流程设计Project Team WorkshopBusiness Process Design.ppt

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《流程设计Project Team WorkshopBusiness Process Design.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《流程设计Project Team WorkshopBusiness Process Design.ppt(50页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Project Team Workshop: Business Process Design,Meeting Agenda,Introduction,Meeting Objectives,To review the purpose and approach for business process design activities To discuss and review the business process design deliverables in detail to ensure timely and consistent completion To review the ap

2、proach for Business Process Design Workshops (preparation, facilitation and follow-up activities) To surface questions, issues and concerns,Introduction,Introduction to Business Process Design,Overview of Business Blueprint Activities,Define SAP Hierarchy,The Big Picture,Establish/ Confirm Strategic

3、 Intent,Design To-Be Business Processes,Conduct SAP Fit-Gap Analysis,Determine Initial Report/Output Requirements,Surface and Track Quick Hit Opportunities,Design To-Be Business Process Performance Metrics,Design and Manage Data,October,November,December,January,Define Process and SAP Scope,Conduct

4、Team Workplanning,We Are Here,Key Definitions,What is Business Process Design? The determination, definition and detailed description of Company Xs to-be business processes, i.e. how, where, and when business processes will be performed in the future.,Introduction to Business Process Design,What is

5、a Business Process? A recurring set of actions that produce value for a customer by transforming some set of inputs into some set of outputs.“ Time-based (Month-end closing process, annual planning process) Event-triggered (Customer inquiry process, new product introduction),O,Perform Order Manageme

6、nt,O-020,Capture Orders,O-070,Manage,Backorders,O-160,Manage Rebates,O-170,Manage,Chargebacks,O-010,Develop Order,Fulfillment,Strategy,O-045,Develop and Maintain Customer Credit Lines,O-180,Manage Deductions,Business processes can be decomposed into lower levels of detail,Level 1: Process,Level 2: S

7、ubprocesses,Level 3: Activities,Process Standard Order,Process Service Contract Order,Receive and Route Customer Purchase Orders,Match Customer PO to Order,Check Customer PO Against Configured Order,Contract Customer and Resolve PO Discrepancies,Approve/Release Order,Introduction to Business Process

8、 Design,Subprocess: A logical grouping of activities resulting in a workflow with multiple inputs and outputs which often involves multiple people and departments.,Activity: A discrete action, or set of actions, that has specific inputs and specific outputs which can require a single individual or m

9、ultiple people to complete.,Task/Transaction: A single step or action performed by an individual. It typically has a very specific input and output and can be performed in a short period of time.,Level 4: Task/ Transaction,Create Standard Order,Business process design activities and decisions are ca

10、ptured in a set of deliverables,Introduction to Business Process Design,Business Process Model, aka Company XPrint: A visual representation, at the highest level, of Company Xs to-be business processes and subprocesses.,Process and Subprocess Profiles: Summary descriptions of the key objectives, cha

11、racteristics and design implications of each process and subprocess.,Business process design activities and decisions are captured in a set of deliverables,Activity Flow Diagrams: For each subprocess, a pictorial representation of the flow of activities in the future.,Activity Profiles: Detailed des

12、criptions of each activity, including purpose, business requirements, triggers, inputs, outputs and variants.,Introduction to Business Process Design,Business process design activities and decisions are captured in a set of deliverables,Integration Matrix: A summary listing of the key linkage/integr

13、ation points both within and across the process threads.,Policy Matrix: A summary listing of policy additions or changes that are required to support the business process designs.,Introduction to Business Process Design,Business Process Design activities and decisions are captured in a set of delive

14、rables,Business Process Master List (BPML): A systems requirement representation of the project scope - business processes, subprocesses, activities and R/3 transactions. It facilitates configuration and testing by providing direct links to the R/3 and Business Process Procedures (BPP) documentation

15、.,Introduction to Business Process Design,SAP Question subprocess sequencing Record subprocess groupings in workshop planning model Assign owners to subprocess groupings Validate groupings against guiding principles and strategic intent,Rule of Thumb:,Workshop Planning Tasks,Activities:,Task 1: Orga

16、nize Process Model (Entire Team),Each subprocess grouping represents an individual workshop (you can have a workshop for one subprocess based on number of activities, uniqueness, etc.),Task 2: Identify Workshop Participants (Entire Team (with appropriate input),Activities:,Identify participants acro

