is heard to deal with. This text is easy to unde

7、rstand.The job is difficult to do. Page 22. (Language points in reading part.)5. expect than /expect eg. You arrived earlier than I had expected. You did better in the exam than (you had been) expected vt. Expect sth or expect to do sth eg. They expected to finish the work by Friday. They expected t

8、oo much of their son. 他们对儿子的期望过高。 expect 复合结构eg. They expected there to be some chances. 他们期望有些机会。 We cant expect one to change the habit of a lifetime in a short time. 我们不能期望一个人短时间内就能改变他一辈子养成的习惯。 expect(侧重思想感情上的等待) / wait(侧重行动上的等待) eg. -why didnt you come yesterday? We all expected you. Ill wait fo

9、r you at the entrance to the cinema.1. cant wait t do sth。 迫不及待做某事。迫切地做某事。be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事be anxious to do sth .急切地做某事long to do sth. 渴望做某事desire to do sth. 希望做某事look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事2. surprise vt./ n -adj. surprised / surprising eg. to ones surprise = to the surprise of sb. wha

10、t a big surprise it is to hear the good news!eg. What you said surprised me.What surprised me most was the use they made of the modern techniques so widely in such a small town. 3. followfollowed by(被动结构) 做定语, 做宾补,做状语eg. There is a sudden burst of light followed by a loud nose. We found him followed

11、 by a spy. The teacher came in, followed by a group of students. Following (主动结构)eg. There is a loud noise following a sudden burst of light. We found s spy following him. A group of students came in following the teacherFollowing adj. The following day, week, year, 4. be supposed to (主语) 被要求.被渴望干某事

12、应该干某事eg. You are supposed to hand in your homework tomorrow.The young man was supposed to become a doctor but he chose to be a teacher. (指望)以suppose 开头的句子,表示建议, “怎么样?” eg. Suppose we hold an English evening.supposing=if 倘若,假使,可引导条件状语从句 eg. Supposing it rains, what will you do ? Supposing he comes la

13、te, shall we go without him?5. bend-bent-benteg. The stream bends to the west.这条小河折向西流。eg. She bent (over) to pick up a book from the floor.她弯腰从地板上捡起一本书。 eg. She bent to her task.她专心于她的工作 专心于He bent his mind to the job.他专心于他的工作。He bent his mind to the research project.他全力以赴地做这研究课题。6. be to 结构 必须,应该Y

14、ou were to finish the project before Sunday, but you failed. He is to blame.表命令:只用于肯定句和否定句:All junior officers are to report to the colonel kE:nl( 陆军上校, 团长) at once. 将来的安排,计划 用于肯定句和疑问句When is the wedding to be? I am to take a trip to NanJing for further study next month.表注定多用过去式。He was to be my teac

15、her and friend for many years.用于固定习语。What am I to do? 我该怎么办? 表示条件从句。If we are to succeed, we must redouble our effectsbe to 表示客观安排或受人指示而做某事。 be going to 表示主观的打算或计划。I am to play football tomorrow afternoon. (客观安排)Im going to play football tomorrow afternoon. (主观安排)7. be gone丢了,不见了 be lost / be missin

16、g 表示动作已发生,表状态,但不表示被动.走了,不在了 He was gone.How long will you be gone?你会离开多久?丢了,没有了,一去不复返了Suddenly she found her necklace gone.Gone are the days when women were looked down upon.The have found the lost/missing children.1. what- do with how-deal with 2. explain-explanationexplain sth. to sb. explain to s

17、b. sth. explain that.Can you explain to me why you were late?你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗?3. in a mess混乱;杂乱;肮脏Your room is in a mess. Please tidy it.你的房间杂乱不堪,请把它打扫干净。Your books and magazines are almost in a mess; go and put them in order.你的书和杂志简直是乱七八糟,去把它们整理一下。4. with +o(宾语)+ oc (宾语补足语) a. with+o.+ prep. Eg. The t

18、eacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand.We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us.b. With+o.+ adv. Eg. The family went out for a walk with the lights on.c. With +o + adj.Eg. It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full. 满口食物和人交谈是不礼貌的. He often sl

19、eeps with the door open/closed.d. With +o + v-ing Eg. With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.有这么多的人每天用英语交流,精通英语将变得越来越重要.In parts of Asia, you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.在亚洲某些地方,你不可

20、以坐着把脚翘起指着别人.e. With +o + p.p The murder was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.All the afternoon, he worked with the door locked.整个下午,他都锁着门工作.f. With +o + to do With two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.由于有两门考试担心通不过,这个周末我得真的用功了. With too much work to do, the

21、 mother has no time to take care of her son. g. With +o + noun. LuXun fought against the enemy with a pen his only weapon.鲁迅用他唯一的武器-笔 同敌人作斗争.He dug a deep hole with a spade /speid/ his tool.他用铁铲挖了一个深坑.5. garbage U/n trash rubbish .垃圾, 废物 6. leave vt 使处于某种状态,听任leave + o + oc. (adj. /prep, / v-ing / n

22、. /p.p .) Leave alone 在用作“防止干搅或干扰”这一意义时,可以替代 let alone 。 Leave him alone and he will produce. 别打扰他,他会写出来的。Left alone, he was quite productive. 别打搅他,他相当有创作才能。 Eg. Leave the door open, please. Dont leave him waiting outside in the rain. 7. in charge of . 负责 in the charge of .由.负责 in ones chargetake ch

23、arge of 负责eg. -Who is in charge of the factory ?Mr. Li will take charge of the project.=The project is in his charge.The Department stores are in the charge of Mr. LI.Charge:索价,要价:要(定量的钱)作为收费:The barber charges ten dollars for a haircut.理一次发要价十美元How much do you charge for your mushrooms?你的蘑菇要什么价钱?(常

24、与with连用)责令;公开指责;控诉He was charged with stealing a car.他被指控偷了一辆汽车。1. adult C/n 成年人 an adult The adults teach them these skills.大人们教他们这些技术adj.成年的;已成人的adult education成人教育2. reason forPlease tell me the reason for your absence. The reason for his coming late was that he got up late.That was the reason fo

25、r his being late for school.The reason why he was late for work was that he had to send his son to school.I want to know the reason why he failed the exams.The reason that he explained to us was not reasonable. for no reason, for some reason, for a simple reason, for the reason of health eg. Yue Fei

26、 was killed for no good reason. (莫须有) He had to give up teaching for the reason of health.3. go 处于状态go unpunished =go without being+ p. pgo bad/hungry/mad/blind/grey/red No one can go unpunished if he breaks the law. 如果犯法,没有人可以不受到惩罚的.go out熄灭The fire had gone out when the firefighters arrived.The li

27、ght went out one after another.过时:变得不流行,不时髦:High boots went out last year.去年高跟靴就不流行了 4. teenager n -teenage adj. 青少年的 teenaged adj. 十几岁的teenin ones teens teenage problems, children5. fault/mistakeemphasize the responsibility for a mistake 过错,过失I dont know whose fault it is. find fault with sb. /sth.

28、 挑毛病, 找岔 We found fault with his speech.挑他演讲的错 C/n. 缺点,故障 I like him despite his faults. There is a fault in the electrical system. 6. have sth. done = get sth. done 有某种遭遇或 经历The lady had her wallet stolen/picked at the cinema last night. 请/让.做某事 She had her long hair cut short yesterday. 完成I must h

29、ave my work finished by Sunday.表示“让某人做某事”有几种表达方法:have sb do sthmake sb to sthlet sb do sthget sb to go sth例:1)Ill get your father to help you.我叫你父亲来帮你。2)Hes got two men to work for him.他找了两个人给他帮忙。3)Let him stay there. Dont try to make him do any thing.让他自己呆在那里,不要强迫他做什么事。注意get sb to do sth一般不用被动式。(不说

30、sb is got to do sth).get还有“get the work done”“get the machine running ”(把机器在开起来)7. scene / scenery (戏剧)场景,布景This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three scenes.这个剧分为三幕,每一幕有三个场景。景色,风景The scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.观看太阳从东方慢慢升起,这种景色确实太美了。现场,出

31、事地点the scene of the crime.犯罪现场 scenery 自然景物,天然风光 风景:尤指乡村中的自然景色:enjoying the varied mountain scenery.欣赏不同的山景The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful.山里的景色非常美。1. give sb. a chance to do sth.2. not any more / not any long not . any more (no more) 和not . any longer (no longer) 意为不再。no more与no long

32、er修饰动词时,要置于行为动词前,系动词后;变为not . any more与not . any longer时,any more和any longer要置于句尾。再有,not . any more (no more) 常用来强调数量和次数;而not . any longer (no longer) 常用来强调时间或动作的延续。For example: My shoes have been repaired three times. They cant be repaired any more. 我的鞋已修了三次了。不能再修了。 I have waited here two hours. I

33、cant wait any longer.我已经在这儿等了两个小时了。我不能再等了。3. deserve.vt.应受, 值得v.应受 +n. /pron. / to dodeserved, deserving(常与to 连用)值得;应受;应该得到These people deserve our help.这些人值得我们帮助。The question deserves a further discussion/ to be discussed further. She deserves a reward for her efforts.应受到(惩罚)的 The murder deserved t

34、o be sent to prison.adj.(与of连用)值得的,该得的a deserving cause She is deserving of sympathy.她值得同情.4. be hard on =be severe be strict with sb. / in sth.5. now that eg. Now that you have known the matter, I think it unnecessary to discuss it again.6. be rude to sb.7. feel like + n/pron/v-ing/ thateg. I feel

35、like a cup of coffee. I feel like going out for a walk now. I feel like that we should help him out.8. we didnt thnink.否定前移(Transferred Negation) /反意疑问句主句中的谓语动词think, believe, feel, suppose, guess, appear, seem, expect, imagine等表示“看法”“感觉”的动词时,常用否定转移 如果宾语从句为否定句,通常将否定词移到主句,这种现象叫作否定前移。如:I dont think yo

36、u are right=I think you are not right.I dont believe the will come.=I believe they will not come.I didnt think this performance was satisfactory on the whole,( )? A、 did I B、 wasnt it C、 was it D、 didnt you You didnt think that hed checked his answers,( )?A、 did you B、 had he (1)选C,它的主句的主语是第一人称,所以反意

37、疑问句应该是对后面的宾语从句提出疑问,因为后面的宾语从句的谓语动词是was,又主语前面是I dont think否定前移,所以反意疑问句应该是was it? (2)主句的主语是第二人称,所以反意疑问句是对主句提出疑问,同样前面是否定形式,所以反意疑问句是did you?选A 像这种带宾语从句的句子,如果主句的主语是第一人称,那反意疑问句是问宾语从句,如果主句的主语是非第一人称,则反意疑问句同于主句的主语 否定转移的句子构成反意疑问句时,如果主句的主语是第一人称,附加问句部分要与宾语从句取得一致。 e.g. I dont think that you can get there in time,can you?我认为你不能及时到达那里,你能不能呢? I think that they are coming tomorrow arent they?我认为他们明天来,对吗? 9. should(not) have done sth. 本(不)应该做某事You should have finished the project yesterday, but you didnt.I think you shouldnt be so rude to your parents like that.Step Three. Practice and consolidation.


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