17、ss businesses and geographies Identify touchpoint participants from ERP Backbone Process Thread teams Identify workshop preparation roles Record participant choices in workshop planning model,Tool(s):,Workshop Planning Model,Tool(s):,Workshop Planning Model Participant Matrix,Rule of Thumb:,Number o

18、f participants per workshop: 8 10 individuals Participants should have subject matter expertise and a grasp of issues that need to be addressed (Levels: manager to director; VP and higher for post-workshop buy-in),Workshop Planning Model,Workshop Planning Tools,Workshop Participant Matrix,Workshop P

19、lanning Tools,Differentiation?,Differentiation?,Keep in mind the touch points from other teams.,Select time/date for each workshop Record workshop schedules in workshop planning model Conduct cross-team session to identify scheduling conflicts, participant constraints/dependencies Submit master work

20、shop schedule for project to PMO Contact participants to check their availability Make revisions to workshop schedule/sequencing based on participant feedback,Rules of Thumb:,Workshop Planning Tasks,Activities:,Task 3: Schedule Workshops (2 Team Members),Typically, it takes day to 1 day to review on

21、e subprocess in a workshop If desired participants cannot attend, they should send a representative in their place, based on criticality of resourcebalance flexibility with subject matter expertise,Tool(s):,Workshop Planning Model,Facilitator/Meeting Leader (2 people),Note-Keeper 1 Note-Keeper 2,Wor

22、kshop Planning Tasks,Keeps session on track, addresses necessary topics, encourages discussion and participation, recaps results Sets the objective, agenda, and ground rules Determines when/whether objectives of the meeting have been met Keeps discussion within boundaries of scope “Owns” all open is

23、sues Records the meeting on paper or PC Keeps flip charts current with discussion, accurately captures participants views Updates, refines, and enhances the redesigned activity flows as necessary Ensures that both the current business issues and the current Company X best business practices are appr

24、opriately incorporated into the subprocess design Builds on others ideas Responsible for reviewing Participant Orientation Packet and “homework” completion,Task 4: Assign Workshop Roles (Team Lead),Walk through activity flow diagrams and validate sequence of activities Document changes to flow diagr

25、ams in Visio format Review process, subprocess, and activity descriptions and add detail/edit profiles (process, subprocess) based on scope decisions Review SAP concepts/enabling functionality,Rule of Thumb:,Workshop Prep Tasks,Activities:,Task 1: Review Industry Print Documentation (Entire Team),Sa

26、nity check activity flows and modify key activitiesworkshop will modify additional activities,Task 2: Draft Process and Subprocess Profiles (Documentation Owner),Activities:,Review revised activity flow diagrams, subprocess, and activity descriptions Gather and review project prep documentation: pro

27、cess improvement opportunities, strategic intent documentation, best practices Prepare first draft of process and subprocess profiles,Tool(s):,IndustryPrint activity flow diagrams; process, subprocess, and activity descriptions,Tool(s):,Revised IndustryPrint flows Project prep documentation Process

28、and Subprocess profile templates,Rule of Thumb:,Remember, this is a first passyou may not have the all the info you need to complete all the fields in detailthis info will be captured during and after the workshops,At a minimum, packet should contain the following items: Letter of invitation Worksho

29、p agenda & objectives B2K/ERP Backbone Overview Strategic Intent Principles Objectives of workshop/participants role List of process improvement opportunities, issues to be addressed Process scope Activity Flow Diagrams Draft Process and Subprocess profiles “Homework”: participants identify key issu

30、es/opportunities A template for checked items is coming soon!,Rule of Thumb:,Workshop Prep Tasks,Packet Content:,Task 3: Prepare Participant Orientation Packet (Documentation Owner),Send packet at least 1 week prior to workshop,Activities:,Develop Agenda Gather packet documentation Assemble packet D

31、istribute packet,Task 4: Identify and Obtain Workshop Materials (Workshop Leader(s),Activities:,Identify and obtain materials (flip charts, projectors, post-it notes, etc),Inputs Strategic Intent Principles Process Improvement Opportunities/Issues to be Addressed Industry Print Documentation Identif

32、ied Best Practices Defined roles Business Case,Preparation Activities,Outputs Defined Workshops Who, What, Where, When, How Many? First Draft of Process and Subprocess Profiles First Draft of Activity Flows Participant Orientation Packet,Preparation Phase Activities: Summary,Workshop Planning,Worksh

33、op Prep,Workshop Approach,Preparation,We will meet our objectives in Process design through a combination of preparatory activities, facilitation activities and follow-up activities.,Facilitation,Follow-Up,Process Design Workshop Objectives,Develop to-be processes and design elements that address ke

34、y issues, exploit areas of opportunity and embrace Company X strategic intent imperatives (e.g., commonality) Develop and agree upon content/input that will drive the development of Business Blueprint deliverables (Process, Sub-Process, Activity Profiles and Flows) that describe, at a high-level, th

35、e to-be processes Define linkages, inputs and outputs from and to other processes Determine initial report/output requirements and business process performance metrics Identify impacts (e.g., benefits, change implications, policy changes, technology implications, etc.) associated with the “to-be” mo

36、dels,Introduction,Background and Orientation (typically less than 1 hour) Objectives of the Blueprint phase and this workshop Review of scope and process definitions Review of strategic intent, design principles and key benefit opportunities (participant orientation packet) Design Session (typically

37、 4+ hours, correlated to number and complexity of activities) Discuss and document overall design contributions from participants Review and modify pro-forma process profiles and activity flows Capture inputs, outputs, linkages, activity variants Discuss reporting requirements and performance measur

38、es Discuss impacts of to-be design (people, IT, facilities, etc.) Meeting Recap and Closure (typically less than 1 hour) Summarize future state design elements and concepts Review open issues, define action items and owners Close workshop and manage future contacts,Workshop Agenda,Workshop Methods a

39、nd Tools,Background and Orientation,Design Session,Meeting Recap and Closure,Workshop Facilitator Delivers PowerPoint Presentation,Activity Flows Modified On-Line (Preferred Method) Brown Paper Mapping (Optional TBD by Teams) Capture Parking Lot Issues on Flip Chart,Facilitator Summarizes Design Ele

40、ments, Open Issues From Parking Lot/Flip Charts and Closes Workshop,Key Issues,Best Practices & SAP,Workshop Inputs and Outputs,Background and Orientation,Design Session,Meeting Recap and Closure,Participant Orientation Packet,Inputs,Outputs,Common Understanding Among Workshop Participants,Pro-forma

41、 Profiles and Flows,Participant Design Input (Homework),Process Design Elements Articulated and Profile Content Captured,Open Issues Documented, Action Items with Owners Defined,Process Design Content Captured and Reviewed,Workshop Approach,Preparation,We will meet our objectives in Process design t

42、hrough a combination of preparatory activities, facilitation activities and follow-up activities.,Facilitation,Follow-Up,Subsequent to the workshops, each team will need to focus on completing and refining the process design deliverables.,Review workshop outputs and begin populating deliverable temp

43、lates (Process, Sub-Process Profiles, Activity Profiles and Flows) Document performance measures and reporting requirements Hold follow-up meetings (1:1, 1:many) to gain buy-in, to validate/refine design elements, obtain closure to open issues and to socialize designs Business Leads / Process Owners

44、 are assumed to own the design, and they will determine the need for follow-up Perform cross-process thread team integration sessions to define linkages, input and output handoffs,Post Workshop Activities,Ways that activity flows can be changed and how the new designs should be validated,Possible Ch

45、anges to Flows,Add, remove an activity or move to another process/sub-process Change an activity name and/or description Combine two or more activities into one Break an activity into two or more activities Change predecessor/ successor relationships Change linkages to other processes/sub-processes

46、Automate an activity Redefine where an activity is performed,Does the design address key issues and take advantage of previously identified opportunities to enhance value? Does the design strive for commonality where appropriate? Does the design incorporate relevant best practices? Does the design i

47、ncorporate Strategic Intent themes? Does the design meet business and customer requirements? Does the design leverage SAP enabled processes and concepts where appropriate? Does the design capture enough content such that detailed activity profiles could be developed?,How Do We Know if the Design is

48、Complete?,Design Session Guidelines,Lessons Learned,You can get stranded in detail never, never land and not come up for air balance getting to closure with advancing through the entire sub-process design elements Tip: Leverage the Parking Lot to capture issues and recognize their importance and nee

49、d for closure but move on after the issue has been logged. Tip: Leverage the 80/20 rule and utilize post-workshop time and meetings to drive issue closure and gain buy-in. Challenge conventional thinking around commonality and uniqueness Tip: Acknowledge cross-business unit considerations/nuances, however, continually question “What is driving the need to perform activity x in that manner”? Focus on creating value in conjunction with SAP Tip: Requirements for the sake of maintaining status quo typically do not deliver va


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